

Hello, first of all congratulate you for creating this new version cinceramente seems great.
Just see any problem when applying it to my radio station and is what makes me decide not to purchase the program permanently.
Veran, the programmer of advertising is great for ternerlo everything well organized, something done in my current lack zara radio, the problem is that to get the ad, the song playing will be paused and when it ends the block resumes the theme song. Something I have not found way to add to the list without mixing with the music, ie taking the default fade as if it were a normal song.
On the other hand I tried to differentiate the advertising of songs and jingles, but I get an error and I can not bring them into the automatic programmer lists.
You may not know how to do, but how I can issue an advertising block when finished a song and not to stay in Pauda and then continue?
On the other hand how I can enter programming topics list and take only as commercial fade?
Do not know if I explain well but I use a translator.

Hola, ante todo felicitaros por la creaci?n de esta nueva versi?n que cinceramente me parece estupenda.
Tan solo veo algun problema a la hora de aplicarlo a mi emisora de radio y es lo que me hace no decidirme a adquirir el programa de forma definitiva.
Veran, el programador de publicidad es estupendo para ternerlo todo bien organizado, algo que hecho en falta en mi actual zara radio, el problema es que al entrar el bloque de anuncios, la canci?n que est? sonando se queda en pausa y cuando termina el bloque vuelve a sonar el tema musical. Algo que no he encontrado forma de a?adirlos a la lista sin que se mezcle con la musica, es decir que toma el fade por defecto como si se tratase de una canci?n normal.
Por otro lado he intentado diferenciar la publicidad de los temas musicales y de los Jingles, pero me da un error y no consigo introducirlos en el programador automatico de listas.
Tal vez no sepa como hacerlo, pero ?C?mo puedo emitir un bloque publicitario cuando finalice una canci?n y no que se queden en pauda y despues continue?
Por otro lado ?como puedo introducir los temas en lista de programaci?n y que tome como fade s?lo los comerciales?
No se si me explique bien pero utilizo un traductor.

The translated text is a bit hard to understand, but I'll try...

jopara said:
the problem is that to get the ad, the song playing will be paused and when it ends the block resumes the theme song. Something I have not found way to add to the list without mixing with the music, ie taking the default fade as if it were a normal song.
If you don't like to pause the music and want ads to be inserted in the queue, make sure that "Overlay playback" option is not checked in the Ads Scheduler options (pic. 1) or, if you're not using Ads Scheduler, Event properties (pic. 2).
Please see this User Manual page on scheduling:

To disable crossfades for commercials, you should use File Types:


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Ok, it's hard not knowing express myself in English ....
Consider that part of you tells me I have checked the the problem is: if I use Ads Schedule, which I think is a magnificent tool, Is there no possibility that Schedule Ads wait to finish the song that is playing? Do you only can do this without using Schedule Ads?

Ok, es dificil no saber expresarme en ingles....
Veamos esa parte que usted me indica la tengo controlada, el problema es el siguiente: si uso Ads Schedule, que me parece una herramienta magnifica, ?No hay posibilidad de que el bloque de anuncios espere a que temine el tema musical que est? sonando? ?Solo se puede hacer esto sin usar Ads Schedule? 
You can wait for current song to finish - uncheck the "Run scheduled launch without waiting for current track to finish" option in the event properties.

Please refer to this article which explains everything about events: