RadioBOSS 7.0 [beta]

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Staff member
What's new
  • Artwork can be edited/removed/saved from the Track Information panel (right-click the artwork box)
  • Supports multiple Artist entries (for FLAC, OGG, OPUS); when displaying, artists are comma-separated
  • New tag fields support: publisher, album artist, lyrics, composer, copyright, track number
  • A customizable work zone was added on the left side of the main window
  • Style settings: configure font for Previous/Current/Next track boxes
  • Updated Black style
  • File type option added: "Do not apply DSP"
  • VU meter can be placed on the right side of the playlist window
  • The track following the next track is evaluated for cases when sending the next track title is disabled (e.g. for a jingle)
  • Auto Intro: added "Date added" rule
  • Auto Intro: added "Intro duration" rule
  • New API command "writeartwork" to edit track artwork
  • Microphone: "Play next track after mic turned off" now also works when the playlist is stopped
  • Now playing notifications: RadioBOSS can run the specified program when a track starts
  • Cart wall: individual playlist attenuation settings for each cart wall button
  • Hotkey to set track rating in the playlist (Ctrl+Shift+0..9)
  • Additional information storage: added "File (subfolder)" option
  • Broadcasting statistics can be saved in a CSV file
  • Sweepers: a playlist file can be used as a track source
  • More options to control now playing export file type and format
  • Advanced option: configure normalization algorithm (EBU R128 or peak)
  • Advanced option: do not apply DSP for Overlay Playback events
  • Advanced option: maximum hook duration
  • Improved screen reader accessibility (slider controls in different areas, Equalizer, Compressor, VST text UI)
  • Event Overview window where all events for a given day are shown in a chart
  • Days of the week can be assigned to each start time in the event's start time list
  • Event end date option (Expires) - the event will not run after the set date; can be used to specify a date range for events
  • Events can be dragged into the playlist window
  • "scheduler off" command: timeout can be specified to automatically re-enable the scheduler
  • New event option: do not run if there are scheduled tracks in the playlist
  • New event option: start the event earlier to make it end at "Start time"
  • Scheduler option: do not start events playback when the playlist is stopped
Playlist Generator
  • Proportional selection: special category type to select tracks from different categories based on weights
  • Global categories that can be used in all presets
  • Improved total playlist duration precision
  • Priority rules based on Tags
  • Priority rules based on Language
  • Fixed Outro category repeat protection rules were not applied properly
Music Library
  • The BPM tag field is read when track is added to the library
  • Added command in Tools to remove dangling .rbdata files (when additional information storage is set to File)
  • CSV export includes more fields
  • Added Update Library button to the toolbar to reload the current library
  • Added Prelisten menu command and Alt+click prelisten in the list
  • Filter option added: show only enabled tracks
Ads Scheduler
  • Search now works as a filter for the ads list
  • Priority values range changed to 1-99 (values 1-9 from previous versions will be automatically converted)
Report Generator
  • Command line extended (allows specifying what fields to include in the report)
  • Fixed exporting bugs and improved performance
Minor changes
  • Read artwork from WAV files
  • Now playing box correctly shows emojis and surrogates
  • Toolbar control RDP issue fixed (buttons rearranged sometimes)
  • Teaser: extended limits for track exclusion by duration
  • Relay: the silence detector didn't work properly with network streams
  • Relaying linear input sometimes didn't work properly
  • Hotkeys in additional work zones did not work
  • Access playback control buttons using the Tab key in additional zones
  • Playlist duration calculation with voice tracks in the playlist
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
License key
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires February 15, 2024.

RadioBOSS 7.0 beta
x86 (2/25/2024, 34MB)
x64 (2/25/2024, 38MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
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RadioBOSS beta (11/19/2023)


  • Fixed random selection in Playlist Generator
  • Fixed up/down arrows in the categories list (Playlist Generator)
  • Minor improvements in the Teaser window
  • Fixed waveform didn't work in the Voice Track recorder
  • Fixed flicker in Event Overview window when using dark theme
  • Fixed playlist generator performance issues
  • Improved Ads Scheduler grid performance
  • Grid in Ads Scheduler always shows the number of ads in the block
  • Ads Scheduler: extended priority range is now optional
  • Playlist Generator improved the priority rule window
  • Playlist Generator: fixed dark theme for playlist selection window
  • Advanced option added: streaming server stats check interval
  • New options added to hide toolbar button groups
  • Fixed various other bug reports
x86 (11/19/2023, 34MB)
x64 (11/19/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (11/24/2023)


