RadioBOSS 6.3 [beta]

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Cuando programo los datos de tiempo los tira de la lista de reproducción pero no lo reproduce automáticamente tengo que configurarlo manualmente porque lo pone en la lista de reproducción y detiene todo y tengo que ponerlo en reproducción manualmente cuál podría ser el problema
Hello friend, if I can help you.

I have a folder called TEMPERATURE
inside the folder, another subfolder Humidity (within all the files HUM50, HUM51, HUM 52 and so on from 0 to 100)
I have another folder with the Temperature (inside TMP0, TMP1 and so on. By the way, also TMP-1, TMP-2 for negatives)

Mira creates a playlist with the following:

1º/ TMP?temp.mp3
2º/ HUM?humidity.mp3

You can put the 2 things, or only temperature, according to your interest.

Save as list temperature.m3u8

To finish, you create an event in the scheduler that executes that list temperature.m3u8

you will see that if you have for example
17 degrees and 60 humidity
It will play automatically according to the real information

Important other event wiht command:

weather Ciudad, Pais ( weather Madrid, ES)

Do you have a tutorial here:

Cuando programo los datos de tiempo los tira de la lista de reproducción pero no lo reproduce automáticamente tengo que configurarlo manualmente porque lo pone en la lista de reproducción y detiene todo y tengo que ponerlo en reproducción manualmente cuál podría ser el problema
hello ildefonso
As we verified remotely, as you had configured, it works correctly for me in version 5.9.4 and also latest official RB.
Apparently in the latest beta version there is indeed a problem when an event scheduled with 2 multiple events
1º/ weather lima, PE
2º/ Time List.m3u8

When starting the 1st weather it freezes the program, does not trigger the command, or is left wondering what to do. This dimitri you have to check because it is true that before it works.
I would point out that the problem with the audio from the ADScheduler also "gets placed on the main sound out" and is ramped up to distortion with the DSP currently its unworkable at all with no control on its volume what was you thinking Dimitri with this and other new components that just are not usable with anyone using a DSP. Unless you mix it out of the computer! Does that not ridicule the whole point of your fantastic products?

Even the 'Autointro' works with file types volumes this sound clip created by ADSchedule does not you really need some cohesiveness joined up approach before introducing such new Changes what is there already has to work, please get a grip we love your product. But it is no good introducing new components without this joined up approach of the whole. Please consider this a helpful intervention you have received. And get the important stuff working first as if you introduce new things that all rely on main audio out, they just will not work. Sigh
Hello friend, if I can help you.

I have a folder called TEMPERATURE
inside the folder, another subfolder Humidity (within all the files HUM50, HUM51, HUM 52 and so on from 0 to 100)
I have another folder with the Temperature (inside TMP0, TMP1 and so on. By the way, also TMP-1, TMP-2 for negatives)

Mira creates a playlist with the following:

1º/ TMP?temp.mp3
2º/ HUM?humidity.mp3

You can put the 2 things, or only temperature, according to your interest.

Save as list temperature.m3u8

To finish, you create an event in the scheduler that executes that list temperature.m3u8

you will see that if you have for example
17 degrees and 60 humidity
It will play automatically according to the real information

Important other event wiht command:

weather Ciudad, Pais ( weather Madrid, ES)

Do you have a tutorial here:

I liked this but could not translate sadly
hello again.
I see something weird here.
A multiple action of 2 audios marks me in the log as a 2-track temperature event.

can you see this?


  • 1 Track.png
    1 Track.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 186
  • 2 Track.png
    2 Track.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 196
if I record the stream with Tools/ streamarchive and the following path: C:\Users\Pat\Documents\RadioBOSS-Recording\broadcast date %d-%m-%y - time %hh-%nn-%ss
the stream is recorded as it should be .
If I use this path in a scheduler event with the following command: streamarchive C:\Users\Pat\Documents\RadioBOSS-recording\broadcast date %d-%m-%y - time %hh-%nn-%ss
I get the following error message: StreamArchive error: Unable to create directory[].
when I use: streamarchive on C:\Users\Pat\Documents\RadioBOSS-recording\broadcast date %d-%m-%y - time %hh-%nn-%ss it creates an incorrect file and no mp3

