RadioBOSS Cloud [alpha]

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djsoft said:
so I don't have much to add
Tip, have a close alert to the "ReplayGain" setting on RadioBOSS, preventing users without this knowledge from having songs at different levels, even though all files are standardized. :)
John Drake said:
Administrators should be able to delete multiple tracks by clicking the CTRL key or Shift key (instead of deleting one track at a time.)
Yes - will be added in one of the next updates.

John Drake said:
There are  two "Delete" buttons right next to each other. It's not clear which button is "Delete Playlist" and which is "Delete Track."

When deleting songs from playlists I have sometimes deleted the entire playlist by mistake.
Thank you for pointing out this issue, we'll do something about it to make things more clear - I think the delete buttons will be moved directly to the lists, instead of keeping them under the lists.

John Drake said:
Is .PNG the only available format?  If so, .JPG should be added as well.
Currently, yes, only PNG images can be uploaded. In the future JPGs will also be supported.

John Drake said:
However, a wizard would be better for beginners (e.g., "What is the name of your station," "What is your bitrate," etc.)
Thank you for the suggestion, perhaps by version 1.0 it will have a sort of first-time use wizard.
This is missing!!! ;)


  • 01.JPG
    106.8 KB · Views: 608
SertanejaPop said:
Tip, have a close alert to the "ReplayGain" setting on RadioBOSS, preventing users without this knowledge from having songs at different levels, even though all files are standardized.
It very rarely causes the problems - in your case it appears that the file was not properly scanned, and had incorrect ReplayGain tag. We'll add this case to the Troubleshooting section in the user manual.

SertanejaPop said:
This is missing!!! ;)
It's a feature of Playlist Generator, and currently it's not available in RadioBOSS Cloud. However, the Related Artists feature should be added at some point in the future.
RadioBOSS Cloud 0.4.3 beta

A minor update fixing some UI issues:
- Scroll position in file and track lists in Media is now preserved after a track is deleted, its tag edited etc
- Fixed folder drag-n-drop to playlist
- Other minor improvements
RadioBOSS Cloud 0.4.4 beta

- Changed the way played scheduled events are removed from the playlist: now each event is processed separately
- Fixed a bug when playlist window was not updated properly sometimes
Question: is it possible to have multiple stations using I have multiple stations and I want to see if I can get a plan that can make have selected playlists for each station with different station IDs with those stations.
MyGenreRadio_FM said:
Question: is it possible to have multiple stations using I have multiple stations and I want to see if I can get a plan that can make have selected playlists for each station with different station IDs with those stations.
It is possible - sing up for multiple accounts and configure each one.
I wanted to give a suggestion for artist cover, so I realized RadioBOSS Cloud uses the covers that are in the mp3 file ... Would it be possible to search for covers in Spotfy so they do not have covers in their mp3 files? I'll leave an example of a player that looks for covers of artists on Spotfy, at a glance.
Yes, we have plans on adding such a feature in the future. Some services (like Amazon) will require users to sign up with them.
Some experts recommend using a subdomain to list your station on Internet radio directories.

For example:

Instead of:

Is the use of subdomains fully supported on RadioBoss Cloud?

Thanks in advance
It does not matter how the address looks. If it works, then it's OK. But it's still a good idea to make your address look more pretty.

If you have your own domain (e.g., you can create a subdomain for your stream that will point to RadioBOSS Cloud domain, a CNAME record will look like:
(the exact setup depends on your domain management control panel)

Then you'll be able to listen to your radio using the following link (other links from the Information page will work too, just change the part to your own subdomain).

Another way is to create a subdomain, and make it redirect to the actual stream address, that is, accessing will internally redirect to

The actual way to redirect depends on what server software you use. In Apache, it's pretty easy using .htaccess file, something like (not tested)
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [L]
Thanks for your reply. I followed these steps:

Register a domain:

At the domain registrar create a subdomain:

At the domain registrar forward the subdomain:
- forwards to:

The "friendly" name "" seems to work on the Internet radio apps I tested. I was wondering if this worked on all Internet radio apps or could there be compatibility issues with some players?

I have encountered some minor difficulties when sending the files to the RadioBOSS Cloud server, eg when I send a file that already exists in the server folder, only after it is sent I get an error message, which I imagine to be why this file already exists in the RadioBOSS Cloud folder. My suggestion is: that this message appears before the files are sent, avoiding sending them again, saving time, like the FileZilla that does so ... Would this be possible in the future?
John Drake said:
The "friendly" name "" seems to work on the Internet radio apps I tested. I was wondering if this worked on all Internet radio apps or could there be compatibility issues with some players?
It should work everywhere, there's of course a minor chance that some software does not support redirects, but I think this is an extremely rare case.

SertanejaPop said:
when I send a file that already exists in the server folder, only after it is sent I get an error message
Yes, this is currently how it works, we'll think of some way to check the upload queue before upload is made, but this is not a priority at the time. We also plan on adding FTP support which may be more convenient in soma cases compared to web UI.
jordelquino said:
How can I change stream title during a live broadcast?
When you broadcast live, the software you use must update the streaming title. RadioBOSS Cloud will display this title in the control panel and nowplaying widgets.

I have a question.  I have 2 Radioboss Cloud services.  I wanted to publish the 2 streams on the same page.

So I copy paste the codes on the two streams for the noe playing and recent tracks to appear on my page for the two streams.

It works fine when I place the code for one stream, however when I place code for the two streams (in a table, each one in its cell), the infos gets confused, like if it is using the same variable.  Song name goes from one stream to another.

Is there a way to use more than one code on the same page so I could create a super page with all the streams info  ?

gaetanlabrecque said:
Is there a way to use more than one code on the same page so I could create a super page with all the streams info  ?
We'll make it possible to use multiple widgets on the same page - this is scheduled for future updates. If you need it urgent, the possible workaround would be to place each widget inside an iframe tag (however, I'm not sure if it will work).
Hi all,

We're currently using LiveWebDJ for our station but are considering switching to RadioBoss Cloud, I just have a couple of questions first.

Currently, we broadcast news bulletins on the hour. The file name is always just news.mp3 and updated automatically every hour, and we broadcast it by supplying LiveWebDJ the URL to the bulletin file in my Dropbox. Would RadioBoss Cloud allow this to be done either the same or in a similar way, and if so how would this be set up in the scheduler?

Also, when myself or one of the other DJs goes live, LiveWebDJ automatically records the broadcast so we can easily replay it at a later time or download it. Does RadioBoss Cloud do this, and if not is this a planned feature?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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