Hi Dmitri,
It could be useful to have the possibility to Duplicate File Types or Categories, or Global Categories to gain some work time, for example with a button like you did for Autointros entries :
In another hand, it could be useful to Globalize de personalized colors palet in the software, because when you are trying to save personalized colors it's not possible to memorize colors you created :'( :
What do you think ?
Best Regards
It could be useful to have the possibility to Duplicate File Types or Categories, or Global Categories to gain some work time, for example with a button like you did for Autointros entries :
In another hand, it could be useful to Globalize de personalized colors palet in the software, because when you are trying to save personalized colors it's not possible to memorize colors you created :'( :
What do you think ?
Best Regards