Please consider my suggestion to minimize routine operations and interaction between Playlist and Music Library.
If approved, implement this or similar functionality.
Task: Implement quick search for an audio track or an entire album in Music Library using record from playlist.
What is it for?
When processing a large amount of audio content, some of it may end up on the playlist. Hearing a track that does not meet the criteria, there is a need to transfer a track, and often all the tracks that are part of a particular album into another category of 'Tags' (Tag list form) or just delete all of these tracks from the database and etc.
In playlist now it can be done by highlighting and copying the album name to the clipboard from the track description or manually entering the name from the keyboard already in the Music Library filter field. This is not so convenient, because you have to perform the same type of actions, switching between windows.
I propose to add a section in the context menu of playlist (RMB) from where a couple of clicks of the mouse the Music Library window will open and the selected filter values will be applied immediately.
I see roughly this representation of this context menu item, which essentially repeats the set of filters in Music Library:
Open in Music Library by...>
File name
This small improvement will allow you to reduce a lot of routine work with RB to a couple of clicks and make this work more comfortable. I hope that this improvement will not complicate the development too much, because it is partly based on already existing tools.
If approved, implement this or similar functionality.
Task: Implement quick search for an audio track or an entire album in Music Library using record from playlist.
What is it for?
When processing a large amount of audio content, some of it may end up on the playlist. Hearing a track that does not meet the criteria, there is a need to transfer a track, and often all the tracks that are part of a particular album into another category of 'Tags' (Tag list form) or just delete all of these tracks from the database and etc.
In playlist now it can be done by highlighting and copying the album name to the clipboard from the track description or manually entering the name from the keyboard already in the Music Library filter field. This is not so convenient, because you have to perform the same type of actions, switching between windows.
I propose to add a section in the context menu of playlist (RMB) from where a couple of clicks of the mouse the Music Library window will open and the selected filter values will be applied immediately.
I see roughly this representation of this context menu item, which essentially repeats the set of filters in Music Library:
Open in Music Library by...>
File name

This small improvement will allow you to reduce a lot of routine work with RB to a couple of clicks and make this work more comfortable. I hope that this improvement will not complicate the development too much, because it is partly based on already existing tools.