URL Principal a Url Backup


New member
Good afternoon, I need your help.
I have Boss radio and I need to add two URLs in a Playlist

Main URL
URL Backup

When you can't connect to Main Url it changes to Backup Url.

And when the Main URL works again, return it to this one.

From support they have told me something about relay start, but I have gotten very little help.

Does anyone know what I can do?
You should use the Relay feature for this: https://manual.djsoft.net/radioboss/en/relaying.htm

Add a backup URL to the playlist, enable the "Repeat playlist" option (under the playlist window), and start playing the playlist.

Create a scheduled event with the relaystart http://example.com command (change to your main URL), set the start time when you want to relay. In the scheduled events list, you can press the Run Now button to immediately start the created event.

Scheduler: https://manual.djsoft.net/radioboss/en/scheduling_playback.htm
Thanks for the response.
But I don't know how to do it.
Can you attach a screenshot of an example, I would appreciate it.
I have read the manual several times, but I don't know how to do it.
I need your help.
Can you please specify what step of the configuration you need help with? To add a backup URL, in the menu click Playlist->Add URL. To enable "Repeat playlist" - push the "Repeat playlist" button under the playlist. To start the relay with main URL, create a sxheduled event with the relaystart http://example.com command.