RadioBOSS Cloud [alpha]

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RadioBOSS Cloud public alpha version is now available!

What's the point
RadioBOSS Cloud is a web-based radio automation system. Typically, web AutoDJ systems are limited in features, have ridiculous limitations and are only good as a backup solution. RadioBOSS Cloud is designed to change this by offering feature rich and easy to use web based radio automation solution. RadioBOSS Cloud offers everything that is needed to start an Internet radio station in minutes!

  • Easy to use web based, mobile friendly control panel
  • Live streaming and unattended operation. Features seamless, automatic live<->autodj transition.
  • Supports any number of playlists and any folder structure to organize tracks. Drag-n-drop media management.
  • Build any number of rotations. Track selection with repeat protection rules (track, artist, title separation)
  • Powerful scheduler: schedule events to start on set time, day, day of week, week number. Recurring events and events with advanced actions are supported. Various queue options are available: start at the exact time, wait until the current track finishes, insert after the currently scheduled block. Schedule events using your local time zone.
  • Automatic, configurable crossfading. Custom crossfade settings for certain track types: adverts, station IDs, etc
  • Listener number reports for up to 1 year; compare listener numbers to previous period
  • Monitor what's playing: control panel shows the current and upcoming track titles. View and modify playback queue.
  • Supports all popular audio file formats: MP3, AAC, WMA, OGG, FLAC, ALAC, M4A, OPUS, and others
  • Relaying network streams - start and end relaying according to the schedule
  • Automatic silence trimmer: remove silence from the beginning and end of music tracks
  • Broadcast in MP3, AAC/AAC+, OGG, FLAC, OPUS. Any bitrate, sample rate, mono or stereo; HTTP and HTTPS tune-in links
  • Sound processing, automatic leveling
  • Widgets to integrate stream to a web site: player, nowplaying title, recently played tracks, album cover and others
  • Integration with third party services: TuneIn, Twitter
  • Exceptional reliability: multiple levels of automatic monitoring and recovery ensure that radio station always stays online
Work in progress
RadioBOSS Cloud is still under development. We're open to any suggestions, feature requests, bug reports. We plan to release updates every 2-3 days, so a requested feature can appear almost instantly! There are already many new features that we plan on adding within the coming weeks.

How to try it
Please visit this link to sign up

The account is created automatically once the order is placed. First month is free, the following months are paid. Currently we offer discount for anyone who would like to test out the system. The discount is lifetime. There's also a 90-day unconditional, no questions asked money back guarantee.

Quick Start guide
The guide shows how to start using RadioBOSS Cloud:

Why test?
Being a tester, you can offer your suggestions and influence the product development. There's a very good
chance to get the feature you need, the way you need!

Please see the attached images.
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good luck with this project my friend

i invested lot of money in fiber, servers, so right now i'm very happy with my "offline" solution.

but if you need feedback; anything, feel free to ask, i tryed hundred and hundread of automation softwares and radio boss is not only the best one, it's also the only one to fits to my needs ;-)

so maybe in feature request probably some video format (broadcast webtv could be very interesting) and also some scripts to show the upcoming tracks to the listeners (and not the previous tracks). probably i will broadcast a video with screen capture of software to let the listeners know the scheduled upcoming tracks !

Thank you for your input! It would be great to hear some feedback. The first month is free, so feel free to test it out! If you like to discuss improvements about RadioBOSS software, please create a separate topic for it.
Hello, congratulations for this initiative. I love, a function to program advertising will be fine.
It should also be possible to put an audio treatment of his soft
Thank you  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
XAVIER33230 said:
I love, a function to program advertising will be fine.
Yes, this will be added in the later releases. Currently we focus on basic features like scheduler, track rotation etc.

XAVIER33230 said:
It should also be possible to put an audio treatment of his soft
Can you please provide more information on this?
Quick Start guide was added to help get started with RadioBOSS Cloud
It looks great and very promising!

Is the plan in the future to be used as a remote control of RadioBOSS for Windows?

The greatest success. :)
In if I think it works very well!. I have a suspicion that works with the RadioBOSS's background engine.  ;D

Some ideas:
-The progress bar moves too slowly for short tracks like jingles.

-I would like that from the library you can drag tracks to the main window. There's plenty of room here!

-Amplification of type of files would be very useful for Jingles!

-To configure the Gap killer

-On the Media flap: It would be interesting to be able to preview, search among the files, and clarify that the bottom is a playlist editor. Was half confused at first

-Maybe in the future a new interface. Sure draws more customers! The Airtime graphics engine is excellent!
This very good that is always visible what is playing no matter what tab is this.
It gives very good image, although in functions RadioBOSS cloud is truly much more powerful!.



