RadioBOSS Cloud [alpha]

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RadioBOSS Cloud 0.2.6 alpha
  • Fixed a bug when network stream could not be scheduled (error EInvalidPath)
  • Fixed UI bug when adding a new mount point for internal server
  • Added help hint for title format in File Types section
  • Internal improvements to improve reliability
djsoft said:
jordelquino said:
The service was updated, lots of internal changes have been made so there was a downtime of about two minutes. It should work fine now - if not, please tell your account username to check.

It does not work for me. My username is David.
David Heuer said:
It does not work for me. My username is David.
OK, looking into it - should be fixed shortly.

Update - the fix was made and account should work fine now.
Hey guys, my station works again, thanks so much.

I found this tool, basically with Accio we can schedule stream recordings, unfortunately only works on Radiojar and Airtime Pro. Could you write to the developer to activate this tool on RadioBoss?
A few things:

1) Can we get VT capability - or at least the ability to set a certain folder for overlay and overlay settings? I want, for example, to be able to drop a bunch of liners in a folder and have those rotate inside generated playlists and over intro...which would require some edits to be made to each song's waveform. This goes hand-in-hand with a request to let us set crossfades for each individual file...This would be FANTASTIC! If this exists, some help with this would be great.

2) I want to be able to use my Izotope Ozone 3 processing like I currently have on the software. Any ideas if this is coming?

If these have already been discussed and answered on previous posts, please let me know so I can review.
jordelquino said:
I found this tool, basically with Accio we can schedule stream recordings, unfortunately only works on Radiojar and Airtime Pro. Could you write to the developer to activate this tool on RadioBoss?
From its description, I suppose it will require RadioBOSS Cloud to export its schedule so it will know when to start and stop recording?

ajtavez said:
Can we get VT capability - or at least the ability to set a certain folder for overlay and overlay settings?
In the future, Auto Intro feature will be available. Similar to what desktop RadioBOSS has:

ajtavez said:
which would require some edits to be made to each song's waveform. This goes hand-in-hand with a request to let us set crossfades for each individual file
Currently there are no plans on adding manual crossfades, as we'd like to focus on automatic crossfading. However, setting certain points like Intro will be possible in the future (at least it's planned).

ajtavez said:
2) I want to be able to use my Izotope Ozone 3 processing like I currently have on the software. Any ideas if this is coming?
I'm not sure. There are several technical and legal problems with adding such things. Technical - Ozone requires significant amount of processing power. And another question is how to configure it from the web. I'm also not sure if it's legally possible to install it on a server and offer it to clients...

David Heuer said: is currently unavailable.
Server software was updated and not everything went smooth. Sorry for the inconvenience.
djsoft said:
Currently there are no plans on adding manual crossfades, as we'd like to focus on automatic crossfading. However, setting certain points like Intro will be possible in the future (at least it's planned).

Not's one of my favorite things about RadioBoss to be honest. This may require me to stay with the software or consider other cloud-based platforms - since cloud-based seems to be the way to go now-a-days. Crossfades are different for every track and minimizes gaps between programming. As someone who has worked in terrestrial radio for over 18 years, I find this to be a MUST in whatever automation software I use. I STRONGLY suggest that you guys reconsider this! Do this, you may have me until the end of time.
djsoft said:
jordelquino said:
I found this tool, basically with Accio we can schedule stream recordings, unfortunately only works on Radiojar and Airtime Pro. Could you write to the developer to activate this tool on RadioBoss?
From its description, I suppose it will require RadioBOSS Cloud to export its schedule so it will know when to start and stop recording?
It's probably, but this works with live shows, maybe only is necessary link the server and mountpoint on Accio to start recording.
jordelquino said:
It's probably, but this works with live shows, maybe only is necessary link the server and mountpoint on Accio to start recording.
The links are already available - please see the Information tab in the control panel. If you want to only record when you stream live (to /live mount point) then change the link to end with /live (instead of the main /stream).

ajtavez said:
As someone who has worked in terrestrial radio for over 18 years, I find this to be a MUST in whatever automation software I use. I STRONGLY suggest that you guys reconsider this!
We'll reconsider this in the future - but there are multiple problems, given that that manual crossfading in RadioBOSS software itself is far from perfect...
The links are already available - please see the Information tab in the control panel. If you want to only record when you stream live (to /live mount point) then change the link to end with /live (instead of the main /stream).

