Playlist Help Please

Peter Tate

New member
Hi Guys

I've created short 2 item playlists that have a Voice Grabb of an Artist then the second item is one of their songs. So it sounds like they are endorsing the station.

Example - Hi this is Janet Jackson and you are listening to me on XX -
Then it plays one of her songs - like Black Cat.

Because an Artist like Janet has many tracks in rotation there are something like 6 playlists with the same Hi This is - but with different songs. They labelled - Janet 01.m3u and so on.

For the life of me I can't get these to work inside a Rotation (or clock to alot of us). I've tried every tab available in the section where you point to your files. After you have created the Category. You go to Tracks and it gives you the options... Folder | Track | Playlist. I point to the Folder and think it will pick.... Nope nothing. Track - is no good nothing happens either. Playlist - no matter what i do it only load the Id and not the song. So I think..... can I put these into My Libray as single items.... then point to library. Nope!

I do get this to work by using Insert Playlist as a scheduled event. But this has no respect to the position the playlist is in when it is time. I'd like to get this all done inside the Rotation (aka clock) please. So I can control the exact order of events around the hour. Some things must follow the correct item. Example - I use Bumpers to go in and out of a spot break. You dont want this pushing in if the spot break is running late.

Suggestions please... cheers all
I'm also guessing that means all music tracks need their Intro times set if used in front as a Sweeper. This is NOT what I wanted. But I my be used down the road. The Auto Intro "may or may not" add the Sweeper depending on the % set. All I wanted was a way to include these 2 item playlists Everytime and in the Exact order set out by the Rotation Clock.

Right now I am using - getfile "folder address"/random - to insert one .m3u file that holds 1 voice grabb and their track. Set to force it self in at 55 minutes to every hour.

Could you look at why this doesnt work in the Category section where it allows you to set playlists as a source. This working sets the exact order of items in an hour. I get a sweeper or maybe I don't is a no thanks.
I'm also guessing that means all music tracks need their Intro times set if used in front as a Sweeper.
Not necessary, you can position the autointro without the Intro point set.

The Auto Intro "may or may not" add the Sweeper depending on the % set
You can set to 100% if you want it to play every time.

Right now I am using - getfile "folder address"/random - to insert one .m3u file that holds 1 voice grabb and their track. Set to force it self in at 55 minutes to every hour.
This will work too, but will require preparing lots of playlists, which looks like more work than creating auto intro rules.

Could you look at why this doesnt work in the Category section where it allows you to set playlists as a source. This working sets the exact order of items in an hour. I get a sweeper or maybe I don't is a no thanks.
Do you use the Playlist Generator?
Yes I use playlist generator.

When I partially got auto intro working i saw it attempting to put intros in front of every song. When set to 100% but nothing actually got inserted.

I also don't want a voice grabb with every single Janet Jackson track. For example some might be ballads and a punchy grabb doesn't suit. That is why I made .m3u playlists with the same voice grab and specific track. In the case of Janet there are 4.

Thanks for the help I'll keep tinkering. Cheers.
When I partially got auto intro working i saw it attempting to put intros in front of every song. When set to 100% but nothing actually got inserted.
This means it's not configured properly.

Yes I use playlist generator.
In the Generator I'm not sure how to make it select random playlist and all tracks from it, I'm sorry. Still, for what you want to do, Auto Intro seems a more correct solution, you need to configure it to achieve the needed result.
Yep aware I didn't have it fully setup. But the POINT is it was trying between EVERY song! And I know I can chnage the %. That's still - No Thanks.

In the generator it says you can point it to a playlist. The you can tell it to select 2 tracks either random or in order. So I remade the playlist to have everything on the same one. Then it only wanted to play the voice grabbs - it skipped all song tracks. So instead of getting Grabb then the Song. I got Grab Grab when I said to play 2 items.

I'm going to sit down and make Audio files that have the Grabbs on the front of them and just pull them in as a Category. The point being I need this to happen at a given time and in a definite order - set out by the clock. Mainly so I can keep an eye on Artsit separations etc. I've noticed the other way i was doing it Random seems to favour a few. Thanks for all your help!
In the generator it says you can point it to a playlist. The you can tell it to select 2 tracks either random or in order. So I remade the playlist to have everything on the same one. Then it only wanted to play the voice grabbs - it skipped all song tracks. So instead of getting Grabb then the Song. I got Grab Grab when I said to play 2 items.
In the Playlist Generator, I think the following will work:

1. You prepare a playlist where all Ids and songs are, in the following way:
  • Id
  • Song
  • Id
  • Song
  • ... etc
2. In the Playlist Generator create a category, select duration = 2 tracks, select category source - the playlist you have created, selection - change to "In order" and also enable "Advance on each generation" option.

This way it will select 2 items on each category pass - an Id and Song.
Thats what I just said....
It skips the songs and I get 2 ids or grabbs as I call them... I'll have another fiddle down the road. I might be missing a step.

I thought I was understanding that function correctly.

It skips the songs and I get 2 ids or grabbs as I call them... I'll have another fiddle down the road. I might be missing a step.
You should check if you have any filters enabled for the category. And that the selection is set to "In order", default is "Random".