Insert a track by position in the current playlist in the studio



I have a feature request that would be relevant in the event scheduler.
It would be interesting to be able to choose the number where an element could be inserted into the studio's list. (see capture)

At the moment we do not have the ability to insert a precisely element into the studio.
If I choose to do this with the time, it is too imprecise, because the elements which are played before have times which vary each hour (Information, weather, traffic info ...)

Thanking you for your interest in my post
Best regards


  • Capture d'écran 2024-01-22 114806.jpg
    Capture d'écran 2024-01-22 114806.jpg
    204.4 KB · Views: 122
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This looks like a very specific feature request, in what situation this could be useful? In most cases, when everything's automated, you don't really know at what position what is - so configuring events to be inserted at a fixed position looks somewhat questionable.
Every hour and every day radioboss loads the same elements in bulk with the same command :

Command in the scheduler event : Load Hour ?hh :
1 Info (variable time)
2 weather (variable time)
3 traffic info (variable time)
4 Playlist m3u (?hh)

But sometimes for example on Saturday after info traffic, there can be a 15 minute emission.
And this is where it is complicated to insert an element with the event planner precisely in the studio.
This then gives the following container :

1 Info (variable time)
2 weather (variable time)
3 traffic info (variable time)
4 emission 18h - 23-01-24.mp3
5 Playlist m3u (?hh)

We have several avenues to achieve your goal but it is not easy !
And this is not the first time that we encounter this difficulty, so it is often easier to do it by hand than to break everything.
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Maybe you should use a different event for this case, that already has the "emission" in it, looks like it's the easiest way.
We are thinking about another solution, but the problem lies in the fact that these are specific files that must be programmed every day...

But as the previous files have variable times, we cannot do it at a fixed time, neither as an advertisement, nor in the loading container (lack of visibility)

The simplest solution that we see would be this system, a file programmed in the event sheduler which would then have a date of passage and an insertion position in the studio.

Because you have to program each show per day (i.e. 4 to 5 per week). Otherwise you have to come every day to make a change which is too dangerous the risk of forgetting is too great.

If you see a simple solution, we are indeed interested! 🤗
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And your remark is relevant for putting it in a different charger, we thought about it, but then, we have a problem of visibility on the broadcasts scheduled or not. And we can't schedule our shows over several days...
Because you have to program each show per day (i.e. 4 to 5 per week). Otherwise you have to come every day to make a change which is too dangerous the risk of forgetting is too great.
You can have different playlists and events for different days. This ways modification will only change one day, not others.

a file programmed in the event sheduler which would then have a date of passage and an insertion position in the studio.
Fixed insert position looks like a very situation-specific feature, I'm sorry but I don't think we'll be adding it.