Question about auto intro


Hi Dmtry,

I want to have little introductions before songs (what is the song about, from who, etc.). I know there is auto intro, but is it the best workaround to do this? Because it would be different for every song.


Yes, I use "Voice Insert" from the "Track Tool":

• Right-click on the music track;
• Select "Track Tool" (at the bottom)
• "Voice Insert" is on the right under the waveform and labeled "Voice Ins".
• Set the start mix point for your vocal track. This mix point can also be the end point.
• Click on the three small dots "..."
• Select the vocal track or the folder containing the vocal tracks. You can also select the position of this vocal track, the probability of it being used, its volume level, an end date, etc.

For your information, the volume level of your music track when using a vocal track is set in the general settings of RadioBOSS: Settings => Playback => Voice Tracking

There might be something even better.

But this option is already very useful for playing a vocal track that details the story of the music track without having to create a specific tag on your music track. And the settings for this option are interesting. I play vocal tracks on intros, outros, anywhere…

Perhaps a scheduling parameter could be added when there are several vocal tracks for a music track.
For example: when there are multiple dedications or multiple pieces of information on the same vocal track, it would be nice to create a mini-scheduler for each vocal track with a start and end date, the maximum number of broadcasts, a priority order, etc. I have to manually manage this type of broadcast.


  • Voice Insert 01.jpg
    Voice Insert 01.jpg
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  • Voice Insert 02.jpg
    Voice Insert 02.jpg
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I have the problem that the voiceover is not -23 LUFS, i tried to normalize it but it seems like I can only set loudness in the Voice Insert window. Also I wanted to set a start point within the voiceover (f.e. when there is 2 seconds silence at the start), but that didn't work out.

Example for voiceover with startpoint. Problem is that this start-point is ignored.

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First of all, it seems that your vocal track is untreated: compressor, normalization... judging by the waveform.
Treating vocal tracks is important so that the voice stands out well over a music track or a bed.
And this processing is done before integrating your vocal track with Audacity for example. And not with RadioBOSS which can only adjust the volume.

Regarding your vocal track, here’s what I suggest. Right-click and open the Track Tool:
• Define the start mix point => Start. This indicates where the track begins.​
• Define the mix point => Mix. This indicates when the next element should chain onto this track.​
• Define the end mix point => End. This point is always after the “Mix” point and indicates the playback end of this track.​

This is the minimum I do. This way, we provide temporal indications that will be used in other programs.
Adjust the volume level of this vocal track as well, still in the Track Tool => Playback Level (at the bottom of the waveform's start).

The level of your vocal track seems very low to me. But it all depends on the sound level of your music track...

Next, select your music track, which will have your vocal track as an intro:
• Open Track Tool (right-click).​
• On the waveform, click where you want your vocal track to begin.​
• Click “Set” for “Voice Ins.” You’ll see timing appear (refer to my first screenshot). Adjust this value according to your needs.​
• Click on the three small dots “...” on this same “Voice Ins” line.​
• A “Voice Insert” window will open.​
• Select your vocal track and apply the settings you wish.​

That’s how I proceed. But this is only my perspective. And it works. If it doesn’t work, I suggest leaving another comment.
Support will be much more competent and will respond to you early next week.
And this processing is done before integrating your vocal track with Audacity for example
Thanks. Do you have a recommendation which settings in Audacity I should use to normalize, compress it?
All my music tracks in RadioBoss are -23 LUFS, they are processed by StereoTool which has output around -11/-12 LUFS. I assume if i treat the vocal tracks via Audacity, it's no longer necessary to set the volume in "Voice Insert"? It can be 0dB then?
Regarding your vocal track, here’s what I suggest. Right-click and open the Track Tool:
• Define the start mix point => Start. This indicates where the track begins.• Define the mix point => Mix. This indicates when the next element should chain onto this track.• Define the end mix point => End. This point is always after the “Mix” point and indicates the playback end of this track.
That's what I did but as I said it was ignored when playing the music track. The vocal track didn't start at the set time. Also the playback level was ignored.
All my music tracks in RadioBoss are -23 LUFS, they are processed by StereoTool which has output around -11/-12 LUFS. I assume if i treat the vocal tracks via Audacity, it's no longer necessary to set the volume in "Voice Insert"? It can be 0dB then?
Processing via Audacity is one thing; processing in RadiBOSS is another.

