Schedule songs by day and time


Active member
I hope that in the next version, the ability to schedule songs by day and time will finally be included. Currently, I have to work around jingles like 'It's weekend', 'Monday', "Night program" etc., which makes my job much more complicated.
I hope that in the next version, the ability to schedule songs by day and time will finally be included. Currently, I have to work around jingles like 'It's weekend', 'Monday', "Night program" etc., which makes my job much more complicated.
How do you select the songs for playback? If you use the Playlist Generator, you can achieve it by assigning proper tags to tracks, like "Day", "Night", or if you need more control, assign specific hour tags e.g. "12:00", "13:00", and so on, you can also assign tags for week days and anything else. The in the Playlist Generator templates, configure appropriate tag filters so it only includes/excludes the tracks you need.
Yes, I do something like that, but the result is that I end up with a lot of playlists. Many of them are the same, just with different tags enabled or disabled for the day and hour. I would prefer if songs/jingles could be scheduled by day and hour, which would greatly simplify the job. Besides, almost all radio software has such an option.

Therefore, suggesting some workaround to achieve this is not really an option.
In any case you will need different playlist templates/events to select the tracks you need.
No, because if I have a 'Monday' jingle (for example, one that is set to play only on Mondays), it will automatically insert itself regardless of the playlist. The way it is now, I have three identical playlists, but one has the 'Monday' jingle tag, another 'Weekend,' and the third 'Night,' and similar. It's not very practical.
And with using Tags, RadioBOSS too, there's no need to add this as a separate feature.
Additionally, this has already been mentioned, and the response was:
April 11, 2022
"daypart" function in Tracktool
This feature is in the queue for future versions.

And I was hoping it would finally be implemented in the next version. I think this feature is really missing.
No, because if I have a 'Monday' jingle (for example, one that is set to play only on Mondays), it will automatically insert itself regardless of the playlist.
If you set up proper filters, it will not happen. That is, when all jingles are properly tagged, and filters only take what is needed.

The way it is now, I have three identical playlists, but one has the 'Monday' jingle tag, another 'Weekend,' and the third 'Night,' and similar. It's not very practical.
With Global categories in the Playlist Generator, this should become easier. You can share the same category between multiple presets.

"daypart" function in Tracktool
This feature is in the queue for future versions.

And I was hoping it would finally be implemented in the next version. I think this feature is really missing.
We thought about it here, and with possibility to assign tags, it now looks more practical to move in the following direction:
  • Add more tag-related filters and rules
  • Add new kind of rules to check what tag can/should/must/must not/... follow another tag
What I mean is, "daypart" will essentially, in the end, come to the same thing: you need to mark tracks when they can play; you need to create playlist templates that make use of those marks to create playlists. And as it turns out, that's what already possible with using Tags.
It seems that the question of many users is stubbornly ignored here. Every broadcast software has this possibility, except RadioBoss. Here is an example from mAirlist, each track has separate tabs including a tab "planning". There you will find a schedule where you have 100% control over the day and hour when you want to exclude this track from the planning. This is the way I (and many other RadioBoss users) want it and not with the cumbersome tag functions.


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I agree with RadioJoss. I think this method with tags and weights in categories is much more complicated and unclear. According to this, I would need to have the same playlist in several versions? The same playlist in different versions with jingles like "Morning," "Night Program," "Weekend," "Monday," etc. That’s how my playlists are now - one and the same playlist in 5-6-7 versions. Currently, I have a lot of playlists, and at least half of them are the same, just with different categories of jingles. Ahhhh...
Right now, I'm talking about playlists with different jingles, but what about playlists that would include songs only (for example) for the night program (e.g. with inappropriate lyrics)? I would also need to tag those separately and set some weight in the categories? The weight is always defined so that these songs would end up being played more often than the regular ones. For example, there aren't many songs with inappropriate lyrics, which means the same ones would keep playing in a set ratio. I don't want that; I want them to be included at night and played in the same rhythm as all the other songs. I'm not sure if I’ve made this explanation clear.

I think determining the day and time is the simplest and clearest way to control this. After all, there's a reason almost all radio software uses this method. I believe the proposed method with these tag filters - can/should/must/must not/... will be overly complicated and will require extensive checking of each playlist and scheduling. And there will be a large number of them. I want to have one playlist that plays at a specific time of day, and jingles/songs should kick in when they are scheduled. Very simple.

I remember asking about this option a few years ago (and other members had similar questions), and the answer was always that it would come in a future version. But now, all of a sudden, the response is that we need to deal with tags?

We could ask the forum members which option they would prefer: determining time/day or tags with filters.
There you will find a schedule where you have 100% control over the day and hour when you want to exclude this track from the planning. This is the way I (and many other RadioBoss users) want it and not with the cumbersome tag functions.
Tagging will allow to do all that. You will need to define the tags first of course: a maximum of 24 (hours) + 7 (week days) = 31 tags that you need to define. Most likely, it'll be enough to only create Morning/Day/Evening/Night tags instead of specific hour tags (depending on the level of control you need).

Advantage of the tags is that it's easy to assign/remove tags, there are already filters, searches, and other things in place so it's readily available to use. There's really no point in creating a separate UI to manage time/day. With the same amount of effort the same result is achieved using tags.
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I think this method with tags and weights in categories is much more complicated and unclear.
No, do not assign weights for this. If you want to select specific tracks, set up Filters instead: include/exclude set tags.

The same playlist in different versions with jingles like "Morning," "Night Program," "Weekend," "Monday," etc. That’s how my playlists are now - one and the same playlist in 5-6-7 versions. Currently, I have a lot of playlists, and at least half of them are the same, just with different categories of jingles. Ahhhh...
I'm not sure how a UI to set days/time for track will change that. You will still have exactly the same number of presets, that are the same except they configured to choose different days.

For example, there aren't many songs with inappropriate lyrics, which means the same ones would keep playing in a set ratio.
Weights are used for a different purpose e.g. playing new releases more often. You need to use Filters, in the Filters tab e.g.:
  • Include tracks with "Monday" tag
  • Exclude tracks with "Night" tag
Or, alternatively:
  • Include tracks with "Monday" tag
  • Include tracks with "Day" tag
I think determining the day and time is the simplest and clearest way to control this. After all, there's a reason almost all radio software uses this method.
I guess this is for the same reason (historical) why RadioBOSS doesn't have it: they did not have tags system (a universal solution) so they added day/time option. But as RadioBOSS has tags, there's no need to duplicate this creating essentially the same thing but somewhat specialized.

I believe the proposed method with these tag filters - can/should/must/must not/... will be overly complicated
This is, also, for a different thing - when you want more control like prevent two "male" tracks or make it select "classic" track after "ballade" or something like this.
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We could ask the forum members which option they would prefer: determining time/day or tags with filters.
I don't see what benefits this proposed feature will provide compared to using the Tags. What I mean is:
  • It does not eliminate the need to "mark" tracks for certain day/time, you still need to do this one way or another. Assign proper tags, or set day/time - exactly the same amount of work in any case;
  • It does not reduce the number of playlist generator presets you will need, because with Tags you configure filters. With day/time option you will, again, configure filters.