  • Track Tool UI minor improvements
  • Ads Scheduler: colors for the grid cells (checked/unchecked) can be changed in the Settings window
  • "Check all" checkbox for week days in the additional time configuration window for event
  • Rating hot keys in the playlist changed to Ctrl+Numpad0..9, Ctrl+Numpad- clears rating
  • Event overview: filters can be applied to only show specific events
  • Event overview: analysis data can be exportewd as CSV file
  • Playlist Generator: priority rules based on Date Added and Last Played allow specifying fractional values
  • Fixed: mouse cursor did not hide in video window sometimes
  • Fixed: web browser Ctrl+V and other shortcuts didn't work
  • Fixed event overview bug: duration for some events was incorrect
  • Fixed priority rules save/load to file
  • Other minor fixes
x86 (11/24/2023, 34MB)
x64 (11/24/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (11/29/2023)


  • New tag fields (album artist, composer etc) added to Track Tool and the tag editor in Music Library
  • Tags window redesigned: added filter and improved editor
  • Crossfade option: limit Mix point to end before following track Intro ends (Advanced Settings)
  • Fixed: cart wall was not visible on the left zone when dark theme was used
  • Fixed: comment filter in playlist generator did not work properly
  • Fixed: Playlist Generator - editing priority rules made changes to the category even if Cancel button was pressed
  • Fixed: Playlist Generator - priority rules list save/load to a file
  • Fixed: Ads Scheduler - cell color configuration bug
  • Playlist Generator: improved priority rule window UI
x86 (11/29/2023, 34MB)
x64 (11/29/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (12/5/2023)


  • Track Tool: added vertical scroll when the window height is not enough to show all tag fields
  • Fixed bug related to "Start event earlier..." feature
  • Playlist Generator: increased quality of selection for "proportional category"
  • Show currently the playing track in window title bar and in taskbar hint (advanced option)
  • View/Style - waveform color option added
  • Ads Scheduler: improved performance for grid and creating playlists
  • Voice activated microphone: fixed "Next track after mic off" option
  • Fixed: microphone bed did not loop
  • Fixed multiple minor bugs
  • Minor UI impovements
x86 (12/5/2023, 34MB)
x64 (12/5/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (12/10/2023)


  • Advanced option added: ignore accented characters when searching tracks in library
  • Fixed occasional flickering when RadioBOSS was accessed via RDP
  • Fixed: tag for some m4a/mp4 files was not properly read
  • Advanced option: restart jingle when hot key for playing jingle is pressed
  • Intro countdown is preserved when a track is seeked
  • Track Tool: tag fields list on the left can be scrolled with a mouse wheel
  • Search: added Tags column
  • Minor UI improvements
x86 (12/10/2023, 34MB)
x64 (12/10/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (12/15/2023)


  • Render to playlist: do not include selected file types in cuesheet option
  • Music Library: the check tracks option allows to copy selected tracks to a folder
  • Recent tracks artworks can be saved to a folder
  • Next track artwork can be saved and uploaded to FTP
  • streamarchive command with file name specfiied, uses a second recording instance
  • More options can be configured for Nowplaying bar display (Settings/View/Style)
  • Ads Scheduler: checkboxes in grid (instead of track count in the block) can be enabled in Settings
  • Fixed various bugs; minor improvements
x86 (12/15/2023, 34MB)
x64 (12/15/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (12/17/2023)


  • Fixed crash/restart bug
x86 (12/17/2023, 34MB)
x64 (12/17/2023, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (1/7/2024)


  • Cart wall: Caps Lock can be used as a hot key modifier to start cart wall items by pressing CapsLock+Key combination
  • Playlist Generator: added search (Ctrl+F) in the Load Preset window
  • getfile command: added /move option to move file to a set folder after playback
  • Quick Jingles: pressing the "minus" key stops all playing jingles
  • Tag editor: new fields (album artist, copyright, etc) can be edited for MP3 and other file types
  • Style option: set selection style for secondary lists (events, log, search)
  • Ads Scheduler instances can be named (configured in the Settings window)
  • Web browser: protocol is auto appended when address is entered without it
  • Track Tool: extended Zoom range
  • Fixed: nowplaying/last played/next track font style was not applied
  • Minor UI improvements and bugs fixed
x86 (1/1/2024, 34MB)
x64 (1/7/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (1/21/2024)