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The Stop button to listen to the transmission is actually paused.
If you are standing for several minutes, then there is a deface between the player and the audio you hear.
nelson c said:
It looks great and very promising!
Thank you!

nelson c said:
Is the plan in the future to be used as a remote control of RadioBOSS for Windows?
I don't think RadioBOSS will have remote control feature, it offers remote control API and I think it's as much as it's going to offer for a foreseeable future. If you have RadioBOSS on the server, then it's easier to use Windows Remote Desktop to manage it.

nelson c said:
I have a suspicion that works with the RadioBOSS's background engine.
Indeed it is - RadioBOSS does all the heavy lifting there :)

nelson c said:
The progress bar moves too slowly for short tracks like jingles.
Yes, it updates every some seconds, so a short jingle will see only 1-2 updates. Something will be done about it.

nelson c said:
I would like that from the library you can drag tracks to the main window. There's plenty of room here!
Yes, the Overview has some free space, but how to drag-n-drop there, do you mean add files/folders/playlist lists there?

nelson c said:
On the Media flap: It would be interesting to be able to preview, search among the files, and clarify that the bottom is a playlist editor. Was half confused at first
Agreed on that. We've seen other users complain about it too, the playlist editor is not obvious. Thanks for mentioning this. And search feature is a good idea too, will be added.
nelson c said:
Maybe in the future a new interface. Sure draws more customers! The Airtime graphics engine is excellent!
This very good that is always visible what is playing no matter what tab is this.
Airtime design seems a bit cluttered to me. RB Cloud supposed to have a cleaner UI. I agree that it should be a bit redesigned though, the current version is a prototype, and looks will be improved over time. As well as showing some information page-independent ( extend top section to show currently playing track title).

nelson c said:
The Stop button to listen to the transmission is actually paused.
If you are standing for several minutes, then there is a deface between the player and the audio you hear.
Noted, thanks.

XAVIER33230 said:
Simply have the opportunity, to put a sound treatment of one's choice. Possible or not in the future?
Do you mean a DSP like equalizer, compressor, or some external plugin?
djsoft said:
Indeed it is - RadioBOSS does all the heavy lifting there
It occurred to me that this was built from the API. That's why I thought I could then be used to create a remote control from the desktop version.

djsoft said:
Yes, the Overview has some free space, but how to drag-n-drop there, do you mean add files/folders/playlist lists there?
My idea is to have two panels: on one side the main list and the other, a media manager that allows you to add files to the playlist. In the same way as on RadioBOSS

djsoft said:
Airtime design seems a bit cluttered to me. RB Cloud supposed to have a cleaner UI. I agree that it should be a bit redesigned though, the current version is a prototype, and looks will be improved over time. As well as showing some information page-independent ( extend top section to show currently playing track title).
I agree that some things are not clear in the Airtime interface.
But it has very good ideas that we can get out of here.
Here attached an image created with the Paint of how it could be the interface in the future.

Something else: Is it possible to add a preview of the songs that were uploaded?



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There's a couple of options I would love to see (for me to switch over from my vps and start using the cloud option).

* I'd need the Icecast server to include DSP Processing , so I could use StereoTool on the live stream and auto dj.
* I'd need the ability to create individual Icecast Mountpoints (for each dj) so they would use individual passwords.
* I have a very big Schedule, at the moment the Schedule page would get very confusing very quickly for me.  Airtime do a very good job at doing this, something like that would be brilliant.

Apart from that, very good work sir !

nelson c said:
It occurred to me that this was built from the API. That's why I thought I could then be used to create a remote control from the desktop version.
Theoretically, yes - but it's easier to use Windows Remote Desktop to manage your own RadioBOSS on Windows. Web UI does not add much value in this case. So I'm afraid Web UI for RadioBOSS is not going to happen. But RadioBOSS Cloud will offer more and more features over time :)

nelson c said:
My idea is to have two panels: on one side the main list and the other, a media manager that allows you to add files to the playlist. In the same way as on RadioBOSS
The initial idea was to focus on unattended operation, without manual playlist modification. But ability to quickly add tracks to the playlist would be a nice addition.

nelson c said:
But it has very good ideas that we can get out of here.
Here attached an image created with the Paint of how it could be the interface in the future.
Looks good. Will be noted for the next UI update :)

nelson c said:
Is in the plans to add a map with the countries of listeners as has Centova Cast? 
Yes, it'll be in the reports section, currently under development.
Rob Hayes said:
I'd need the Icecast server to include DSP Processing , so I could use StereoTool on the live stream and auto dj.
Technically, StereoTool processes the stream before it reaches Icecast - Icecast just sends stream to the listeners, with no modifications.
I see two problems with using StereoTool in the Cloud:
1. Legal: I'm not sure if their licensing terms allow such usage.
2. Technical: as far as I'm aware, StereoTool does not offer any kind of remote control, without it it would be impossible to make any changes to its configuration from the web page.

Rob Hayes said:
I'd need the ability to create individual Icecast Mountpoints (for each dj) so they would use individual passwords.
That's what we have planned. Currently we consider implementing it another way: one mount point for DJs, but the mount point has multiple access credentials, so each DJ will have their own login/password.

Rob Hayes said:
I have a very big Schedule, at the moment the Schedule page would get very confusing very quickly for me.  Airtime do a very good job at doing this, something like that would be brilliant.
Scheduler window occupies almost full screen size in RB Cloud. We can offer some options to group and filter events in the future. How many events do you usually have in the list?

Rob Hayes said:
Apart from that, very good work sir !
Thank you!
Wheslley said:
I was unable to schedule a URL at specific times
I checked your account and the setup appears to be correct. I also see in logs that scheduled stream was played for about two hours. Can you please provide more information on the problem?
djsoft said:
as far as I'm aware, StereoTool does not offer any kind of remote control, without it it would be impossible to make any changes to its configuration from the web page.
Stereo Tool has a Web control through which all settings can be made.

djsoft said:
1. Legal: I'm not sure if their licensing terms allow such usage.
I don't think there's any problem if the user inserts his license, from the Web interface this is possible.


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