RadioBoss Retail Version 7.01.9


Active member
First look with Radio Boss Retail Version 7.01.9 looks great running on Windows 11 with 64G of RAM.

The update updated without a problem from beta version, and all started up fine. The music production through Thimeo 10.21 sounds much sweeter as its no longer looking for vocals . In my opinion broadcast quality is surpassed.

I have asked Dmitri if there is some unforeseen technical problem adding image in bae 64 to XML file this has so far missed two updates sadly.

No Image for current track the separate image upload causes the files to be read twice which is very wasteful time on server doubling its requirements. why cannot base 64 go in here too?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PLAYER name="RadioBOSS" version="">
<TRACK ARTIST="Sarah McLachlan" TITLE="Train Wreck" ALBUM="Afterglow" YEAR="2003" GENRE="Pop" COMMENT="Ripped by Winamp" FILENAME="C:\Music &amp; Video\_albums more mp3\Sarah McLachlan - Afterglow\05 - Sarah McLachlan - Train Wreck.mp3" DURATION="04:36" STARTED="2024-02-28 08:03:53" PLAYCOUNT="4" LASTPLAYED="2024-02-28 08:03:53" INTRO="0.00" OUTRO="0.00" LANGUAGE="" RATING="0" BPM="186" TAGS="" PUBLISHER="" ALBUMARTIST="Sarah McLachlan" COMPOSER="" COPYRIGHT="" TRACKNUMBER="5" F1="" F2="" F3="" F4="" F5="" CASTTITLE="Sarah McLachlan - Train Wreck" LISTENERS="1" <IMAGEBASE64 = "hex data for image"> />
<NEXTTRACK><TRACK ARTIST="Katy Perry" TITLE="I&#39;m still breathing" ALBUM="One of The Boys" YEAR="2008" GENRE="pop" COMMENT="Ripped by Winamp" FILENAME="C:\Music &amp; Video\_albums more mp3\Katy Perry - One of The Boys\11 - Katy Perry - I&#39;m still breathing.mp3" DURATION="03:46" STARTED="2024-02-28 08:03:53" PLAYCOUNT="1" LASTPLAYED="2018-02-09 20:12:13" INTRO="0.00" OUTRO="0.00" LANGUAGE="" RATING="0" BPM="179" TAGS="" PUBLISHER="" ALBUMARTIST="Katy Perry" COMPOSER="" COPYRIGHT="" TRACKNUMBER="11" F1="" F2="" F3="" F4="" F5="" CASTTITLE="Katy Perry - I&#39;m still breathing" /></NEXTTRACK>
<PREVTRACK><TRACK ARTIST="Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories" TITLE="Stay ( I missed You)" ALBUM="Every Day Hurts" YEAR="2003" GENRE="pop" COMMENT="Ripped by Winamp" FILENAME="C:\Music &amp; Video\Various Artists - Every Day Hurts\16 - Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories - Stay ( I missed You).mp3" DURATION="03:05" STARTED="2024-02-28 08:03:53" PLAYCOUNT="4" LASTPLAYED="2024-02-28 08:00:57" INTRO="0.00" OUTRO="0.00" LANGUAGE="" RATING="0" BPM="106" TAGS="" PUBLISHER="" ALBUMARTIST="Various Artists" COMPOSER="" COPYRIGHT="" TRACKNUMBER="16" F1="" F2="" F3="" F4="" F5="" CASTTITLE="Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories - Stay ( I missed You)" /></PREVTRACK>
On testing 'run now' with manual doesn't set the time to 2 hours there is no way to change this countdown and it creates 5 mins on my last event then jumps to a new one missing 1:55 of music. Cannot the countdown be specified in the edit schedule. as i cannot see no way forward with this scheduler scheduling playlists as it plays fractions of them not whole playlist. You informed me going manual would make the shedule create 2 hours for the 2 hours playlist it doesn't. You didn't fix this?
when it loops back after 5mns it loads a new 2-hour playlist with 2 hours allocated so why not the first brought in by manual 'Run Now'
I m noticing the Library new says it has errors in it which is odd. When I go to the check facility it now acts songs that exist at the location and can be played by right click open in VLC r mp player why is RB flagging these up as failed o corrupt songs just because they have quiet passages. The library wont do anything util these songs are released when there is nothing wrong with them and they can be played in RB or any other mp3 player.

No Image for current track the separate image upload causes the files to be read twice which is very wasteful time on server doubling its requirements. why cannot base 64 go in here too?

On testing 'run now' with manual doesn't set the time to 2 hours there is no way to change this countdown and it creates 5 mins on my last event then jumps to a new one missing 1:55 of music. Cannot the countdown be specified in the edit schedule. as i cannot see no way forward with this scheduler scheduling playlists as it plays fractions of them not whole playlist. You informed me going manual would make the shedule create 2 hours for the 2 hours playlist it doesn't. You didn't fix this?
There's nothing to fix, Run Now works as intended, its only purpose is to start an event, and this is what it does. It's not supposed to change when it'll run the next time or when other events run. The only option there is to skip the next scheduled launch after you did Run Now for the event.
I m noticing the Library new says it has errors in it which is odd. When I go to the check facility it now acts songs that exist at the location and can be played by right click open in VLC r mp player why is RB flagging these up as failed o corrupt songs just because they have quiet passages. The library wont do anything util these songs are released when there is nothing wrong with them and they can be played in RB or any other mp3 player.
It checks if there's silence in the track, and it shows you the result of this check. It's what its purpose is.
The Duration checkbox to edit schedule did stop the schedule after 2 hrs.' correctly, however. it ignored the 'No Expiration' pull down list.

