Time announcement with tts

Sasa Grbic

In the wizard, I selected text to speech, typed the following text: "True is %h hours and %m minutes. I chose the voice, set the event to start at zero hours and thirty minutes, set the event to repeat every hour, and turned on the playback overlay option. He reads hours tts neatly, but he doesn't read minutes properly. He always says it's ten minutes, not 30 as it should be.
It doesn't work again. I started the time announcement at 1 hour and four minutes and the tts read it as 1 hour and 10 minutes.
The entire command (event action) is not visible can you please copy-paste it here, this will help us in reproducing the problem here.
TTS=+0:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\TokenEnums\RHVoice\Dragana;Tačno je %h časova i %m minuta.
TTS=+0:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\TokenEnums\RHVoice\Dragana;Tačno je %h časova i %m minuta.
This commands works correctly here, it reads the actual time. Please ensure that the update was correctly installed, looks like something went wrong and you still use the older version.
Can I use the exported settings or after reinstalling the software I have to manually set everything again. I'd rather not use this feature than have to reset everything now.
Hello Dmitry. I reinstalled Radioboss. In doing so, I deleted everything. When I reinstalled it I ran the read time command and it worked fine. When I restored my settings ie. my settings folder stopped working again. What could I check?
I found out where the problem was. When the enable playback overlay option is checked, then reading the time with the help of tts does not work.
Can I use the exported settings or after reinstalling the software I have to manually set everything again. I'd rather not use this feature than have to reset everything now.
When you install an update, all settings are preserved. There's no need to manually backup/restore.

Hello Dmitry. I reinstalled Radioboss. In doing so, I deleted everything. When I reinstalled it I ran the read time command and it worked fine. When I restored my settings ie. my settings folder stopped working again. What could I check?
There are no settings that may affect that. Macro (%h, %m etc) are always processed the same way.
When you install an update, all settings are preserved. There's no need to manually backup/restore.

There are no settings that may affect that. Macro (%h, %m etc) are always processed the same way.
I already wrote above that I discovered why it didn't work for me. When the playback overlay option was checked, this option does not work properly.