These comments are from the view of a simple basic user setup, with no streaming..
One of the things that I like about RadioBOSS, in addition to its great features and interface is how easy it is to get it up and running.

Without a lot of reading most new users should be able to get the program working by loading some music files into the Main play window. It is also very easy to add announcements with the scheduler. This gets you going while you learn other features of the program.
So far, there is one things that I am having problems with.. (excuse me if I have missed the way to do this)
I understand that there is likely a way to handle this in a script file - play list.. but that is for later after one has learned more. For now can there be an easier way? For some this may satisfy their needs
Short files such as a station ID (2.3 sec) do not play properly. Fade in/fade out make them useless. The audio level was almost too low to be heard and the ends are cut off.
Trying to solve this I almost eliminated the fading/cross fading. For my easy going format an occasional short delay between song is not as much a problem as loosing a short announcement. (The default fading was not acceptable to me anyway as it cuts too much of the end and beginning of songs.)
Even pretty well eliminating cross fading did not solve this problem. Setting: Fade in 0.5 / Fade out 0.5 / Mix point 0.0.
I have checked "Do not crossfade short tracks" -
this doe not make any difference.
I also played with padding the beginning and end of the file with extra dead space. It helps but should not be necessary.
What solve this but not a proper fix was totally eliminating Cross fade, by un-ticking Fade in, Fade out & Mix point.
Would it be possible to add some options for setting the scheduled event that would allow setting a hard rule on how the file should be played.. ie NO fading - pause music play until finished.. etc.?
Program install
RadioBOSS install is fast and simple using it's default settings... it just happens.
we do not all want the program's various folders spread around in the users folders on drive C:, using more or less the Microsoft arrangement for files. I for one do not want everything on drive C: with the operating system.
I prefer to leave the OS on it's on drive and have important programs and their data on another drive. This make it much easier to manage and for backing up only the program and data.
So for some the current install, folder setup is fine but how about an
install wizard that is optional. For those who select the default install, it goes away. For those who would like more control on file and folder locations the wizard could walk a new user through the process explain what folders were needed, what for etc and let you select the location.
Even this could have a Simple and more Advanced choice. Simple could be just create a folder on drive X: and put all RadioBOSS data folders in there. Advanced.. the user can decide where each folder goes.. every install is different so here we have options. This way would be a lot faster and easier then having to go through the program after the install and make changes to suit what you want.
Enough for now..