  • Fixed: "run in" incorrectly displayed for some events with multiple start times
  • Fixed: Playlist Generator "In order" selection did not use the position configured in the category
  • Fixed: crash when saving tags for certain files
  • Fixed: DTMF Exit did not wait for tracks to finish playing when "Overlay playback" option was used
  • Call encoder editor window from Statistics window (double click in the list)
  • Minor UI improvements and bugs fixed
x86 (1/21/2024, 34MB)
x64 (1/21/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (1/29/2024)


  • Auto Intro: added intro tracks filters
  • Auto Intro: added rule check order option
  • Music Library: redesigned tag editor window; track artwork can be edited
  • Added HTTPS streaming support for integrated server
  • Added fade out option when the relay is turned off
  • Time Zone option changed to Clock Adjust option allowing more gradual control
  • Fixed web browser incorrect https:// addition
  • Fixed: occasional short UI freeze on broadcasting encoder start/stop
  • Minor improvements and bugs fixed
x86 (1/29/2024, 34MB)
x64 (1/29/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (2/2/2024)


  • Skip options in file types are now processed in advance to correctly display next track
  • Ads Scheduler: improved event configuration window
  • Music Library: added prelisten to Track Properties window
  • Fixed nowplaying font bug in AUX players
  • Fixed applying styles for Nowplaying bar
  • Fixed adjust clock bug in settings
x86 (2/2/2024, 34MB)
x64 (2/2/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (2/5/2024)


  • Playlist Generator: improved random track selection algorithm when priority rules are used (the point is more uniform selection avoiding "favorite" tracks problem)
  • Scheduler: fixed bug with multiple start times and days of week, sometimes events started when they should not
  • Auto Intro: added command to copy a rule
  • Ads Scheduler: fixed checkboxes not visible in some themes; error when changing themes
  • Minor UI issues fixed in various areas
x86 (2/5/2024, 34MB)
x64 (2/5/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS beta (2/12/2024)


  • Fixed a bug when skipped tracks were not removed with Queue option on
  • Playlist Generator: fixed a rare issue with repeated tracks
  • Fixed: scheduled event started when multiple start time option was activated but no start times defined
  • Fixed event duration limit option sometimes skipped the following after an event track
  • Stop command now takes into account "Fade out on stop" option
  • Ads Scheduler: improved grid display
  • Improved Shuffle mode operation after scheduled tracks
  • Other bugs fixed; minor improvements
x86 (2/12/2024, 34MB)
x64 (2/12/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS release candidate (2/16/2024)


  • Fixed: sometimes played tracks were not removed from the playlist in Queue mode
  • Other fixes
x86 (2/16/2024, 34MB)
x64 (2/16/2024, 38MB)

RadioBOSS release candidate (2/20/2024)


  • Bugs fixed
x86 (2/20/2024, 34MB)
x64 (2/20/2024, 38MB)
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I use a Mysql database in version 6.3.3 without any problems
Database error: [FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-505. Connection [FDConn: TFDConnection] must be active. See log for details (double click to open log).
Log entry:
[2023-11-16 19:21:51] [FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-505. Connection [FDConn: TFDConnection] must be active
I use a Mysql database in version 6.3.3 without any problems
Database error: [FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-505. Connection [FDConn: TFDConnection] must be active. See log for details (double click to open log).
Log entry:
[2023-11-16 19:21:51] [FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-505. Connection [FDConn: TFDConnection] must be active

Mysql is version 8.0.35
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The letters in the "Last Track" "On Air" "Coming Up Next" tabs are not rendered well on a 4k resolution monitor (they are too small), which is not the case on version RB Suggestion: It would be great if you could implement an option (On/Off) of the LOGO in the video section, for example in 3 different sizes, which could be active all the time (by your choice) in a certain corner of the monitor during video playback.


