Help metadati

I have radioboss latest version 7.0.7 installed on two PCs, PC 1 contains playlists and commercials and broadcasts online 24 hours a day with the related metadata of the music tracks, PC 2 connected to the mixer with the microphones is used for live broadcasts and so far everything is ok, I click on the mic button on PC1 and send music and speech from PC2 but the problem that I absolutely must solve is that despite the songs sent from PC2 being also contained in the database of PC1, the metadata does not appear during broadcasts. I repeat, I need the metadata to appear on air during live broadcasts. I hope I was clear and that someone can help me, thanks.
I ask you for a little patience, help me step by step, thanks. I download Radiocaster onto PC2 (I use PC2 to send the playlists I have on Radioboss PC2 to the mixer and with the microphones connected to the mixer I speak the music over them), the master output of the mixer enters PC1 where with Radioboss PC1 I go online by pressing the rb mic/line button. What steps am I missing to ensure that I have the titles of the songs output from PC1?
Da anni trasmetto in shoutcast e sia sulle app che su internet compaiono i titoli quando le playlist vengono generate dal PC1, il problema si verifica quando devo trasmettere in diretta con il mixer.
I have been broadcasting in shoutcast for years and the titles appear both on the apps and on the internet when the playlists are generated by the PC1, the problem occurs when I have to broadcast live with the mixer.
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