Contribution: Remote Control for RadioBOSS

nelson c

Well-known member
Hello everyone!.

The state developing an application para Remote controlled so RadioBOSS. :)


Some of the features offered:
-Modify The order of songs
-Make Pre Listen through transmission
Embedded Web -Navegador
-Search Artist Information (Right-click the Panel C> Artists Search in Google)
-Make Searches in XML and insert them into the playlist (must be the same XML file located on the remote PC, you CAN use Google Drive Sync paragraph library) now do not use libraries with more than 10,000 files.
RSS news -Visor
-Resaltar Colors scammers "File Types" (as RadioBOSS)
-Activate and Disable microphone. Volume controls. Add Streaming URL, line-In, pause. (for now without work. Remove some things that were not finished and remove unintentionally events of some controls.)
-turn Off and restart the remote pc
-Enable And disable all events.
File -Download remotely un.
-Search At playlist
Additional -Information about the selected track
(Several of these functions are in the menu in Spanish)

1-Open Application.
2-After a few seconds you will see two messages that they could not connect with RadioBOSS
3-Fence to the "Settings" tab and set the IP, port and Password RadioBOSS API.
4 Type the local path of the folder containing the files (Perform searches paragraph) XML
5 Enter the address streaming if the remote CUE.
6 Save the profile and restart the application.

There are several mistakes that are unsolved, so have patience.
Paragraph I have little time to continue this project, if someone wants to help develop it is welcome, please contact me.

Update 2020: New version uploaded: here more details,4350.msg31348.html#msg31348


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Wow... very, very interesting.
I tested it localy and it works perfectly.
Do you have an english config file?  :)

Does it work (remote) on the internet?
In the future I translate it to English. (it was in Spanish, today I started with translation) ;)

It works with internet (if open the corresponding port in your router). It doesn't work as well as locally. (there is a small delay of half a second sometimes). but it is still much better than teamviewer  :)

some things "work" but are not programmed correctly.
For example the search XML hanging around the program when large libraries are used.
If someone wants to collaborate Delphi knowledge , we could do more interesting things ! .
nelson c said:
In the future I translate it to English. (it was in Spanish, today I started with translation) ;)

It works with internet (if open the corresponding port in your router). It doesn't work as well as locally. (there is a small delay of half a second sometimes). but it is still much better than teamviewer  :)
Great work. When LocuWeb will be in english I will test it better. It looks very promising. Now i test some features of it. Good job!
pety said:
nelson c said:
In the future I translate it to English. (it was in Spanish, today I started with translation) ;)

It works with internet (if open the corresponding port in your router). It doesn't work as well as locally. (there is a small delay of half a second sometimes). but it is still much better than teamviewer  :)
Great work. When LocuWeb will be in english I will test it better. It looks very promising. Now i test some features of it. Good job!
Thank you! I hope to have the program fully in English this week
Interesting. Please let me know if there's anything which should be improved in RadioBOSS API.
djsoft said:
Interesting. Please let me know if there's anything which should be improved in RadioBOSS API.

It would be very useful to change the behavior of the "Move" (which changes place tracks in the playlist) command.

Instead of investing the place of the songs (# 5 happens to be in place of # 8. And vice versa.) Would be good to behave as it does in the playlist of RadioBOSS.
(The track was once the 8 becomes the 9 and on the other side of the track that was the 6 becomes a 5.)
Perhaps with the image attached is easier to understand.

Now when you move a track in the playlist, releasing the track, it calls the "Move" command several times to make a move.

If a track is moved 17 places, you call the command 17 times to replicate this movement and when I'm not on a local network this process is slow.

It would also be interesting to hear the files remotely. but that is promised for future releases. ;)


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nelson c said:
djsoft said:
Interesting. Please let me know if there's anything which should be improved in RadioBOSS API.
It would be very useful to change the behavior of the "Move" (which changes place tracks in the playlist) command
Will be done in RadioBOSS 5.4.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
djsoft said:
Interesting. Please let me know if there's anything which should be improved in RadioBOSS API.
It would be very useful to change the behavior of the "Move" (which changes place tracks in the playlist) command
Will be done in RadioBOSS 5.4.

Thanks! :)

pety said:
nelson c said:
In the future I translate it to English. (it was in Spanish, today I started with translation) ;)

It works with internet (if open the corresponding port in your router). It doesn't work as well as locally. (there is a small delay of half a second sometimes). but it is still much better than teamviewer  :)
Great work. When LocuWeb will be in english I will test it better. It looks very promising. Now i test some features of it. Good job!

New English version!.  ;)
Several problems solved


Hope this helps with the conversion to English.

Config.ini still not in English... 
when I tried to load it with my settings, is gave me an Access Violation.

I'm using Windows 10


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DavenLC said:
Hope this helps with the conversion to English.

Config.ini still not in English... 
when I tried to load it with my settings, is gave me an Access Violation.

I'm using Windows 10
So is the file .ini this in Spanish. Do you modify the file manually before you hang?. All useful parameters can be modified from the program, there is no need to manually edit this file.
Edited Config.ini file, made the settings blank.  The program came up, and tried inputting the information.  I still get that Access Violation popping up.  Most settings are still in Spanish in the program itself. Since I don't understand Spanish, it's hard for me to do stuff.  I used Google translate on some stuff.
If you make it multilanguage by some drop down menu and separated files , i`ll help with a translation to my language from english.
OK, I will work on the complete translation into English next week.

Open writable files, so that I can help with the translation. :)
The development continues although I do not have much time for this. I have a version that incorporates a metadata editor.
Alberto Carmona said:
Excelente amigo que buen trabajo no lo abandones por favor esto es excelente
Gracias  :).. La verdad no tengo mucho tiempo para esto.. Movi los desarrollos a un sistema propio para clasificar la biblioteca y obviamente hacer preescuchas de las canciones por internet. Luego esa clasificacion
es tomada por Playlist Gen Pro y se genera los playlist para RadioBOSS. Tambien desde esta aplicacion puedo insertar canciones a la lista de aire de RB. Te dejo un vistazo.
Todo esto funciona gracias a la API de RB!.
Estoy abocado a eso, en estos momentos estoy dise?ando la app para Android para el sistema que desarrollo.

PD: Dejo subida la ultima version de LocuWeb, con varias mejoras  :D. Hay varias cosas sin terminar..



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