Genre in search window


New member
Hello !

Is possible add in main window - search tab one additional combo box with Genre.
In this combo box, user can select Genre (for example Dance) and program filter song with this Genre.
Now, user can search (on artist, title, etc) this song .... What you think ?
I store in this field all type not only song, for example:  Jingle, news, comercials etc etc and will be great limit song with this field :)

it's possible :) It's in request list now, probably will be done in the next release.
I see the main window already contains the "Genre" field... so it's already possible to search music by genre.
Yes, it's true ... but user must know all Genres .... Best options is select Genre from combo box and THEN search other data within one Genre ... or when user selects in combo box "All Genres", then search all song within all Genres ...
This will complicate the search window. Searching by 2 (or more) fields available from Music Library, the main window search pane is supposed to be simple...
Selecting genre from list is not an easy task when there're about 100 or more genres.
So I think we should leave things as they are now.
Ok ...
Maybe add in search windows visible genre field ? (for now, show only artist and title ...).
Now, i search genre but not remember any time all genres :)

I checked other program .... for example Jazler has combo box with genres (Categories) and within categories search song name, artist etc ....

This is only my suggestion, maybe other users suggested better solutions for this ... and maybe current solutions in RadioBOSS is ok ... :)

New columns will be added to the search window (Genre, Album, maybe something else), it should happen in the 4.5.6 version :)

About genre combo box, it will be added to the Music Library, so it will be possible to enter genre from keyboard or select it from list.

If you want to search by multiple fields (like genre and title) Music Library should be used. The results can be added to the playlist in RadioBOSS by using "Export to player" button.
djsoft said:
New columns will be added to the search window (Genre, Album, maybe something else), it should happen in the 4.5.6 version :)

About genre combo box, it will be added to the Music Library, so it will be possible to enter genre from keyboard or select it from list.

If you want to search by multiple fields (like genre and title) Music Library should be used. The results can be added to the playlist in RadioBOSS by using "Export to player" button.

Hello !

Any news about this ? :)
IgorPobi said:
djsoft said:
New columns will be added to the search window (Genre, Album, maybe something else), it should happen in the 4.5.6 version :)

About genre combo box, it will be added to the Music Library, so it will be possible to enter genre from keyboard or select it from list.

If you want to search by multiple fields (like genre and title) Music Library should be used. The results can be added to the playlist in RadioBOSS by using "Export to player" button.

Hello !

Any news about this ? :)
It's on to-do list and will be implemented in one of the future updates.