Rules for rotation PLGen Pro

Offtopic: Interesting feature for live operation

Jazler SOHO also gives you the option of A and B outputs, so they can play interchangeably on your mixers faders. The same time you can have other two outputs, one for instant jingles, and one for monitoring.


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djsoft said:
Now we can add sort of "selection rules" to better control track selection, something like the rules you listed in your previous post (max number of consecutive tracks with certain tag, do not select tag after certain tags etc).
I hope we can have this in RB 5! :D
I am anxious waiting for its release beta
nelson c said:
Incorporate the pie chart we discussed earlier.
It's planned for one of the future updates.

nelson c said:
It is also very interesting to see the history of reproductions of a song. It is a very expected feature for us.
Isn't it what Report Generator does?

nelson c said:
Offtopic: Interesting feature for live operation
Do those work in a separate way, e.g. playlist plays in player A and something else plays in player B?

nelson c said:
I hope we can have this in RB 5!
I am anxious waiting for its release beta
Lots of changes are coming in RadioBOSS 6.0, but it's a long path, I hope the beta will be ready by the end of the year.
djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on Today at 11:54:33 AM
It is also very interesting to see the history of reproductions of a song. It is a very expected feature for us.
Isn't it what Report Generator does?
Yes, but it is not comfortable at all. I think this is useful for legal purposes.

We need something more practical. For example, when opening tracktool we can visualize the reproductions of the song.
I would also like to be able to obtain these values from the API

djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on Today at 12:04:19 PM
Offtopic: Interesting feature for live operation
Do those work in a separate way, e.g. playlist plays in player A and something else plays in player B?
There is no beta available yet, so I couldn't test. It seems to be a configurable feature.
I suppose that the players share the same playlist, at least I know other software that is like that. Simply the reproduction is alternated between "A" and "B". This is VERY useful for live operation when using an external mixer.
The announcer can talk about a track that is in a background level and when it ends, it goes to the next track which starts at 100% of the level.(Adjusted from the external console for being separate channels)
It is very different from raising the level at that time since it affects "Everything" (the track that goes and the one that begins).
Also a kind of FadeIn is created on the starting track that does not sound as nice as the track starts immediately at 100% of the level

djsoft said:
Lots of changes are coming in RadioBOSS 6.0, but it's a long path, I hope the beta will be ready by the end of the year.
Sorry I meant RB 6  ;D It is great news.
I hope the filters that is the reason for this topic can be implemented.

Also remember that there was talk of a new audio engine. That would be fantastic. After that it will allow the redesign of Sigue Editor, right?
There is quite a difference today between what is actually programmed and played. It would also be interesting if at times the audio level could be adjusted as the image that I attach


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nelson c said:
We need something more practical. For example, when opening tracktool we can visualize the reproductions of the song.
I would also like to be able to obtain these values from the API
Yes, this is a feature we plan for RB 6.0 - it will store the last 10 times the track was played. Like the "date last played" tag but storing multiple playback times.

nelson c said:
I suppose that the players share the same playlist, at least I know other software that is like that. Simply the reproduction is alternated between "A" and "B". This is VERY useful for live operation when using an external mixer.
This was proposed previously too, but currently I'm not sure this fits RadioBOSS purpose, as its main target is automatic operation. It's a pretty complex thing, currently the list of new changes for the next version is huge, so A/B decks will have to wait :)

nelson c said:
Also remember that there was talk of a new audio engine. That would be fantastic. After that it will allow the redesign of Sigue Editor, right?
This is what is going to happen in the 6.0 version, The point is not only Segue Editor, but how crossfades work (they are more precise in the new version) and possibility of stream preload and other things.
djsoft said:
Yes, this is a feature we plan for RB 6.0 - it will store the last 10 times the track was played. Like the "date last played" tag but storing multiple playback times.
In a first stage this will undoubtedly be very useful. But in the future I would not really be interested in having "only" the last 10 reproductions. I imagine that "only 10" is due to the difficulty of implementing it in users who do not use a database.
Maybe it's time to start extending functions according to the storage method they use. I don't use SQLite, but I tried it and it's excellent. No configuration is really needed, it is totally stable and users will not notice that there is a database running.