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

5.9.4 is the best of all the ones I've tried and it works just as I say
It had a bug when repeat protection rules sometime (quite often in some cases) didn't work. For this same reason, that it didn't reroll the track when other tracks were played.

even in beta versions and I seem to remember working fine
Those, too, had repeat protection bug. The same as it was in 5.9. We came to a conclusion that repeat protection has higher priority.
This can be improved so that repeat protection works correctly, and also it keeps the selected track if there's no reason to re-select it, but this will only happen in the next major update.

ridiculous its gain is set under file type so why is it ramping it up to 100 please?
By default file types level is set to 0dB, meaning its volume is unchanged.

Cuando programo los datos de tiempo los tira de la lista de reproducción pero no lo reproduce automáticamente tengo que configurarlo manualmente porque lo pone en la lista de reproducción y detiene todo y tengo que ponerlo en reproducción manualmente cuál podría ser el problema
Please write in English.
Apparently in the latest beta version there is indeed a problem when an event scheduled with 2 multiple events
1º/ weather lima, PE
2º/ Time List.m3u8
weather command is asynchronous, and is executed in the background. Executing this command can take some time, e.g. 5 seconds. So you should first execute weather command in advance, then after some time use the weather data (e.g. start weather announcement playlist). If you start it immediately after the weather command, it will not work (in this version or in any previous).
you really need some cohesiveness joined up approach before introducing such new Changes what is there already has to work
I'd like to note that nothing in this regard changed in this version. It was always working like this.

hello again.
I see something weird here.
A multiple action of 2 audios marks me in the log as a 2-track temperature event.
Yes, multiple action event internally creates a temporary playlist and starts it.

if I record the stream with Tools/ streamarchive and the following path: C:\Users\Pat\Documents\RadioBOSS-Recording\broadcast date %d-%m-%y - time %hh-%nn-%ss
the stream is recorded as it should be .
If I use this path in a scheduler event with the following command: streamarchive C:\Users\Pat\Documents\RadioBOSS-recording\broadcast date %d-%m-%y - time %hh-%nn-%ss
The problem here are spaces in the file name. Those are not supported for the command. Please use the path without spaces and it will work.
weather command is asynchronous, and is executed in the background. Executing this command can take some time, e.g. 5 seconds. So you should first execute weather command in advance, then after some time use the weather data (e.g. start weather announcement playlist). If you start it immediately after the weather command, it will not work (in this version or in any previous).
Yes, I always do it like this, separately.

But if it is true that if you execute the time command often update information, in the LOG , Weather command skipped: rate limitation
1 in five of artwork is missing in ftp expoert in beta i can work out why its doing this at present as the mp3 files are ok you can see on our link
Still on never never land pile
1) AutoIntro support of DSP via extra port monitor >>Options >>Playback AutoIntro output Device.
2) Insert Wave(new) in to playlist support of DSP via extra port monitor >>Options >>Playback Insert Wav output Device.
Scheduler should renamed from AdShedular . Also, none of the vocal sounds can bypass DSP as they are also on main channel again DSP via extra port monitor >>Options >>Playback Schedular output Device!. New help system needs rewrite as this is developing fastest changes being made out of any of the items raised.
4) %Lyrics export to XML Options>>Play Settings >>Now Playing
5) XML File export on URL Get HTTP Get Request Email notification.
6) Use of Natural voices in text to Voice.

said to be in next version maybe we will see and happily delighted if they all are.

Currently if any of the points 1,2,3 which require port will need to port out to Audio Interface . Such as Focusright to mix them and put them back into DSP. It could be then the input screen needs mixer on it which can assemble audio from these ports . I am not sure if this means running DSP as separate entity not as plugin to control inputs or not ?

