Problem with search?


Active member
Hmm, just a question.. Maybe I do something wrong?

When try to search nothing happens? Finds nothing. It only says "Loading..."
The music library is in Database. Infos are in SQlite. And when all songs changed to File Tag again again nothing happens?
And when I choose search in folders, nothing, just "Loading..."

The Windows are XP? Or the database is broken?

Where SQlite database store the songs info?


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If music library is large, it can take some time to load - you use "All" that means it will load all libraries. Please also try using the latest RadioBOSS 5.9.3.
No, even if a library or folder is selected again found nothing. The "Loading..." stay untill restart RB. The library is not so big about 500 songs.

Unfortunately can not use 5.9.3 because there's no more custom event ordering in the scheduler list, and that's for me very very important.
OK, not a big deal. Wait for RB 6.
tomimatko said:
Unfortunately can not use 5.9.3 because there's no more custom event ordering in the scheduler list, and that's for me very very important.
Actually you can drag events in the scheduler list to reassign their order manually.
yeah, but when you have complex scheduler with temporary changes it is quite painful every time rename the list.
tomimatko said:
yeah, but when you have complex scheduler with temporary changes it is quite painful every time rename the list.
I'm not sure I understood...
Sorry about my bad English.
I have a complex sheduler list with frequent changes so I miss the drag-and-drop of events.

You promised to bring that possibility back in the new version?
tomimatko said:
I have a complex sheduler list with frequent changes so I miss the drag-and-drop of events.

You promised to bring that possibility back in the new version?
It's already possible starting since RadioBOSS 5.9.3 :) But the column sorting has to be turned off, otherwise the events will rearrange.

Same for me.  Even when the column sorting option in General is unchecked the event ordering by drag and drop is not working. When I attempt to move an entry, a Tool Tip Text of "--> Move" appears but the item does not move.
WNAQ db said:
Same for me.  Even when the column sorting option in General is unchecked the event ordering by drag and drop is not working. When I attempt to move an entry, a Tool Tip Text of "--> Move" appears but the item does not move.
You need to drop it on another event, when it's highlighted with blue bar. Also make sure that no columns have the sorting arrow displayed.

tomimatko said:
Hmm, I tried... even when the column sorting is unchecked the Custom event ordering is not possible?
This is odd, as the issue does not reproduce here. What happens when you drag and drop events?
In drag-and-drop work fine. All version after do not.
Column sorting unchecked
No arrow displayed

Here you have a short video where try move the event "Hits"

You need to drag holding event on text or icon, you seem to be dragging using the empty space.
Aha, in earlier version you could picked enywhere. Not only on text.
But it's back and work. Thank you very much.
One more request. In previous versions when events drag-and-drop up beyond the edge the Schedule window would go autoscroll but in this version it not work anymore.
Can you bring this back too, becouse if is long event list it's a little complicated bring a event to top of the list.

Or simple can you make drag-and-drop in the Scheduler list like in the Playback list? There is autoscroll, pick anywhere not just on the name or icon.
The selection colour in Scheduler is dark blue, when is selected can not see the name. Can you make like in Playback list so I can choose the colour in Style settings.
tomimatko said:
One more request. In previous versions when events drag-and-drop up beyond the edge the Schedule window would go autoscroll but in this version it not work anymore.
Can you bring this back too, becouse if is long event list it's a little complicated bring a event to top of the list.
Yes, will be in one of the next updates.

tomimatko said:
Or simple can you make drag-and-drop in the Scheduler list like in the Playback list?
This is planned, but technically it's a bit difficult - while lists look the same they are completely different internally. Implementing drag n drop like in the playlist will take some time, I think it'll be done only in the next major update (RadioBOSS 6.0).

tomimatko said:
The selection colour in Scheduler is dark blue, when is selected can not see the name. Can you make like in Playback list so I can choose the colour in Style settings.
We'll add an option to control selection style in scheduler in one of the future updates, thank you for the suggestion.
Hi all, the thread is already a little old but i have simular problem.
If i want to search a track, for example from "snap", nothing happens (I have about 20 tracks from snap)
I have a libary and also i testet it to search in a folder, nothing happens here eather, any idea what this could be?


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