RadioBOSS Cloud [alpha]

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I noticed a probable bug, I do not know if it will be able to understand, in the print the track repeats, this faicha was scheduled by the scheduler, I set it so that after playing it leave the playlist, but it does not leave, it remains, when the next scheduled time arrives is inserted again causing repetition in the playlist. If you can access my account and check, because this only happens when you have a playlist scheduled before this schedule, so I find complex understanding, just seeing how the schedule is to understand. I have a 7:58 am schedule, and this problem only happens only after 7:58 am. When I put the playlist manually the problem does not happen.


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You should schedule the main music playlist with "Insert as regular playlist tracks" option. This way, other scheduled items will be properly removed from the playlist window.
Wheslley said:
I was a bit confused by these features but made the changes using regular tracks and solved the problem.
It's not really obvious now, I'm sorry for that. We'll make some improvements: indicate scheduled tracks in the playlist, and write documentation.
The system could have a file search option. For example: when I want to delete a file but I do not know which folder it is in, I have to search folder by folder. A search option would be very use full.  ;)
Wheslley said:
The system could have a file search option. For example: when I want to delete a file but I do not know which folder it is in, I have to search folder by folder. A search option would be very use full.  ;)
Thank you for the suggestion. We plan on adding in-folder search option soon. I'm not sure about global search though - we'll consider it too.
Wheslley said:
It would be great if it were possible to move tracklist in the playlist.  ;)
Yes, you're right - we'll add this feature in one of the nearest updates.
RadioBOSS Cloud 0.3.4 beta

  • Numerous minor UI improvements
  • Mobile UI improvements
  • Default cover art upload more descriptive error messages
  • Improved mini player
  • "Auto scroll to playing track" option state preserved during session
  • Fixed port 80 links didn't work for some accounts
  • Scheduled tracks are marked with a clock icon in the playlist
Currently not, it's only for internal usage. Do you like it better than the web player we offer in Integrations?
jordelquino said:
Yes I like it, more simple. The player from Integrations is big for our website.
We'll offer the mini player in one of the next updates, thank you for the idea!
djsoft said:
Quote from: on February 08, 2018, 04:40:40 AM
i would like to know if it's possible to stop the service for few months without loosing the database i created on your servers.
I'm sorry, but that's not possible.

actually you "suspended" the service but the radio was still playing. can you check it and stop/erase it if necessary please ? Username: stream_7582

i just bought the original radioboss software so i'm aware that you're convainced cloud based radiomation have a potential but i think offline solution are more flexible and powerful for now. plus i invested in expensive server so it's very pointless for me to paying a rent for bandwidth hosted in a cloud (was curious anyway cause i always love your work)

you're still the best, glad i found dj soft or my project were never able to exist. it's the only one sofware with the features i need, easy enough to use and affordable price. i'm really surprised you're the only one capable to that, cause i tryed hundread solutions over this few lasts years.

michael said:
actually you "suspended" the service but the radio was still playing. can you check it and stop/erase it if necessary please ? Username: stream_7582
Currently it shows the account is terminated. If it still plays, can you please give a stream link to test? said:
i just bought the original radioboss software so i'm aware that you're convainced cloud based radiomation have a potential but i think offline solution are more flexible and powerful for now.
They, RadioBOSS and RadioBOSS Cloud can (and I'd even say - should) be used together. You can use Cloud as a streaming server, and its AutoDJ features as a backup solution, in case your main broadcast goes down. said:
you're still the best, glad i found dj soft or my project were never able to exist. it's the only one sofware with the features i need, easy enough to use and affordable price. i'm really surprised you're the only one capable to that, cause i tryed hundread solutions over this few lasts years.
Thank you! Can we add this to our Testimonials page?
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