I'm afraid this is not possible cuz I need a station id. e.g. /

Would be great if developer accepts RadioBoss servers. Can you ask him if it's possible?



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djsoft said:
We'll reconsider this in the future - but there are multiple problems, given that that manual crossfading in RadioBOSS software itself is far from perfect...

RadioBoss manual crossfades have been working as close to perfect as possible - to the point that it's unnoticeable. Implementing the same coding as you have on the software itself on the cloud would be as good as I could ask for. This is my personal opinion, and I know it's not easy - but a close-to-perfect manual crossfade option on the cloud is better than none.

BTW the way I've remedied the crossfading issues on RadioBoss software is to set the mark just before I actually want it to transition (I've noticed a very, VERY slight delay from mark point to transition in the software). It's an excellent work-around and my transitions have never left me with a headache while monitoring. Anyway, if you could look into manual crossfading on the cloud, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
jordelquino said:
Would be great if developer accepts RadioBoss servers. Can you ask him if it's possible?
I think you may contact them and ask support. The streaming protocol RadioBOSS Cloud uses is a standard Icecast streaming, so technically there shouldn't be any problems with recording it.

ajtavez said:
RadioBoss manual crossfades have been working as close to perfect as possible
Currently we have significant amounts of issues reported by users about Segue Editor - that's one of the reasons why it's still in beta state in RadioBOSS. Once we improve (or completely overhaul) it - I think it'll also be added to Cloud.

wireradio said:
How do I log in to centova and use auto dj
This topic is about RadioBOSS Cloud - it does not connect to Centova.

wireradio said:
And any news on report generator
It's planned for the future updates. Please note that stats data is internally collected, so once report generator is available, it would be possible to create reports for whole period while your RadioBOSS Cloud account was active.
I think you may contact them and ask support. The streaming protocol RadioBOSS Cloud uses is a standard Icecast streaming, so technically there shouldn't be any problems with recording it.

Unfortunately Accio don't support RadioBoss servers  :( Would be great if you develop something similar inside RadioBoss control panel. This is a powerful tool for 24/7 live broadcast stations.

jordelquino said:
Unfortunately Accio don't support RadioBoss servers
Did they tell that they can't record from it? I'm not sure why then, as it's a standard Icecast server and recording from it is absolutely possible. As for recording/archiving feature, I think RadioBOSS Cloud will have such a feature in the future.

the following may sound a little to complicated, but I hope that I can clearly explain my intentions. :)

Could the tracklist feature be extended to select content also from playlists and not just from folders? An advantage of such a feature would be that you can schedule special music programming and avoid wasting space because of duplicate files in multiple folders.

As an example: I have a general music folder for my main rotation containing around 3000 tracks. From this folder I would like to create a set of playlists, e.g. a saturday night party playlist with all tracks in it that are suitable for this particular show. No jingles, no other elements, just the songs. This playlist now is a kind of virtual tracklist from which I would like to randomly select a track, and build a usual rotation playlist from it.

Steffen Schultz said:
Could the tracklist feature be extended to select content also from playlists and not just from folders? An advantage of such a feature would be that you can schedule special music programming and avoid wasting space because of duplicate files in multiple folders.
Yes, why not - scheduled for future updates.
RadioBOSS Cloud 0.2.7 alpha

  • Live streaming is reworked: streaming can be performed in any format - RadioBOSS Cloud will encode it to target encoder format(s) automatically; additional encoders now broadcast live streaming as well (previously only AutoDJ was broadcasted)
  • Listener count in top right corner show cumulative listener number for internal server and all additional encoders
  • Fixed file list sorting someties was incorrect
  • Improved library update UI and fixed some bugs
  • Unified dialog and message box design
  • Fixed stationm name display sometimes didn't work properly
  • Fixed encoder password reset on settings save for some accounts
  • Minor UI improvements
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