  • Snimka zaslona 2023-11-16 203510.png
    Snimka zaslona 2023-11-16 203510.png
    231.9 KB · Views: 476
The letters in the "Last Track" "On Air" "Coming Up Next" tabs are not rendered well on a 4k resolution monitor (they are too small), which is not the case on version RB Suggestion: It would be great if you could implement an option (On/Off) of the LOGO in the video section, for example in 3 different sizes, which could be active all the time (by your choice) in a certain corner of the monitor during video playback.
Ignore the first part of the font size message, I found an option to select the font size.
When a new ad is added at a certain time, it takes a long time to display the number of ads there are, it is very difficult to work with that delay. As an aside, the idea perhaps was to be able to see the number of ads there are at all times, not just at the times when the ad I'm selecting is on. This way I can choose a schedule by seeing how many ads are already there.
What's new
  • Artwork can be edited/removed/saved from the Track Information panel (right-click the artwork box)
  • Supports multiple Artist entries (for FLAC, OGG, OPUS); when displaying, artists are comma-separated
  • New tag fields support: publisher, album artist, lyrics, composer, copyright, track number
  • A customizable work zone was added on the left side of the main window
  • Style settings: configure font for Previous/Current/Next track boxes
  • Updated Black style
  • File type option added: "Do not apply DSP"
  • VU meter can be placed on the right side of the playlist window
  • The track following the next track is evaluated for cases when sending the next track title is disabled (e.g. for a jingle)
  • Auto Intro: added "Date added" rule
  • Auto Intro: added "Intro duration" rule
  • New API command "writeartwork" to edit track artwork
  • Microphone: "Play next track after mic turned off" now also works when the playlist is stopped
  • Now playing notifications: RadioBOSS can run the specified program when a track starts
  • Cart wall: individual playlist attenuation settings for each cart wall button
  • Hotkey to set track rating in the playlist (Ctrl+Shift+0..9)
  • Additional information storage: added "File (subfolder)" option
  • Broadcasting statistics can be saved in a CSV file
  • Sweepers: a playlist file can be used as a track source
  • More options to control now playing export file type and format
  • Advanced option: configure normalization algorithm (EBU R128 or peak)
  • Advanced option: do not apply DSP for Overlay Playback events
  • Advanced option: maximum hook duration
  • Improved screen reader accessibility (slider controls in different areas, Equalizer, Compressor, VST text UI)
  • Event Overview window where all events for a given day are shown in a chart
  • Days of the week can be assigned to each start time in the event's start time list
  • Event end date option (Expires) - the event will not run after the set date; can be used to specify a date range for events
  • Events can be dragged into the playlist window
  • "scheduler off" command: timeout can be specified to automatically re-enable the scheduler
  • New event option: do not run if there are scheduled tracks in the playlist
  • New event option: start the event earlier to make it end at "Start time"
  • Scheduler option: do not start events playback when the playlist is stopped
Playlist Generator
  • Proportional selection: special category type to select tracks from different categories based on weights
  • Global categories that can be used in all presets
  • Improved total playlist duration precision
  • Priority rules based on Tags
  • Priority rules based on Language
  • Fixed Outro category repeat protection rules were not applied properly
Music Library
  • The BPM tag field is read when track is added to the library
  • Added command in Tools to remove dangling .rbdata files (when additional information storage is set to File)
  • CSV export includes more fields
  • Added Update Library button to the toolbar to reload the current library
  • Added Prelisten menu command and Alt+click prelisten in the list
  • Filter option added: show only enabled tracks
Ads Scheduler
  • Search now works as a filter for the ads list
  • Priority values range changed to 1-99 (values 1-9 from previous versions will be automatically converted)
Report Generator
  • Command line extended (allows specifying what fields to include in the report)
  • Fixed exporting bugs and improved performance
Minor changes
  • Read artwork from WAV files
  • Now playing box correctly shows emojis and surrogates
  • Toolbar control RDP issue fixed (buttons rearranged sometimes)
  • Teaser: extended limits for track exclusion by duration
  • Relay: the silence detector didn't work properly with network streams
  • Relaying linear input sometimes didn't work properly
  • Hotkeys in additional work zones did not work
  • Access playback control buttons using the Tab key in additional zones
  • Playlist duration calculation with voice tracks in the playlist
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
License key
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires February 15, 2024.

