Priority over live stream


Hi, this is for RadioBoss cloud -- I would like to know if is there an possibility to pause an "scheduled live stream" or "Live streaming connection", play an element scheduled and returns to the "scheduled live stream" or "Live streaming connection".

I know we have the option "priority over a live stream", but because this will be an overlay playback, the metadata of the scheduled element is not sent (ans this is the goal). On the other hand, we have the option "Pause playlist while event is playing", but on that case of "scheduled live stream" using scheduler or "Live streaming connection", the option it must be something like "Pause live stream/broadcast and resume/returns after scheduled element finish to play" or "Pause and Resume Live" to be more clean. Is there any way to do this, please?
I know we have the option "priority over a live stream", but because this will be an overlay playback, the metadata of the scheduled element is not sent (ans this is the goal).
Currently this is the only easy way to play something with priority over the live stream.

This task looks like a very specific one, you can probably try synchronizing: overlay event with priority plays in the cloud and at the same time a track (can be silence) starts from where you stream live, with only purpose to send a track title to the server. Other possible solution is to directly send metadata to Icecast server but this will require some coding.
Hello, if I want to interrupt a live stream that is running and play a music playlist between 00h-06h (please check screenshot):

1- I need to keep the option Set playlist level to "zero" (here "playlist" level means the "live stream") or pause playlist while event is playing? Please, consider that pause "playlist" means that playlist is the live stream

2- I need to set "priority over live stream", right?

3-Also, because the event is schedule to start at 00h and finish at 06h, if the system show me the "last repeat time" is at 05h this really means will be started for the last time at 05h and will finish at 06h?

PS.: From 06h until 23h59 the station is operationally with live source.

I really appreciate your help, thanks.


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1- I need to keep the option Set playlist level to "zero" (here "playlist" level means the "live stream") or pause playlist while event is playing? Please, consider that pause "playlist" means that playlist is the live stream
You should set its level to zero, but leave it playing (do not pause). This way, when the overlay event ends, live stream will resume playing immediately.

2- I need to set "priority over live stream", right?
If you added your live stream to the playlist and play it from there, this option doesn't do anything. This is only when you stream live:

3-Also, because the event is schedule to start at 00h and finish at 06h, if the system show me the "last repeat time" is at 05h this really means will be started for the last time at 05h and will finish at 06h?
Finish time is not configured in the scheduler - if you need to start event at some time and play it for a fixed time, use the Duration Limit option.
Ok, I am broadcasting live from RadioBoss and sending to RadioBoss Cloud (URL was "not" added directly), but we're broadcasting live:


Below is the test:
I've set the following settings, but nothing happens... It keeps with live source and there's no overaly in the live audio [live source] to RadioBoss Cloud (Music playlist), as you can see below. What I am doing wrong?





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I've set the following settings, but nothing happens... It keeps with live source and there's no overaly in the live audio [live source] to RadioBoss Cloud (Music playlist), as you can see below. What I am doing wrong?
The event is configured to start a single music track every 24 hours, at 12 am. Looks like it's not quite right.
Hello, I've added new settings:

Duration limit to 7200 sec
OVERLAY Playback
Priority over live stream
Action to play a Playlist like:

Music/random/ignore rules
Music/random/ignore rules
Music/random/ignore rules
Music/random/ignore rules

Maybe there's an issue with the overlay event configured to play a playlist for a set duration (7200 seconds) but stopping playback prematurely after the jingle and only 4 music tracks (as I've scheduled above).

The desired outcome is to have continuous music playback for the entire duration (2 hours) to overlay a geo-blocked live stream (that keeps playing but I can't broadcast due to the legal rights).

Then, here we are:

* Overlay event with playlist playback for 7200 seconds (2 hours) stops after jingle and 4 tracks.
* Goal: Continuous music playback for 2 hours to overlay geo-blocked live stream.
* Current solution: Adding multiple "Music/random/ignore rules" likely needed.


Is there a way to configure the playlist to loop continuously for the entire duration or add a specific number of tracks to reach the 2-hour mark?

Maybe there's an issue with the overlay event configured to play a playlist for a set duration (7200 seconds) but stopping playback prematurely after the jingle and only 4 music tracks (as I've scheduled above).
"Duration limit" will only limit the playback duration, but not extend it. For example, if your playlist's duration is 10 minutes, and you set the duration limit for 30 minutes, then it will stop after 10 minutes because the playlist ended. But if playlist's duration is 40 minutes, it will be stopped after having played for 30 minutes, because of "duration limit".

The desired outcome is to have continuous music playback for the entire duration (2 hours) to overlay a geo-blocked live stream (that keeps playing but I can't broadcast due to the legal rights).
You have a live stream that you don't want to be playing at all? In this case I guess changing the streaming password and kicking the source will help. Source can be kicked from Information, Server admin.
Is there a way to configure the playlist to loop continuously for the entire duration or add a specific number of tracks to reach the 2-hour mark?
You can add more items to the playlist. Simpler way would be to create another playlist, and add the playlist you want to "loop" many times to there.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll create a 1-hour playlist for the geo-block master playlist.

Additionally, here are some suggestions:

- Allow looping playlists in overlay events until reaching the set limit.

- Display a warning when saving a scheduler event with an empty playlist.

And, no, I don't want to kicking the live source changing password etc, they're my clients. I want to suppress the live audio with overlay playlists or so.

Thank you!
- Allow looping playlists in overlay events until reaching the set limit.
Duration limit is supposed to limit the duration - not extend the duration to the set limit. I think it's situation-specific in your case that you need it.

And, no, I don't want to kicking the live source changing password etc, they're my clients. I want to suppress the live audio with overlay playlists or so.
We will be adding a new feature soon: time slots for live streaming, I think it will be useful in your situation.

- Display a warning when saving a scheduler event with an empty playlist.
I'm not sure it will be useful, it still doesn't protect from selecting a wrong playlist. It may be non-empty, but not the right playlist that is needed.