RadioBOSS 6.3 [beta]

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8) Ads Schedular (new) Settings 'Creating a Playlist every hour ' I just tried this today and it reports this failure. I think this is a new feature 6.3.03 Hope this helps you .



  • 9b76e1a92a48ffc34baecc8fe741ee26.png
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@ORBITA_HIT Would this not be better as an ".mp3u8 "type file which is standard. "SDL" is used for other items and been replaced with "Wsdl".
I don't want to load mp3 lists, I say to add sdl file scheduler event configuration. that is to say, I have saved a configuration ( programming.sdl ) and I have it loaded in the programmer. But I am going to add an event and I want to take a file (solomusica.sdl) so that when this event is executed, the programming of the events will change and I will load a different programming configuration. That is why I ask dimitri, who can give the option not only to mp3 or lists, but also to the SDL file to be able to automatically take the configuration that I have previously saved, and not have to put manual that takes a long time, having to put manual example: load D:\\configuration\radioboss\events\programming.sdl
It is important to be able to take direct file.
Beta produces a modal iexplore forum window which you cannot open links on in new tab. It was much better before.
Web browser uses Edge as its browsing engine. Also, there were no changes in the web browser in this beta. Please also see this:

Can we not mis or pass over the Auto Intro programming to enable :
This was already discussed before, I think there's no reason to provide the same request again. Thank you.
Yes… it does exist even after removing the bed. I tried fade in & out at 0.6. Yet getting the click noise time to time.
It shouldn't be happening with fades. Honestly, I don't have any real solution for this right now. How often do you hear the click?

Sure, either manually or automatically would be OK. Because when the probability is set to 100% and the general crossfade fade-in is set with a value, everything works fine. However, when the probability is set to a lower value, like 50% or 70%, the general fade-in is applied whenever there is no intro between the tracks. Because of the fade-in, some tunes sound wired. So, it would be great if there was a crossfade option for auto Intro with settings that could be adjusted or auto detection. Eg Position On Track - Start at - Fade in
You can try a different approach here. In your current setup, Fade In is configured as if there was Auto Intro and when there's none, it sounds weird. Instead, you can configure Fade In to be good when there's no auto intro, and make Auto Intro play based on Intro point location. The track is ducked when Auto Intro is played (in accordance with the settings for Voice Tracks in Settings/Playback/Fading).
There seems to be a problem with SID artwork and the way that it is processed differently with different Filetypes where a custom title is used, I have not got to the bottom of this yet . But I may have got round this changing its Genre
Can you please specify what is the problem?

Dimitri, Can you summarize the things you have been asked about which are not making into this release?
The list of requests is quite large so compiling a list of what is NOT going to be done is an odd job I'd prefer not to be doing :) I can assure you that no request is lost and all of them sit in the tracker. Sometimes longer than they should to be honest but this is how things are.

A small bug in Ads scheduler. In the 'Settings' tab, the 'Profile name for reports' remains on all other tabs.
This will be fixed in the next update, thank you.
It might be a good idea if the days always remained visible when I scroll through the Ads block, so that I don't have to think about which column corresponds to which day. Currently, they disappear when I scroll down.
They are supposed to be always visible. Do you use custom styles? Could be a bug there.

Cannot move groups in scheduler.
Would it be possible to move as needed?
I think I remember in previous versions if you could.
You can move events in and out of the groups by dragging, this is not limited.

I tried that, and the stream continued, but the interface bug still persists.

For example, when I pressed the stream button, it opened the sound recording function. You may notice a visual flaw in the screenshot
Yes, this is a known issue, the toolbar component sometimes doesn't handle RDP connections correctly. We'll replace it in one of the next updates, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Ability to record voice insert from Track Tool.
This new feature does not have:
Voice Insert Output Device
It's not supposed to, its purpose is to record a voice insert and assign it to a position on a music track.

Now you are creating new problems and not solving existing ones with the DSP. Does this make any sense?
No new problems are created, it worked like this for 20 years (literally, first RadioBOSS release was in 2003).
example: load D:\\configuration\radioboss\events\programming.sdl
This command will actually work in the scheduler. This feature was present in RadioBOSS since the very first versions :)

Mp4 does have tags but I think Dimitri makes use of other tags in mp3 that the mp4 files don't currently have.
MP4 format supports tagging and RadioBOSS is able to read and edit those.

Dimitri you seem to have put these on back burner or never, never pile
Most of the features you listed are on the to-do list actually.
8) Ads Schedular (new) Settings 'Creating a Playlist every hour ' I just tried this today and it reports this failure. I think this is a new feature 6.3.03 Hope this helps you .
Looks like it can't create this folder and/or it can't write created playlists there for some reason (e.g. antivirus prevents this operation).

