Weather: Setup issues. Questions.


New member
While using the manual and searching/reading threads here... I'm looking for help.

I've spent nearly four hours trying to get the Weather function to properly work. It isn't parsing the data commands correctly, if at all. From either or Accuweather... with API keys for both.

This string:
K-I-I-W-LP Dobbins Quick Weather:
?weather_text and ?temp_f with ?wind_name at ?wind speed_m.
Tomorrow looks like ?weather_text_tom with ?temp_f_tom with ?wind_name_tom.

Returns K-I-I-W-LP Dobbins Weather ?weather_text and 70 with E at ?wind speed_m. Tomorrow looks like ?weather_text_tom with 70_tom with W.

I frequently get Weather (tomorrow) update error: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

I tried a variety of combinations, including copying the metric-based sample phrase from the manual... which did a little better. Using
Temperature today is ?temp degrees Celsius wind speed is ?wind_speed metres per second ?wind_name humidity is ?humidity percent. Tomorrow ?temp_tom degrees Celcius ?wind_speed_tom metres per second ?wind_name_tom humidity is ?humidity_tom percent.

TextToSpeech: Temperature today is 17 degrees Celsius wind speed is 2 metres per second Light breeze humidity is 64 percent. Tomorrow 13 degrees Celcius 4 metres per second Gentle Breeze humidity is 56 percent.

If I add ?weather_text to the mix, the function produces this:
TextToSpeech: Temperature today is 17 degrees Celsius wind speed is 2 metres per second Light breeze humidity is 64 percent.?weather_text. Tomorrow 13 degrees Celcius 4 metres per second Gentle Breeze humidity is 56 percent. ?weather_text_tom

What's happening with ?weather_text and ?weather_text_tom ?

If I manually add the Imperial descriptors, (and a little snark... :)
Temperature today is ?temp_f degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed is ?wind_speed_m miles an hour, and ?wind_name. I don't care but the humidity is ?humidity percent. ?weather_text. Tomorrow it should get to ?temp_tom_f degrees Fahrenheit. The wind may be ?wind_speed_tom_m miles an hour and ?wind_name_tom Might be dryer since the humidity might be ?humidity_tom percent. I'm more interested in conditions like ?weather_text_tom

I get:
TextToSpeech: Temperature today is 63 degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed is 5 miles an hour, and Light breeze. I don't care but the humidity is 64 percent. ?weather_text. Tomorrow it should get to 56 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind may be 8 miles an hour and Gentle Breeze Might be dryer since the humidity might be 56 percent. I'm more interested in conditions like ?weather_text_tom

If I then copy my original text:
K-I-I-W-LP Dobbins Quick Weather: ?weather_text and ?temp_f with ?wind_name at ?wind speed_m. Tomorrow looks like ?weather_text_tom with ?temp_f_tom with ?wind_name_tom.

I get:
TextToSpeech: K-I-I-W-LP Dobbins Quick Weather: ?weather_text and 63 with Light breeze at ?wind speed_m. Tomorrow looks like ?weather_text_tom with 63_tom with Gentle Breeze.

ALL of these EXCEPT the Metric-based ones returned a
Weather (tomorrow) update error: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Does the sequence of the data pulls have to be in the same sequence as what's listed in the manual... or that seems to work with the Metric-based sample?

Is the temperature for today the CURRENT temp? Or is it the Forecast temp?
What's happening with ?weather_text

Are there OTHER ?xxxyyy_zzz data that we can include from whatever is provided by each call to the data provider?

Insights appreciated...

Looks like the ?weather_text variable doesn't work properly. Please wait for the next update where we'll fix it. You can use the other weather variables to make announcements.
Looks like the ?weather_text variable doesn't work properly. Please wait for the next update where we'll fix it. You can use the other weather variables to make announcements.
Thanks for undertaking that. Any idea how long that might be before we see the update you mention?
Still looking for an explanation as to why this happens, and to my other questions.

If I then copy my original text:
K-I-I-W-LP Dobbins Quick Weather: ?weather_text and ?temp_f with ?wind_name at ?wind speed_m. Tomorrow looks like ?weather_text_tom with ?temp_f_tom with ?wind_name_tom.

I get:
TextToSpeech: K-I-I-W-LP Dobbins Quick Weather: ?weather_text and 63 with Light breeze at ?wind speed_m. Tomorrow looks like ?weather_text_tom with 63_tom with Gentle Breeze.

ALL of these EXCEPT the Metric-based ones returned a
Weather (tomorrow) update error: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Does the sequence of the data pulls have to be in the same sequence as what's listed in the manual... or that seems to work with the Metric-based sample?

Is the temperature for today the CURRENT temp? Or is it the Forecast temp?
What's happening with ?weather_text

Are there OTHER ?xxxyyy_zzz data that we can include from whatever is provided by each call to the data provider?