Actually having this information may be useful in the future, for example to analyze "the date with the most reproductions", for example because it was a hit, and it was in a list with high rotation

djsoft said:
This was proposed previously too, but currently I'm not sure this fits RadioBOSS purpose, as its main target is automatic operation. It's a pretty complex thing, currently the list of new changes for the next version is huge, so A/B decks will have to wait
I know that is not the purpose of RadioBOSS. But the program can certainly compete against software designed for live operation. Since I try all the softwares that I find and by far RadioBOSS is my favorite. So many years here exposing ideas, they were not in bathroom  ;) .

I don't know how RadioBOSS works internally, but from the debug window I can deduce that it uses several chains for the crossfader.
I use the BASS library and routing two chains through different outputs is not a complex thing.

I think the most complex problem presented here is the design of two players that should have options to pause resume playing simultaneously etc. Which was not my idea anyway when I wrote this.

I would like to know what you think about it, but I agree that this can wait. :)
djsoft said:
This is what is going to happen in the 6.0 version, The point is not only Segue Editor, but how crossfades work (they are more precise in the new version) and possibility of stream preload and other things.
Great news, highly anticipated features. There is software that does very interesting things with crossfaders. There is a post of mine where I explained what I can deduce what it does, maybe it is a good time to relive it and continue investigating,4877.msg25082.html#msg25082
nelson c said:
In a first stage this will undoubtedly be very useful. But in the future I would not really be interested in having "only" the last 10 reproductions. I imagine that "only 10" is due to the difficulty of implementing it in users who do not use a database.
Maybe it's time to start extending functions according to the storage method they use. I don't use SQLite, but I tried it and it's excellent. No configuration is really needed, it is totally stable and users will not notice that there is a database running.
It can be saved to the tag as well, database is not required here. Even storing like 10,000 "date played" records in a tag will only increase file size by about 100KB - not very much. RadioBOSS already uses SQLite by default for new installations, it used for caching tags to improve performance.

nelson c said:
Actually having this information may be useful in the future, for example to analyze "the date with the most reproductions", for example because it was a hit, and it was in a list with high rotation
This information can be gathered from Report Generator, e.g. select date range, playcount report, sort by playcount and you'll see the most played tracks for the period. I don't see a reason in duplicatiung that, this will lead to two ways for doing the same thing and it's never a good idea.

nelson c said:
I don't know how RadioBOSS works internally, but from the debug window I can deduce that it uses several chains for the crossfader.
I use the BASS library and routing two chains through different outputs is not a complex thing.
It's not complex, yes, but I'm not really sure this is the correct path for RadioBOSS. When it was designed (almost 20 years ago :) ) we deicded not to implement the "two decks" thing - this approach was/is popular with some radio automation software. But for automation, it's not a good idea and unneeded complication. It could be added as an option, but only in the future - after version 6.0.