In the new input screen DSP button what does this do adding your DSP to this ?
Last edited:
But if it is true that if you execute the time command often update information, in the LOG , Weather command skipped: rate limitation
Yes, this is by design. If you call this command too often, it will impose limitations. This is because weather requests go to weather API service and we pay for all those requests. If you call weather update every 40-60 minutes, it will be OK.
What's new
  • Containers: pack one or more playable items into a container; container appears as a single item in the playlist
  • New crossfading option: Mix Start determines where the following track is mixed in; mix start can be automatically detected
  • Hour separation markers in the playlist (to enable, right-click a playlist tab)
  • New storage option for additional information: store information in a separate file (details in the user manual)
  • Added support for .cue files: track title is updated according to the information contained in the cue file
  • Track List: next track in Track List is evaluated when the item is selected in the playlist (and Track Information panel is enabled)
  • Weather data display in main window improved: now it also shows wind speed
  • Overlay events: ability to send playing track titles (option in Settings->Scheduler)
  • User access control: added permissions to turn streaming on/off and delete profiles
  • File Explorer tab: added "quick access folders" feature (right-click any item in the file list to enable it)
  • Stream archive feature redesigned
  • Stream archive: added an option to record stream without applying DSP
  • Stream archive creates .cue file with track titles
  • Nowplaying artwork export can be done in JPEG to reduce file size
  • Added ability to name HTTP requests
  • Jingles: allow playing only one jingle at a time (option)
  • Teaser: added filter by Tags
  • Log: added right-click command to jump to correcponding playlist item
  • Added option to show default image when video window is visible but audio file is playing
  • Settings->Controls: ability to disable turning off the scheduler
  • Auto Intro: added "Not include" filter for tags
  • API security option: allow only local requests
  • Added "Set cast title" command in Tools menu to send custom streaming title to servers
  • Added option to configure icon size in the playlist (Settings->View->Style)
  • Added %startsec and %endsec title format variables that hold playback start and ens positions for playing track
  • Advanced option: relay volume when overlay event plays with "Priority over relay" option
  • Advanced option: volume slider only affects main sound card, not monitor
  • Tracks played in cart machine and AUX players are now logged and included in the reports
  • Accessibility improvement: added ability to sort list (call the menu by pressing Shift+Menu key)
  • Inner playlists are opened in advance, this allows proper next track title evaluation and crossfade calculations
Music Library
  • Added right-click commands for tracks: move to library / copy to library
  • Option added: what show in the file name field (file name and path or full path)
  • Improved tracks processing window
Track Tool
  • Ability to record voice insert from Track Tool
  • Voice insert can be prelistened
  • Expiration option for voice insert
  • Playback level configuration for voice inserts
  • Event execution progress for download, generate playlist and makelibrary commands, accessible from List (button on the scheduler tab)->View running tasks menu
  • Added "dsp" command to enable or disable all/specific DSPs
  • "next" command with "CueNextOnEnd" modifier can be used as a first action in multi-action events
  • DTMF exit option: allow to finish playing selected file types (e.g. commercials) instead of terminating event right away
Ads Scheduler
  • Backgroung color can be set for ads to mark them in the list
  • Items in the ads list can be manually reordered using dragging
  • Allows to minimize groups in the ads list
  • Option to pack ad block into a container
  • Reports made in profiles other than default include profile name
Report Generator
  • Added support for styles
  • Total duration is calculated for "List" reports
  • Command line to automate report creation (details in the User Manual)
  • Added keyboard hot keys (arrows) to manage rotation and categories
Segue Editor
  • Prev/next buttons to quickly move to other playlist items
  • Fixed bug when track movement to the left wasn't possible at some positions
Bugs fixed and minor improvements
  • Improved start time calculation in the playlist
  • Detect mix point feature in Music Library (and makelibrary command) improved to have minimal mix value, as set in Crossfading window
  • Fixed a bug in Search feature (player and library)
  • Fixed a bug: in rare cases fade out lead to high sound level at the fade end
  • Fixed: search by tags sometimes didn't work properly
  • Fixed various localization bugs
  • Fixed: tracks played in Overlay were not included in reports
License key
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires June 15, 2023.

RadioBOSS 6.3 beta:
x86 (4/11/2023, 33MB)
x64 (4/11/2023, 37MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
I report a bug in the beta. When I remove all the items below the timestamp, it shows me this error. it's annoying because it makes the program restart


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