playback queue


New member
hi dmitry

is it possible to play a track 'as next' if there are still some tracks in the playback queue !??

thank you again for your wonderful piece of software !!!  :)

many greetings from switzerland - djscenic
I'm afraid it's not possible... You'll have to clear the queue. How often do you need such a feature?
hi again dmitry

thnx for your fast reply - i need this option very, very often - because i take calls during my musical request programmes !!!

is it possible to add this feature in the next version !??  :) i think this is only a little thing for you  ;)

many greetings again from switzerland - djscenic
thank you dmitry - that's great !!!  :)

many greetings again from switzerland - djscenic
hi dmitry

i'm missing still the to play a track 'as next' feature if there are some tracks in the playback queue !??

it's mean, some tracks are in the 'playback queue' and now i have to 'play next' a song from the same playlist quickly - i don't like it, to remove all 'queued' tracks first, to play a 'next track' from the playlist :-(

best thing is: to 'right click' in the playlist and then 'play next' ... and after that, the 'playback queue' continues as usually !!! :-)

thank you dmitry - if this is possible !!!  :-)

many greetings again from switzerland - djscenic
wooowww ... thank you dmitry - that's really great now !!!  :)

many greetings again from switzerland - djscenic