For an .mp3 file to be used as the theme song for a program I created the personalized cover with mp3 tag, in the bottom box of radioboss it appears but when it goes streaming there is only the title and not my cover.
RadioBOSS will send the cover that presents in the tag of the track - if you edited it with mp3tag (by the way, RadioBOSS starting with version 7.0 also able to edit artwork) then it's what will be sent.With mp3 tag I customize a cover for the theme song of a particular program and I view it at the bottom but on the app I see the original cover linked to the original song. What do I need to fix it?
You can use the FTP upload or HTTP notifications feature to transfer artwork to your server: patient, I would like to understand better, the gentleman who takes care of my app tells me "that the cover must be published on a web or ftp space only in this way will he be able to take it for publication in the app, this job should be done by the director." What should I report? Thank you
I'm not sure what the app does, but if you need to display the cover art there, and the app is a custom development that you have control over, you can make it read the artwork file from your upload them to the app from this link I was told that you need a licensed software