Broadcast Titles

the buzzz

New member
Hi all - apologies if this has been answered, however we use RB Cloud for all but 4 hours once per week, when we take control and broadcast live for our breakfast show. What I would like to do is simply have the broadcast title, "The Cindy & Daz Show" displayed as broadcast title for the entire 4 hours. Currently, when a song plays, artist and title is correct. However, when a commercial plays, the broadcast title displays the name of the ad; when a station ID plays, it shows the name of the ID (playing the best of...etc); or when a show promo plays, it displays the name of the show. We have changed all the file types to "use custom title for broadcasting" and set the name of the show, however nothing changes when we go "live", and the name of the file displays, which looks terrible when listeners stream via our app or website. I am obviously missing something, as one particular file type (for a community announcement) displays the show name correctly, even though the settings are the same for all other file types??? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Daz
set the name of the show, however nothing changes when we go "live", and the name of the file displays
When you stream live, it will use whatever title your streaming software sends to the server. It does not use any title configuration you have set in the Cloud.
I have the same problem. As you can see, I have custom title for my commercials set to COMMERCIAL but what happens is the name of the previous song will stay displayed. Could it be a bug?


  • custom title.png
    custom title.png
    9.1 KB · Views: 50
I have the same problem. As you can see, I have custom title for my commercials set to COMMERCIAL but what happens is the name of the previous song will stay displayed. Could it be a bug?
It could, where do you check the title - in the Nowplaying file, or on the streaming server?
It could, where do you check the title - in the Nowplaying file, or on the streaming server?
Upon further analysis the problem seems to occur with File Types selected as voice tracks. When a voice track is playing it will continue to broadcast the name of the preceding song, regardless of what custom name I create for the file type.
Upon further analysis the problem seems to occur with File Types selected as voice tracks. When a voice track is playing it will continue to broadcast the name of the preceding song, regardless of what custom name I create for the file type.
In this case, when the file type is treated as a voice track, it takes precedence, and voice tracks's titles are never sent.