Request: Microphone cause local muting


New member
I hope this isn't a feature that already exists  :)

I have a simple stream that I use to entertain my family and friends with old pop hits and trivia. I?ve been focusing on getting the best sound from the stream than I can.  I am using Stereo Tool to provide custom processing.

I have found that getting the very best sound requires that I introduce latency in the signal. This latency precludes hearing the output while speaking on the microphone without causing insanity. Therefore, I manually mute the speakers locally when I?m speaking on the microphone.

My feature request is ?Local Mute? when the microphone button is pressed. This would mute the local speakers when the microphone button is pressed, while allowing the stream to broadcast. While I would not hear the stream while the microphone was on, I wouldn?t have to manually mute the speakers each time I wanted to speak.


Microphone Details
?MIC? button
Device: Mic in at rear panel
Music level: 0
Fade in / out: 0
DirectSound Input prebuf: 0.002
WASAPI Input buffer: 0.021
ASIO Input buffer (0=default)

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
8G RAM available
RadioBOSS using 63MB
Average CPU loading: 12% with priority set to High (~38% on a one of four cores)

That feature doesn't exist yet, I think we'll add this in future.

To turn speakers off you may use the volume slider in the bottom right corner - it controls only local volume, stream volume is not affected.
Cool - thanks for the feedback. My keyboard has a dedicated mute key, which makes things a little easier (push the keyboard key, click the Microphone button). Having it be tied together would be very convenient.

Thanks for considering my request -

I don't see this in - did I miss it?

Thanks again for this feature - should be *very* helpful

That feature is not that easy to implement as I thought... That's why it wasn't added in version 4.5.6.
It will be in RadioBOSS 4.6 beta soon.