Chris Deacon
Thank you that is good news!
Analyzing reports for every hour is itself not efficient, no matter how you create reports.So, let me see... i have to create 24h (24 reports) for 1 day... if i analyse 1 week i would have 168 reports
what kind of answer is this? The best answer is for you to give a decent option where users can analyse the artist field with day and hour, not just the number of times... if someone asks "i heard a madonna song last thursday afternoon on your radio, can you tell me what song is?"... the best way to answer is to make a report by artist, spot the hour it played and find the title. The way it is, you only know madonna played 5 times on thursday. No time, no title.Analyzing reports for every hour is itself not efficient, no matter how you create reports.
Please understand, we did not advertise this feature, and it was never promised to present in the software.The best answer is for you to give a decent option where users can analyse the artist field with day and hour, not just the number of times
Yes, it will be added in the next minor update - RadioBOSS 6.0.3 (version 6.0.2 was used for a hotfix).Can you confirm that the search will be reactivated in version 6.02 of the timeline during a live network stream?
Such a feature never existed. It appears to be a side effect of how the list was built. We'll add the "Date added" column in the next update.This search timeline adjustment feature during a live stream, has been around for a long time, and it's always been useful, I don't understand why it was taken off in this latest version, but I thank you for the restoration, reuse of this very important function. Thank you again
i tend to agree that the playcount seems not to be true, in my usage i am finding that files that say, for example, a playcount of 3 and last played was several days ago, i definitely heard/saw that file played yesterday. so same inconsistently but reversed. i have checked for duplicate files/files with similar filenames (which would surely cause this). I have started to hide those columns now in the playlist as I cant trust them.After many checks I found that the PlayCount is now not true, and that the last modified date is changed from the previous date to that of the time when On Air is played, this staggers the entire identity of the file, even the playcount is incorrect, files never played are counted with many plycounts. Can you check this out? Thank you
Although the audio file has just been downloaded and new writes that playcounts are numerically many.
I am sure that until the previous version of RadioBoss the Playcount was based on the last date of last editing of the file, and allowed you to understand whether some program files were updated or not, now this new PlayCount Count mode changes the parameters making it useless.Il conteggio delle riproduzioni e gli ultimi valori riprodotti vengono aggiornati all'avvio della traccia. La posizione in cui viene memorizzato questo valore dipende da come è configurato "Archiviazione aggiuntiva delle informazioni":
I valori vengono aggiornati in una sola operazione di scrittura, quindi non è mai possibile aggiornare, ad esempio, "playcount", ma lasciare invariato l '"ultima riproduzione". Entrambi sono aggiornati o nessuno.
File dates (created, modiifed, accessed) are not connected to playcount. If you use Database to store the playcount value, the file modified date will not be changed because it doesn't modify the file. The Playcount and Last played are updated when you play a track.I recommend that you reset the counting modes to the date of the file.
You need to close all other programs, including RadioBOSS itself, to perform those actions. Typically there's no need to do it, unless adviced by support.In the last Version in the music library if you want to enter the database utilities and you want to optimize the database you get an error message. If this error is in my database, how do you resolve it?
"The Playcount and Last played are updated when you play a track."File dates (created, modiifed, accessed) are not connected to playcount. If you use Database to store the playcount value, the file modified date will not be changed because it doesn't modify the file.
This is a different problem. Before version 6, RadioBOSS saved the Playcount/Lastplayed data in the tag, so the file was modified and its "modified date" was also updated. If you want to avoid that, switch to use SQLite instead: must not happen, the date of creation of the File must not change, it must not be updated. Updating the change date creates confusion, and it is not possible to understand whether the file of a program has been
It works exactly the same as it always did. You play a track, and the track gets playcount = playcount +1, and its last played tag is set to date/time when it was started.Now on the playcounts of the files in the Player look like random numbers without logic. As Ormston also pointed out. As now designed, the Playcount is no longer a useful tool, but only random numbers.