Help !! RB fails to replay events between changes Playlist


New member
Hi good day!
I am newly knowing RB in Beta 5.3 and have the problem that programmed through an event when jumping. example:

1. Playlist begins at 15:00:00 and the second begins at 15:14:01 Playlist to wait 10 minutes. I do a time event to separate Playlist at 15:14:00 with waiting 10 minutes. and skips hour event.

2. Placing any event separator (Playlist) with "Clean main playlist" These spacers are removed from the list and not played.

3. Deactivate "Clear List Main Playback" in the Playlist nor separators Playlist events are played.

In generates I can not put any separator Playlist with events that can not be played. Just play it within the hour reproducers Playlist.

Thanks, I really like the RB, but I get the impression that the event block is not autonomous from the Playlist, depends on it.

Fadersmix said:
1. Playlist begins at 15:00:00 and the second begins at 15:14:01 Playlist to wait 10 minutes. I do a time event to separate Playlist at 15:14:00 with waiting 10 minutes. and skips hour event.
Please send screenshots of those events.

Fadersmix said:
2. Placing any event separator (Playlist) with "Clean main playlist" These spacers are removed from the list and not played.
The Clear playlist option clears the playlist entirely, that's what this option is for.

Fadersmix said:
3. Deactivate "Clear List Main Playback" in the Playlist nor separators Playlist events are played.
There are other options to control how the files are queued:
- Remove previous schedule from the playlist
- If there are scheduled tracks in the playlist, enqueue
You can read more about those options here:

Fadersmix said:
Thanks, I really like the RB, but I get the impression that the event block is not autonomous from the Playlist, depends on it.
Yes, the events are inserted into the playlist by default. You can use the Overlay playback option to play an event in its own window (please read the user manual page linked above).
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Playlist and insert images of the event sequence programavion time.



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Disabling "Clear Playlist" case that will Playlist inserting desodenadamente and me is not good because I have the Playlist you order based on folders for playback in sequence.

My problem is just the separate Playlist between them.

Thank you.



  • Captura de pantalla 2015-04-23 17.16.04.png
    Captura de pantalla 2015-04-23 17.16.04.png
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Perhaps, you should try using the Multiple actions button to start the time announcement and the playlist from a single event.
Hi Dimitry, and got the problem solved and not by the manual. The solution was to apply "Clear Playlist" only the first event is the event Playlist Time and directed "If no tracks in the list reroduccion, add to queue" giving 1sec later than the hour. So every 15 min. reproduction in separate lists.
I had in my mind the concept of another automator where his area of events is autonomous and that sends the playlist to stop and start the next playlist without having to add or remove any indication.

"Overlay Playback" is just mounting the audio event is running and does not help to separate playlist. Neither the keypad, as you say.

Now, even I could use the "Intro" and "Outro" I may have to get me the concept of software have another hahaha happens, I still investigating.

Greetings and thanks.
Fadersmix said:
Hi Dimitry, and got the problem solved and not by the manual. The solution was to apply "Clear Playlist" only the first event is the event Playlist Time and directed "If no tracks in the list reroduccion, add to queue" giving 1sec later than the hour. So every 15 min. reproduction in separate lists.
I had in my mind the concept of another automator where his area of events is autonomous and that sends the playlist to stop and start the next playlist without having to add or remove any indication.
I'm glad that you got the problem solved.
For the scheduled events insertion, I think it's more obvious as it is now: everything what's playing is one place. I also doubt that it can be changed in RadioBOSS at all... it is the way it had always been working, everyone's used to it, and if it's changed, the update will be a pain.