Question about DTMF


Active member
We rebroadcast news from one service. Everything goes with the DTMF signal.
But they have a bit of a stupid system - first goes the DTMF signal, then follow countdown from 10 to 1 and then starts the news.
So i put the Delay event startup to 10 sec. And that work well.

But when the news ends, after DTMF signal there is again delay of 10 sec. After 10 seconds our playlist starts.

Is this how the Delay event startup works - delay on beginning and delay on the end? Or I'm doing something wrong?
Please can you help me. I tried everything. All channels, all DTMF levels between -60 db to 0 db, and allways there is a delay on the end about 10 sec.?

Can you please check the audio of the news and DTMF. I wouldn't want to bother you, but I've tried everything. 10 seconds of silence is too much.

For now I tricked it with the silence detector on 3 sec. but that's not a good option.

In the attachment you have the audio of news and DTMF  ::)


tomimatko said:
I tried everything. All channels, all DTMF levels between -60 db to 0 db, and allways there is a delay on the end about 10 sec.?
The level and channels settings only affect its ability to detect DTMF - it does not affect the delay. What DTMF source do you use, is it network stream or line input?
The News service have stream and via sattelite. I tried the stream and it doesn't work at all. This is via sattelite with Line In. It work but with delay and the end.

When you use line input there shouldn't be any delay. How long is the delay? Are you sure that it actually detects DTMF?
I tried now at home with Line In every option three time.
When delay is set on 0,0 the song starts immediately after DTMF.
When delay is set on 5,0 the song starts 5 sec. after DTMF.
When delay is set on 10,0 the song starts 10 sec. after DTMF.
I measured with a stopwatch.

To be shure I tried now once with 7 sec. delay, and the song begins after DTMF 7 sec. With 3 sec. song begins after 3 sec.

Version & Windows 7
Here you have a video with DTMF. Delay is set 5 sec. and the song starts exactly after 5 sec.
It appears to be working as intended. When you use line inpput, I mean there's no additional delay, because when you use URL as source there could be a delay (or early start) because of stream buffering.
I'm sorry, maybe I was not so clear. On the video are the end of the news, and that was the END DTMF.
You said "There's no delay for the end DTMF, as soon as it's detected, it will action." But on the video obviously that not happen?

Here's a new video. Again the end of the news. This time delay startup was put on 10 sec. and the song starts 10 seconds after END DTMF (after the news)!

I used Line input, no internet stream.

Please can you check it. I think the DTMF option is a great thing but delay after end DTMF is unacceptable.
And in this post I meant the END DTMF. All these delays are after the LAST DTMF.

tried now at home with Line In every option three time.
When delay is set on 0,0 the song starts immediately after DTMF.
When delay is set on 5,0 the song starts 5 sec. after DTMF.
When delay is set on 10,0 the song starts 10 sec. after DTMF.
I measured with a stopwatch.
tomimatko said:
Please can you check it. I think the DTMF option is a great thing but delay after end DTMF is unacceptable.
The "DTMF Delay" option affects both start and end DTMF detection - if you set it to 10 seconds, start and end are affected. Do you want to apply it only for start?
Yes, I would be happy if delay only apply for start!
When I think about it, I don't know who needs a delay after the end DTMF?

1.) I think DTMF is a great thing for program automation and now just improve it a little more.
So, either make it by default that the next event starts immediately after END DTMF regardless of the startup delay. Or you put in settings an additional option for seconds to END DELAY.

Currently we have silence of 5-6 seconds after each end of rebroadcast program. In our case every hour the News.

2.) And as we mentioned earlier - shuffle Ads only with the same priorities.

Two important things to improve program automation.
I hope you understand me and that you will do something about it  :)

P.S.: Since corona we have been working intensively (24/7) with radioboss and we have noticed that we have been missing these two things.

tomimatko said:
Yes, I would be happy if delay only apply for start!
When I think about it, I don't know who needs a delay after the end DTMF?
The delay is used when you need to correct the DTMF source, that's why it's applied to the end. We have never received requests before to have delay at the start, but not at the end. Typically it's either used for both start and end, or not used at all.

tomimatko said:
Currently we have silence of 5-6 seconds after each end of rebroadcast program. In our case every hour the News.
You can get rid of DTMF delay and putt an intro jingle at the start of the ads block. And you can add outro jingle also to avoid silence after the ads block.

tomimatko said:
And as we mentioned earlier - shuffle Ads only with the same priorities.
This is planned for the future.

tomimatko said:
Since corona we have been working intensively (24/7) with radioboss and we have noticed that we have been missing these two things.
Yes, this seems to be pretty common as number of support requests had doubled in the past couple of weeks :)