RadioBOSS 6.3 [beta]

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There seems to be a problem with SID artwork and the way that it is processed differently with different Filetypes where a custom title is used, I have not got to the bottom of this yet . But I may have got round this changing its Genre
( a Fade in Value to be set for selected Tags, Artists or Positions ) where the Intro is applied. Cause sometimes I Noticed ( at General Fade-in Off ) that the first Sec of the songs are heard before the Intro & then starts the Intro. The Intro that I have tried has no blank space at the beginning of it
I have not noticed a problem with this but am using it to fade out and add Auto Intro at the end of the track both seemed to work ok . I have no bed as it made DSP be worse with vocals. The Seg editor seemed to be a bit crazy as its fine when you set up the original cross fade all the way through. I noticed a problem ages ago that this then if you altered one everything else slipped and needed adjusting. I haven't used this since as I can set ends and starts with TrackTool , hope this helps
Auto Intro Output Device
[ ] Main Card
[DS] Speakers (VB-Audio Cable [Change] button
in the Settings >> Playback this is repeatedly being missed on many updates back to when the jingles and cart wall was changed? Its is currently going through the DSP min music channel . You could use one of the channels not used as far as I can tell that are on there.
I already asked about this and have contacted Thimeo to see if they have a work-around as you seem to have put it on the back burner again, I have just downloaded 6.3.03 and all is operational the Sweepers seemed to be back online so hopefully no duplicate artists which is much better.

Dimitri, Can you summarize the things you have been asked about which are not making into this release?

I am rather frustrated having purchased the Bimp at #200. that it is not useable as the current RB does not support it in its entirety with AutoIntro and now the Insert Vocals using the tag Outro being all process by DSP on main sound channel . I am hopeful Thimeo can solve this as I fear you have now decided twice not to include it .
A small bug in Ads scheduler. In the 'Settings' tab, the 'Profile name for reports' remains on all other tabs.


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It might be a good idea if the days always remained visible when I scroll through the Ads block, so that I don't have to think about which column corresponds to which day. Currently, they disappear when I scroll down.
It might be a good idea if the days always remained visible when I scroll through the Ads block, so that I don't have to think about which column corresponds to which day. Currently, they disappear when I scroll down.
We have reset RB and now the days in the Ads block are visible even when scrolling. So please disregard my previous post. Everything is OK.
Cannot move groups in scheduler.
Would it be possible to move as needed?
I think I remember in previous versions if you could.
Whenever you add a new event it goes to the end, and I want to move it to the top of the list to keep it visible and not have to move the entire list.
thank you
This looks like an issue with Windows, it only allows audio device to be used by one user, and when you log in as another user, it disables the device for the other user.
If you need RadioBOSS for streaming purposes only, you can switch to No Sound option, this way it will only stream and will not rely on a sound card at all.
I tried that, and the stream continued, but the interface bug still persists.


For example, when I pressed the stream button, it opened the sound recording function. You may notice a visual flaw in the screenshot
So, I asked in stereo tool Forum to see if they can provide a solution that has so far not been forth coming, perhaps they have a solution:

I managed to update vst_stereo_tool_64_BETA1002-063.dll running with RB x64 now it all sems to work well but am missing advanced menu that we had before. I have the Bimp which is still not configurable. I have looked at i/o and enabled second port on it . However, this is still not processing vocals separately Dimitri informs me this is because they are currently mashed with the main sound card is there anyway the BIMP can process this separately as Dimitri is talking about not catering for it again in this current beta and putting tis on the back burner yet again.

On the positive note the carts wall and jingles all seem to be cleaner I am not sure how the BIMP is recognising this channel differently as there was nowhere to specify a port
  • Ability to record voice insert from Track Tool.
This new feature does not have:
Voice Insert Output Device
[ ] Main Card
[DS] Speakers (VB-Audio Cable [Change] button

just like
Auto Intro Output Device

[ ] Main Card
[DS] Speakers (VB-Audio Cable [Change] button
in the Settings >> Playback

This is repeatedly being missed on many updates back to when the jingles and cart wall was changed? It is currently going through the DSP via music channel . You could use one of the channels not used Aux 1, Aux2 etc as far as I can tell that are on there.

Now you are creating new problems and not solving existing ones with the DSP. Does this make any sense?

This is producing a problem using the DSP as the feature will have all the sound processing effects of the music making it potential un-audible. Can you please look at this in this update as it appears even your new additions have this problem. We really need a solution. As currently these new additions are great but unworkable with a DSP.
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It would be good if in adding an event to the programmer, we could load the same way we can load an mp3 file, a list, etc., to be able to directly load an sdl configuration file to be able to automate a day and time to load a different configuration quickly, to be able to take the direct file, without having to put the manual configuration very slow looking for the full address where the file is located and pasting.
example: load D:\\configuration\radioboss\events\programming.sdl

Better to be able to take a direct file as if a song were.
if you can solve this, thanks.
Auto Intro and Insert Voice new added feature are still going through to the DSP on the main sound adapter. Insert Voice is a new feature why was it written to make daffy duck sounds through the DSP? Dimitri why can you not provide a list of suggestions that are not appearing in this release. As how do you plan to put them in the next if they are not remembered?

Mp4 does have tags but I think Dimitri makes use of other tags in mp3 that the mp4 files don't currently have.
Things on the back burner

Dimitri you seem to have put these on back burner or never, never pile

1) AutoIntro support of DSP via extra port monitor >>Options >>Playback AutoIntro output Device.
2) Insert Wave(new) in to playlist support of DSP via extra port monitor >>Options >>Playback Insert Wav output Device.
3) Lyrics export to XML Options>>Play Settings >>Now Playing
4) XML File export on URL Get HTTP Get Request Email notification.
5) Use of Natural voices in text to Voice.

Just to name few
Dimitri you seem to have put these on back burner or never, never pile

6) bug fix the Track Tool BPM Detect. I am not sure how this is working but it presents -1 if it cant f=get a BPM were a good program mixMeister BPM Analyzer can get them all can this be fixed in RB its missing tracks around 100bpm to name a few
It would be good if in adding an event to the programmer, we could load the same way we can load an mp3 file, a list, etc., to be able to directly load an sdl configuration file to be able to automate a day and time to load a different configuration quickly, to be able to take the direct file, without having to put the manual configuration very slow looking for the full address where the file is located and pasting.
example: load D:\\configuration\radioboss\events\programming.sdl

Better to be able to take a direct file as if a song were.
if you can solve this, thanks.
@ORBITA_HIT Would this not be better as an ".mp3u8 "type file which is standard. "SDL" is used for other items and been replaced with "Wsdl".
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