Setting 'time-left' triggers for Voice Tracks within "File Types" Settings


Under "File Types" in Settings we currently have the ability to create file types and assign specific folders for where those files will be located. We also have the option to have that particular file type treated as a voice track by checking the appropriate box for it, and even associate specific music beds with it, and set levels. Very wonderful.

My question is, would it be possible to include additional settings that would allow us to determine the number of seconds left on the preceding song that would trigger any voice track scheduled or placed after it? I ask because I have over 10,000 songs in my music library, and I cannot imagine having to manually set outro points on each file that would trigger the voice track. I'd never finish. If it became possible to have the option to set a 'time left' trigger for voice tracks falling under particular file types, then what would happen is that it wouldn't matter which song it is, the voice track would be triggered when there is, for example, 10 seconds of whatever preceding song there is left to play - if we have set the voice track to trigger when there are 10 seconds of any preceding song left. This setting would apply to all voice tracks within that specific file type.

Or if there is another way to do something close to this kindly let me know.
Maybe the Auto Intro feature will be a better fit for your needs:
I tried all of today testing this but, sadly, it doesn't do what I'm asking about.

Auto intro seems useful for what should play before a track, rather than what should play after it or how soon before the end of that track the item should be triggered.

Currently I load my voice tracks onto the playlist by pre-recording them separately and assigning the audio files into specific folders with corresponding categories in the playlist generator. When I generate the playlist the voice track then appears where is supposed to, usually after a song. My voice tracks have also been assigned their own file type in settings, with music beds allocated for each. So far so good. My problem is, because I haven't set outro markers on my songs, all the voice tracks will usually only be triggered to play at the mix point of the song before, which is usually at the end. Thus the voice track doesn't 'blend' very well with the preceding song. I could, of course, manually move each voice track into position in the segue editor but that would be too cumbersome to do for all instances.

My suggestion is to have a setting that allows for a specific file type (as determined in the General settings) to be triggered when there are a specific number of seconds left (or any time of one's choosing) on any preceding song. This way it would be easy for the voice track to start playing, let's say, 10 seconds before the end of any preceding song, without needing to have set outro markers on each and every song in my library, which I may not be able to do as I have over 10,000 songs.

I want my voice tracks to start playing within a predetermined time frame before a song ends but without first having set the outro markers on every song. If this would be possible, in my case for the sake of convenience I'd probably just select a -10 second trigger by default in my settings. Ideally this feature I'm proposing would allow each user to select their own time frame for each file type that is to be treated as a voice track.
My suggestion is to have a setting that allows for a specific file type (as determined in the General settings) to be triggered when there are a specific number of seconds left (or any time of one's choosing) on any preceding song. This way it would be easy for the voice track to start playing, let's say, 10 seconds before the end of any preceding song, without needing to have set outro markers on each and every song in my library, which I may not be able to do as I have over 10,000 songs.
We'll consider this for the next updates. An option called like "Default Outro value" may be added for this.