Hello, I'm traveling so here, so here I could not test whether the error is already fixed until next week.
Regarding sending MPX signal:
For this to work is a great chain everything should work to 192 Khz.
You forgot something important: the capture of audio, streaming is useless to 192 khz if only allowed one entry of 96 khz. ;D
I explain a bit in case anyone is interested:
For digital links at the transmitter site and leave only the transmitter and a PC requires a good soundcard (Eg ESI Jil@ works well for this). 192 kHz sounds are inaudible to humans, which is why many plates "lie in specifications" and really do not reach those frequencies that is where exactly are the stereo and RDS data.
In order to understand better explain step by step:
-Classic configuration:
Music in Boss Radio --> Mixer --> Sound Processor--> stereo generator--> RDS generator--> FM transmitter.
-Settings link:
* Music in Boss Radio --> Mixer --> Sound Processor--> stereo generator--> RDS generator--> soundcard input (192 kHz) --> 192 Khz Streaming flac--> Internet.
* Internet--> Aimp (is the only player I found 192 khz send layers to the sound card, most uncertain output 96kHz) --> Output soundcard--> FM transmitter.
This is ONLY used to the link, you should not send the audio to the website as it is perceived as mono, and includes pre-emphasis (so you'll notice a lot of treble stereo produced by the generator).
Using this configuration is virtually no loss in sound quality and you can use a single processor may sound, RDS and stereo generator for multiple radios