Bug: In tracktool previewing, when the playback reaches the end, the tool closes.
Doesn't seem to reproduce here. How do you start playback, using the general Play button or the one for the pre-listening marks?
Doesn't seem to reproduce here. How do you start playback, using the general Play button or the one for the pre-listening marks?
Here is a video. Unfortunately the recorder cuts the video when the window is closed.
But as you can see. Playback starts, goes to the end, then seems to start loading something, and the second the window closes.


Here is the problem of the teaser closing cut when the following is a container.
The same tracks (which are file type) and only cut the end of the teaser, when they are in a container.
Two videos, with and without a container to show the difference. I also attached the audio at the end of the teaser to make it clearer.


Este comando realmente funciona en el programador. Esta característica estuvo presente en RadioBOSS desde las primeras versiones.:)

El formato MP4 admite el etiquetado y RadioBOSS puede leerlo y editarlo.

La mayoría de las características que enumeraron están en la lista de tareas pendientes en realidad.
You do not understand me.
If I put the file address manually it works, but I go crazy, because I can't find the file in the event browser. I put photos, to see if I understand.
I want to browse the file, but adding the event browser only allows media files and playlists. It would be good if you left all the files too or, where appropriate, multimedia, playlist and sdl


  • sdl 1.png
    sdl 1.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 171
  • sdl 2.png
    sdl 2.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 157
Se supone que deben estar siempre visibles. ¿Usas estilos personalizados? Podría ser un error allí.

Puede mover eventos dentro y fuera de los grupos arrastrándolos, esto no está limitado.

Sí, este es un problema conocido, el componente de la barra de herramientas a veces no maneja correctamente las conexiones RDP. Lo reemplazaremos en una de las próximas actualizaciones, disculpe las molestias.

No se supone que lo haga, su propósito es grabar una inserción de voz y asignarla a una posición en una pista de música.

No se crean nuevos problemas, funcionó así durante 20 años (literalmente, el primer lanzamiento de RadioBOSS fue en 2003).
Lo sentimos, pero Move GROUPS no funciona. eventos si puedes pasar de un grupo a otro, pero no entiendes. Yo digo que los grupos no se pueden mover.

Doy un ejemplo:


quieres mover grupos como este:



No poder mover la posición del grupo
Para poder cambiar orden solicito
They are supposed to be always visible. Do you use custom styles? Could be a bug there.

You can move events in and out of the groups by dragging, this is not limited.

Yes, this is a known issue, the toolbar component sometimes doesn't handle RDP connections correctly. We'll replace it in one of the next updates, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

It's not supposed to, its purpose is to record a voice insert and assign it to a position on a music track.

No new problems are created, it worked like this for 20 years (literally, first RadioBOSS release was in 2003).
We're sorry, but Move GROUPS doesn't work. events if you can move from one group to another, but you don't understand. I say that groups cannot be moved.

I give an example:


you want to move groups like this:



Not being able to move group position
In order to change order I request


  • event.png
    720.7 KB · Views: 157

the MP4 does have tags but i don't think they ae the same none of my tag editors would open them , yet they re on properties tag the same as mp3 but unsure if they can be the same as i haven't found anything that edits my Bandicam videos tags other than the file properties.. I would however be surprised if they are not similar as they both can be played in media player and opened as ICY1 tags from the m4 file. That said mp3 has gone a lot further :
Looks like it can't create this folder and/or it can't write created playlists there for some reason (e.g. antivirus prevents this operation).

Doesn't seem to reproduce here. How do you start playback, using the general Play button or the one for the pre-listening marks?
Has no antivirus on Microsoft recommendation to use their products just Bitlocker and TPM. it looks to me like something is missing maybe the events.sdl how do i create this? You are doing a fantastic job answering these posts Dimitri you should be commended even if it's not what I want to hear. Also this directory was from old computer . I recreated this on this new machine with a text file events.sdl but it gave same error
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Can you please specify what is the problem?
Ok I will try to explain we have SID which is Station Identification Data this is sent out on change and is currently sitting in differnt directory so that it can work with Filetypes and change volumes and other inserted data instead of the track. I noticed the artwork was not coming through on the export to XML but have changed it since then to see if I can fix it another way.
Here is a video. Unfortunately the recorder cuts the video when the window is closed.
But as you can see. Playback starts, goes to the end, then seems to start loading something, and the second the window closes.

Here is the problem of the teaser closing cut when the following is a container.
The same tracks (which are file type) and only cut the end of the teaser, when they are in a container.
Two videos, with and without a container to show the difference. I also attached the audio at the end of the teaser to make it clearer.
Thank you for details about those bugs!

