flac metadata

What version of flac encoder are you using? I downloaded flac 1.4.3 from 06/23/2023. year and it won't work for me. Maybe the syntax is slightly different for him.
When we perform encoding within the local network without using a server, the piece information is being transmitted.

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I don't recall the technical details. but probably OGG container is a requirement.
Please try the following command line (change the path to your actual RadioBOSS installation path):
C:\Program Files (x86)\RadioBOSS\Plugins\flac.exe -s -c -8 --channels={Channels} --bps=16 --sample-rate={SampleRate} --force-raw-format --sign=signed --endian=little --ogg -

Hi just an observation as use mp3 but the directory you are pointing to may not be correct if you have x64 version!
C:\Program Files\RadioBOSS\Plugins\flac.exe -s -c -8 --channels={Channels} --bps=16 --sample-rate={SampleRate} --force-raw-format --sign=signed --endian=little --ogg -
may have to be used instead :)
When I apply this, I receive the title information, but the audio cannot be decoded. When I add MIME, the audio is decoded, but then the title information is not being read.
When we perform encoding within the local network without using a server, the piece information is being transmitted.
It's because Icecast doesn't allow the use of url metadata updates on ogg formats, that's how RadioBOSS is currently sending out the metadata.
However, nothing is blocked without the MIME type.

Here's an idea, but I haven't tested it yet:
location ~* \.flac$ {
proxy_set_header Content-Type ogg/flac;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000
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This is an example NGINX configuration. Instead of directly connecting your listeners to Icecast, NGINX intervenes and sets the Content-Type header.
This way, you can keep the Content-Type field empty in RadioBOSS, and Icecast will not complain about the metadata.

However, using a reverse proxy (like NGINX) in front of Icecast is not recommended.
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I am transmitting from the studio in flac to radio boos cloud for the listeners it comes out in mp3, the problem is that the metadata is not transmitted, how can I make my mp3 audio output the metadata.
If you open the control panel in RadioBOSS Cloud, does it show the proper Live stream title?