Can you please specify what does the error message say? And what RadioCaster version you have?radiocaster has an error, when going from input line to capture, it gives an error, it didn't do it before, please check it, for it to work you have to close it and open it again and it is a hassle, thank you
What was the error in the latest version?YES, I use although due to the error I had gone back
Yes, if you may, it will help in improving the software.Hello,
I have the same alert on my version a window that displays an error. But no indication... I saved the report if necessary. Should I send it to you?
It means that the input configuration is incorrect, you should check what device is selected.message is : Device init error: No description (-1) (code=1). plese check setting
Maybe the device is incorrect or it's busy (other software is using it in exclusive mode). You can try using DirectSound instead of WASAPI.the device is selected
Do you use any 3rd party DSP plugins? If so, please try turning them off. If you have sent the bug reports, we'll check them.I note that the problem occurs more frequently since the last Windows 11 update.
Looks like sound card's driver audio input in wasapi there is no problem when changing to direct sound it gives a problem
Can you please provide more information about it?I think the problem would be solved if the wasapi controller was also put in sound capture