If I put the file address manually it works, but I go crazy, because I can't find the file in the event browser. I put photos, to see if I understand.
I want to browse the file, but adding the event browser only allows media files and playlists. It would be good if you left all the files too or, where appropriate, multimedia, playlist and sdl
In the browsing window, you can type "*.*" in the file name field, hit enter. Then select the .sdl file you need. It will appear in the Filename field, add "load " before it and it's done.

Lo sentimos, pero Move GROUPS no funciona. eventos si puedes pasar de un grupo a otro, pero no entiendes. Yo digo que los grupos no se pueden mover.
Yes, groups can't be rearranged, they are always sorted alphabetically. You can name groups like "1. Ads", "2. Something" to make them appear in the order you need.
What's new
  • Containers: pack one or more playable items into a container; container appears as a single item in the playlist
  • New crossfading option: Mix Start determines where the following track is mixed in; mix start can be automatically detected
  • Hour separation markers in the playlist (to enable, right-click a playlist tab)
  • New storage option for additional information: store information in a separate file (details in the user manual)
  • Added support for .cue files: track title is updated according to the information contained in the cue file
  • Track List: next track in Track List is evaluated when the item is selected in the playlist (and Track Information panel is enabled)
  • Weather data display in main window improved: now it also shows wind speed
  • Overlay events: ability to send playing track titles (option in Settings->Scheduler)
  • User access control: added permissions to turn streaming on/off and delete profiles
  • File Explorer tab: added "quick access folders" feature (right-click any item in the file list to enable it)
  • Stream archive feature redesigned
  • Stream archive: added an option to record stream without applying DSP
  • Stream archive creates .cue file with track titles
  • Nowplaying artwork export can be done in JPEG to reduce file size
  • Added ability to name HTTP requests
  • Jingles: allow playing only one jingle at a time (option)
  • Teaser: added filter by Tags
  • Log: added right-click command to jump to correcponding playlist item
  • Added option to show default image when video window is visible but audio file is playing
  • Settings->Controls: ability to disable turning off the scheduler
  • Auto Intro: added "Not include" filter for tags
  • API security option: allow only local requests
  • Added "Set cast title" command in Tools menu to send custom streaming title to servers
  • Added option to configure icon size in the playlist (Settings->View->Style)
  • Added %startsec and %endsec title format variables that hold playback start and ens positions for playing track
  • Advanced option: relay volume when overlay event plays with "Priority over relay" option
  • Advanced option: volume slider only affects main sound card, not monitor
  • Tracks played in cart machine and AUX players are now logged and included in the reports
  • Accessibility improvement: added ability to sort list (call the menu by pressing Shift+Menu key)
  • Inner playlists are opened in advance, this allows proper next track title evaluation and crossfade calculations
Music Library
  • Added right-click commands for tracks: move to library / copy to library
  • Option added: what show in the file name field (file name and path or full path)
  • Improved tracks processing window
Track Tool
  • Ability to record voice insert from Track Tool
  • Voice insert can be prelistened
  • Expiration option for voice insert
  • Playback level configuration for voice inserts
  • Event execution progress for download, generate playlist and makelibrary commands, accessible from List (button on the scheduler tab)->View running tasks menu
  • Added "dsp" command to enable or disable all/specific DSPs
  • "next" command with "CueNextOnEnd" modifier can be used as a first action in multi-action events
  • DTMF exit option: allow to finish playing selected file types (e.g. commercials) instead of terminating event right away
Ads Scheduler
  • Backgroung color can be set for ads to mark them in the list
  • Items in the ads list can be manually reordered using dragging
  • Allows to minimize groups in the ads list
  • Option to pack ad block into a container
  • Reports made in profiles other than default include profile name
Report Generator
  • Added support for styles
  • Total duration is calculated for "List" reports
  • Command line to automate report creation (details in the User Manual)
  • Added keyboard hot keys (arrows) to manage rotation and categories
Segue Editor
  • Prev/next buttons to quickly move to other playlist items
  • Fixed bug when track movement to the left wasn't possible at some positions
Bugs fixed and minor improvements
  • Improved start time calculation in the playlist
  • Detect mix point feature in Music Library (and makelibrary command) improved to have minimal mix value, as set in Crossfading window
  • Fixed a bug in Search feature (player and library)
  • Fixed a bug: in rare cases fade out lead to high sound level at the fade end
  • Fixed: search by tags sometimes didn't work properly
  • Fixed various localization bugs
  • Fixed: tracks played in Overlay were not included in reports
License key
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires June 15, 2023.

RadioBOSS 6.3 beta:
x86 (4/8/2023, 33MB)
x64 (4/8/2023, 37MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Hi Dimitri, I'm testing and I don't see fixed in the ad generator to activate only automatic ad list update. WHAT HAPPENED? you said to solve and it has not solved
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