I m noticing the Library new says it has errors in it which is odd. When I go to the check facility it now acts songs that exist at the location and can be played by right click open in VLC r mp player why is RB flagging these up as failed o corrupt songs just because they have quiet passages. The library wont do anything util these songs are released when there is nothing wrong with them and they can be played in RB or any other mp3 player.
It checks if there's silence in the track, and it shows you the result of this check. It's what its purpose is.

It cleared the whole library window of data leaving it open when it was closed .
There's nothing to fix, Run Now works as intended, its only purpose is to start an event, and this is what it does. It's not supposed to change when it'll run the next time or when other events run. The only option there is to skip the next scheduled launch after you did Run Now for the event.
OK so what is the purpose of the schedule timer?

Helpfile describes it as

Scheduling playback
RadioBOSS lets you schedule tracks for automatic playback at predefined times. You can use the scheduler to insert announcements and advertisements into the playback. The scheduler can play single files or playlists, and start Internet streams, linear input and perform various actions.​

Dimitri perhaps I am missing the point of this countdown timer. Its set up randomly you can't configure it when event runs.

If a new event is set by the 'Run Now'. It does not change this or allow entire playlist to run just the remainder of the first timer until items played reach the first timers 0:00 point and auto launches timer which it then sets up a new timer of 2:00.

I am presuming that it is a countdown till next event so that you get constant music play every 2 hours.

If this is the case what is the purpose of 'Run Now' it does bring in a new playlist but will not play 2 hours of it but only what is left on the countdown timer.

Is this what it is supposed to be doing?

What is it exactly for its intended purpose? I see lots of information about scheduler command usage is there a script it is created or each Scheule event where is it located can it be examined and changed? I note you can have a multiple event log is there is there an event operator to reset counter
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Dimitri So in the multiple event construct can 'set' command be used to reset the countdown timer or the event to the next event timer parameter firing.
Is there in Scheduler commands
a percent variable for the event countdown associated with the event?
The Duration checkbox to edit schedule did stop the schedule after 2 hrs.' correctly, however. it ignored the 'No Expiration' pull down list.
The "Duration limit" and "Expiration" are totally separate options.

It cleared the whole library window of data leaving it open when it was closed .
What cleared?

OK so what is the purpose of the schedule timer?
Scheduler starts events when you configure them to be started. The Run Now button is used to start events manually.

Ther used to be a right click menu on the log menu to sort it in the beta its vanished.
This command never existed.

Dimitri So in the multiple event construct can 'set' command be used to reset the countdown timer or the event to the next event timer parameter firing.
I'm not sure what this is about, I'm sorry. I suggest reading the manual on the scheduler:
It cleared the whole library window of data leaving it open when it was closed .
What cleared?
The window Library database left open no library contents in it .

Ther used to be a right click menu on the log menu to sort it in the beta its vanished.
This command never existed.

It used to show all errors or all different type of events. it was indicated by '...' on log window.

Dimitri So in the multiple event construct can 'set' command be used to reset the countdown timer or the event to the next event timer parameter firing.
I'm not sure what this is about, I'm sorry. I suggest reading the manual on the scheduler:

I am taking about % variables used by scheduler can you list them as they are not in helpfile there must be something to alter / edit / reset count down timer rom set command in scheduler interpreter or this count down in red pictured indicated by red arrow or red ring:

Furthermore, it starts in help.
Repeat every [X] minutes no more than [Y] times: The event will be launched the specified number of times at equal time intervals. For example, if the option is set to repeat every 15 minutes no more than 10 times, the event will be executed once at the scheduled time (e.g. at 01:05), and then 9 times at 15-minute intervals (at 01:20, 01:35, 01:50, etc.). A warning icon will appear if repeats exceed 24 hours (which can then lead to unneeded event launches).

It does do this automatically. but you can't specify start time counter in red above as the amount set here if you press 'Run Now' in either manual or normal operation. it does not reset it but carries on not playing half the playlist or more only up to the timer.

Perhaps you should consider putting this in your help file the wording in above paragraph. So, it does what is written there?
Scheduler commands
The set command can also be used to set a variable value %showname:
set %showname=TEXT

The variable value %showname can be used in the HTTP request.

Is there a list of these new hash variable %showname? as I found some but none in help file for scheduler. If these do not exist, how do you said the countdown duration of an event from the set command or elsewhere as there seems no place to set it after it's been run. to play the whole of the new playlist brought in by Run Now.
If you are editing the current playlist and an event happens instead of the tracks being placed next to the current playing song they get placed where the last song was dropped into playlist , this is a **bug**
Also, when this I edited whilst playing music playlist its losses the number of listeners. Blanking them out at first wo in list when they was played
Ok Dimitri I have been testing my website it fell over today after playing 382 songs which means it went to get data double this times 744 read writes. It started running 29/2/2024 and ended 31-03-2024 t 2:27 as I said there is a need for image in XML. As it currently runs 2 days usage.



Your account ezyro_ ( has been suspended because it reached the daily resource limits.
Do not worry, it will be automatically re-activated after 24 hours of suspension.

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