For my part, using the Audacity example:

The voice comes out at 0 bB. There are many settings and I invite you to watch tutorials "configure the voice for the radio".
These settings are personal and according to each person's tastes. It is not complicated but it takes a little time if you are not familiar with it. Or ask someone you know who knows the product.
There are other software programs than Audacity (I mentioned it because it is quite popular and it is free)

Then, these vocal tracks are entered into a RadioBOSS music library. And there, you apply a sound level processing based on your usual level. You should not create a saturation at the input of StereoTool
That's what I did but as I said it was ignored when playing the music track. The vocal track didn't start at the set time. Also the playback level was ignored.
I've never encountered this problem. It's therefore difficult for me to help you. There are several hypotheses, and I lack the necessary skills.

Did an error appear in the log?
Are you using the latest version of RadioBOSS (
Are all three mix points for the vocal track correctly defined?
In the Voice Insert section of the music track, you must set the probability to 100%.

FYI, the vocal track will not appear in the playlist. It is simply played when the music track is played. Just like with Auto Intros.
But you just wrote that it is ignored when the music track has been played. This seems to me to be a validation issue with the vocal track.

I prefer to let support answer you. It will be more efficient.
Did an error appear in the log? No.
Are you using the latest version of RadioBOSS ( Yes.
Are all three mix points for the vocal track correctly defined? Just start point. .rbdata-file is there, so I don't know where the problem here is.
In the Voice Insert section of the music track, you must set the probability to 100%. Yes, that was set.
Workaround for now: I created a Macro for the vocals in Audacity which makes "loudness normalization" in last step. So I don't have to do it here in RadioBoss. Also part of the Macro is compressor/limiter treatment what you recommended, @Guillaume. Sounds much better now. Thx for the tips.
What I still need to know: Is there a way to prevent that 2 tracks with voicetracks will be played one after the other? I created a tag therefore. So best would be: after tag X don't play song with tag X.
What I still need to know: Is there a way to prevent that 2 tracks with voicetracks will be played one after the other? I created a tag therefore. So best would be: after tag X don't play song with tag X.
Indeed, two music tracks including vocal tracks can follow each other depending on the configuration of your rotations: good note.

I have a solution (not very practical) and good news:

My solution: In Playlist Generator Pro, I create a Vocal Insert category. In the "Filters" tab, I select my "Vocal Insert" tag. I even have several categories of this type depending on the decade and musical style... (There may be another, more practical solution)

The good news: the next version will allow you to use Tags. Currently, this version is in testing (7.1.0.X Beta) and will be released soon.

You've started the idea perfectly: you'll have to create a specific Tag in your music tracks that have vocal tracks. And then, that's precisely the solution you mention. There will even be two:​
  1. In the "No-repeat" tab of your category, you will see the new "Tag" selection in "Additional separation rules". This will allow you to define a period during which your Tag should not come back (see photo No-repeat). You will be able to select one or more Tags from your category.
  2. In the "Constraints" tab, which will be a new tab, you will be able to define a Tag that should not follow another Tag - or the same one (see photo Constraints). There will also be other selections included.
You just have to be patient ;)


  • Tags_Constraints (From version 7.1.0.X).png
    Tags_Constraints (From version 7.1.0.X).png
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  • Tags_No-repeat (From version 7.1.0.X).png
    Tags_No-repeat (From version 7.1.0.X).png
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I want to have little introductions before songs (what is the song about, from who, etc.). I know there is auto intro, but is it the best workaround to do this? Because it would be different for every song.
You can configure rules in Auto Intro to have different intros for different songs.

I have the problem that the voiceover is not -23 LUFS, i tried to normalize it but it seems like I can only set loudness in the Voice Insert window. Also I wanted to set a start point within the voiceover (f.e. when there is 2 seconds silence at the start), but that didn't work out.

Example for voiceover with startpoint. Problem is that this start-point is ignored.
Options that are set in Track Tool are only applied in playlist. For Auto Intro, only the "Playback level" is applied.
One suggestion for future versions: I think it's problematic that the settings for voicetracks (in "general") are also applied for the autointros. I wasn't aware of that and it isn't explained in the instructions as far I know. It would be better seperated because I noticed I need different settings for these different functions.

My solution: In Playlist Generator Pro, I create a Vocal Insert category. In the "Filters" tab, I select my "Vocal Insert" tag. I even have several categories of this type depending on the decade and musical style... (There may be another, more practical solution)
Yeah, I created a category too now, because I also don't want to have a vocal track right after a jingle f.e.
For the future the new tag-constraints can be useful too.