Redundant protection PLGen Pro does not work

Yes, of course. This is the code:
run PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe "-preset=R1" "-out=R:\Listas Radio\Listas De Reproduccion\AIRE M1.M3U"
Yes, of course. This is the code:
run PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe "-preset=R1" "-out=R:\Listas Radio\Listas De Reproduccion\AIRE M1.M3U"
Indeed, with command like this, checking for tracks in the playlist window did not work right, please try this new release that addresses this issue:

I have noticed a problem with the non-repetition rule for a few days. I'm using version

In my case, the same artist repeats without respecting the duration of 3 hours. Some artists repeat themselves after a few minutes.
Here is attached a configuration of my rotation.

A rotation is generated every hour using the scheduler (“Run Playlist Generator”). The same artist then appears in the next rotation.
The problem occurs when the artist is alone and when he is in a duo.

I didn't check for the "track" and "similar title". This looks good. But it would be good to check if possible.

Here is command used for generation :
run PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe "-preset=J1-H01" "-out=C:\RadioBOSS_RPA2023\RadioBOSS_01\PLAYLIST\J1-H01.m3u8"


  • PGGen - Configuration.jpg
    PGGen - Configuration.jpg
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  • PLGen - Elton John.jpg
    PLGen - Elton John.jpg
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  • PLGen - SANTA.jpg
    PLGen - SANTA.jpg
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Looks like the problem is with the configuration of the Repeat Playlist Window Tracks option. This is described in detail here:

To solve this, there are two ways:
  • Leave checking of 1000 tracks if you feel you need it, but uncheck the "consider start time" option. This will make Playlist Generator consider all playlist tracks (after the currently playing track) as have been just played.
  • Lower the number of playlist tracks to check to a realistic number - that should be close to how many tracks will play - after starting creating the playlist and before that playlist starts playing.
  • Leave checking of 1000 tracks if you feel you need it, but uncheck the "consider start time" option. This will make Playlist Generator consider all playlist tracks (after the currently playing track) as have been just played.
  • Lower the number of playlist tracks to check to a realistic number - that should be close to how many tracks will play - after starting creating the playlist and before that playlist starts playing.
Thank you for your explanations. But I don't understand them completely.

I would like to understand how the “Take into account expected track start time” option works. What track is this? Is this the track that is currently playing in the playlist player at the time of generation?

What are the effects when enabled and disabled?

Indeed, the number of 1000 tracks to check is much greater than the number of tracks in my playlist. I chose this number by chance to be “quiet”. Just like the number of minutes to check.
Why can too large a number cause the kind of problem I had?

I think I was wrong about my interpretation of your previous explanations.

Sorry, I'm a little lost...
Can you explain to me how it works overall with the implications for the different configurations?
I would like to understand how the “Take into account expected track start time” option works. What track is this? Is this the track that is currently playing in the playlist player at the time of generation?
Let's say in the Playlist window repeat options you set: check maximum 1000 tracks, 1200 minutes, consider start time. And imagine you have playing a track in the playlist, and 1000 tracks after it. For simplicity, each track is exactly 5 minutes. So, it's like you tell Playlist Generator: we start creating a playlist, and we'll play it after all those 1000 tracks sitting in the playlist window will play.

If it considers start time, then the track that's next after the currently playing, from Playlist Generator's point of view, had been "played" 1000*5=5000 minutes ago (because you take calculated start time into account), so generator can use this track.

That's why playlist repeat protection settings should be close to reality: how many tracks/minutes you expect it to play, before the newly generated playlist starts.

If you create a new hourly playlist 15 minutes before an hour starts, the configuration should be like 30 tracks/15 minutes. It will stop checking when any of those limits is reached.
If you create a new hourly playlist 15 minutes before an hour starts, the configuration should be like 30 tracks/15 minutes. It will stop checking when any of those limits is reached.
Thank you for taking the time to explain to me how this option works with the settings.