nelson c said:
Great news, highly anticipated features. There is software that does very interesting things with crossfaders. There is a post of mine where I explained what I can deduce what it does, maybe it is a good time to relive it and continue investigating
It seems that it simply synchronizes two tracks so that their "punch points" are played at the same time. I see something like this already presents in out to-do list - but currently I can't promise anything.
djsoft said:
This was proposed previously too, but currently I'm not sure this fits RadioBOSS purpose, as its main target is automatic operation. It's a pretty complex thing, currently the list of new changes for the next version is huge, so A/B decks will have to wait
I found a very interesting option in jazler regarding this: By deactivating the microphone the option "Start next track immediately, and at maximum volume" .. It has to do with what we discussed earlier and it is an easy way to implement it :D
nelson c said:
I found a very interesting option in jazler regarding this: By deactivating the microphone the option "Start next track immediately, and at maximum volume" .. It has to do with what we discussed earlier and it is an easy way to implement it
Yes, this can be added - I see that it was also requested in the past :)
djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on April 14, 2020, 10:43:11 AM
In a first stage this will undoubtedly be very useful. But in the future I would not really be interested in having "only" the last 10 reproductions. I imagine that "only 10" is due to the difficulty of implementing it in users who do not use a database.
Maybe it's time to start extending functions according to the storage method they use. I don't use SQLite, but I tried it and it's excellent. No configuration is really needed, it is totally stable and users will not notice that there is a database running.
It can be saved to the tag as well, database is not required here. Even storing like 10,000 "date played" records in a tag will only increase file size by about 100KB - not very much. RadioBOSS already uses SQLite by default for new installations, it used for caching tags to improve performance.
Is this planned for the future?
The information it provides is fantastic for adjusting the rotation of the music.
Let's start from not losing the reproductions :)


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Not really. Playlist Generator does not have any information about when the playlists are going to start - as they are started either manually or using the scheduler.
djsoft said:
Not really. Playlist Generator does not have any information about when the playlists are going to start - as they are started either manually or using the scheduler.
Sorry for the title of the topic.
This image refers to a tool for historical analysis of reproductions.
Shows how many times a song is played per day of the week, how many times per hour of the day.
This is very useful to improve the presets of Playlist Gen Pro. (If there is no human intervention, of course)
It is analytical information, for example it allows us to know
if we need more tracks in a gen pro playlist category, to reduce the number of plays per day.
Or edit the preset, sometimes removing the category.
I am reviewing the most expensive music programming software. In top40 radios, it is assumed that each category has a fixed number of songs. (If a new song is added, another one moves to another category). As there is no human intervention in the generated playlist, it is possible to estimate "every few minutes" a song will be played and how many times a day and the hours a day. (Analyzing the configured preset) .. That is what I was referring to in this post:,6429.msg30915.html#msg30915
The graph that we are debating now, however, really shows us what happened and serves as a starting point to improve the preset.
nelson c said:
Shows how many times a song is played per day of the week, how many times per hour of the day.
This is very useful to improve the presets of Playlist Gen Pro. (If there is no human intervention, of course)
It is analytical information, for example it allows us to know
This is interesting - added it to the future list of improvements, thank you for the idea.

nelson c said:
In top40 radios, it is assumed that each category has a fixed number of songs. (If a new song is added, another one moves to another category)
This makes programming more complex and I'd really liketo avoid imposing such limitations. I also personally don't really like song selection in most top40 stations, it sounds like 20 songs playing constantly, same thing all day :)
nelson c said:
nelson c said:
When I have a concrete idea on how to implement it I will expose it
Going back to the thread title, I think they could be implemented as general preset filters.
Some of the example ideas would be:
-Maximum number of consecutive tracks with the tag: "Time: slow" = 1 *
-Maximum percentage of tracks with the tag "Time: slow" 10%**
-Maximum percentage of tracks with the tag "Language: English" 55%**
-Minimum percentage of tracks with the tag "Version: live" 20%**

*The complicated thing also with this is that there are categories that should not be taken into account for this rule, such as sweapers, institutional. It should apply only to music.
It should be avoided
-Slow song (with slow tag)
-Slow song (with slow tag)

**I just realized that this should also only be calculated with music. Intitutional separators have no tags, or at least their time doesn't matter. The percentage should be calculated by omitting these files.
Dmitry, any chance you have these filters in PLGen in this new beta?
It is something highly anticipated by us
nelson c said:
Dmitry, any chance you have these filters in PLGen in this new beta?
It is something highly anticipated by us
Not in this beta, I'm very sorry - there are lots of changes alrerady in this beta (internally many parts were rewritten completely), so no more new features there, only if minor ones.