RadioBOSS 7.0 beta
x86 (11/16/2023, 34MB)
x64 (11/16/2023, 38MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Hello, I have a problem with the playlist generator. In version

I'm testing the playlist generator.
I have a category called: SWP - ID - JINGLES (category to identify the radio station) this category has the
option "ignore repetition rules". This is because I am interested in selecting tracks from a folder randomly to identify the radio station. In this version the generator selects the tracks and repeats them several times. Before it generated normally randomly and worked perfectly without repeating the tracks. I have tried several options and I can't get it to work like it did before updating.

PD:This category has 42 tracks. which can be used without problems during musical programming. They were not repeated within the same hour

Always generates 1 hour of programming


  • Captura de pantalla 2023-11-16 213458.png
    Captura de pantalla 2023-11-16 213458.png
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    Screenshot 2023-11-17 030225.png
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I use a Mysql database in version 6.3.3 without any problems
Database error: [FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-505. Connection [FDConn: TFDConnection] must be active. See log for details (double click to open log).
Log entry:
[2023-11-16 19:21:51] [FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-505. Connection [FDConn: TFDConnection] must be active
Ditto here - Our studios are using the current production version without issues, but a test PC with 7.0.0 on it doesn't connect to the database server. In the configuration I test the connection and it comes up fine, but in RadioBOSS itself it just says 'No database connection!' and never changes from that state.

I monitored the MySQL server live and can see the studios connecting without issues.

This is the activity that starts from the RadioBOSS PC having issues but after this it doesn't show any other interactions.

2023-11-17T04:21:40.127053Z 14 Execute SELECT ver FROM version
2023-11-17T04:21:48.611423Z 362 Connect on using TCP/IP
2023-11-17T04:21:48.612321Z 362 Query SET NAMES utf8mb3
2023-11-17T04:21:48.613087Z 362 Query SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL = 0
2023-11-17T04:21:48.613687Z 362 Query SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'
2023-11-17T04:21:48.619823Z 362 Query CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS radioboss CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
2023-11-17T04:21:48.621475Z 362 Query USE radioboss
2023-11-17T04:21:48.622319Z 362 Query CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version (ver INT)
2023-11-17T04:21:48.624053Z 362 Prepare SELECT ver FROM version
2023-11-17T04:21:48.625016Z 362 Query SHOW INDEX FROM `radioboss`.`version`
2023-11-17T04:21:48.627321Z 362 Execute SELECT ver FROM version
2023-11-17T04:21:48.628387Z 362 Query BEGIN
2023-11-17T04:21:48.628822Z 362 Close stmt
2023-11-17T04:21:48.629244Z 362 Prepare UPDATE taginfo SET modified_tag = 0
2023-11-17T04:21:48.629532Z 362 Execute UPDATE taginfo SET modified_tag = 0

Switching back to 6.3.3 - the issues went away.
Sweet Dimitri,

Love the DSP removal very simple excellent. And worked beautiful voice overs with no drama. Getting sweet sound from Thimeo as it no longer trying to isolate the vocals and running much better creating clearer sound. Have had no problems identified so far.
southernfm am not exporting to SQL rather creating SQL on the server from XML file. this consists of uploading by FTP the XML file. How are you and Patrick exporting to SQL?
Good morning, i use Windows 7, with the RadioBOSS 7.0 version the last track, on air and coming up nextup fields remain blank, no track names appear.
Thank you.


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As an aside, the idea perhaps was to be able to see the number of ads there are at all times, not just at the times when the ad I'm selecting is on. This way I can choose a schedule by seeing how many ads are already there.
I agree with NestorC, the idea was to have an overview of the numbers for all ads all the time, not just when click on each one individually. This way, I have to click on each field again to find out how many ads there are in each. I don't see the point of this solution. This is not what we were talking about.

Additionally, it was announced that in the new version, we will be able to assign days of the week and hours for the broadcasting of songs. There is no such thing either?
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I tried on two computers, and both have the same problem. The computers are running Windows 7 64-bit. Radioboss x86.


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Proportional selection: special category type to select tracks from different categories based on weights
This is interesting. Can you explain what 'weights' refer to? Does it relate to ratings, the number of plays, or something else?
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