What's new
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.
To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form: https://www.djsoft.net/enu/beta.htm
The free key expires May 15, 2025.
RadioBOSS 7.1 beta
x86 https://dl.djsoft.net/beta/radioboss_setup_7.1.0.5.exe (3/11/2025, 34MB)
x64 https://dl.djsoft.net/beta/radioboss_setup_7.1.0.5_x64.exe (3/11/2025, 38MB)
Remote Voice Tracking
Utility to remotely add voice tracks and edit playlist
https://dl.djsoft.net/beta/RemoteVT_setup_1.0.0.3.exe (3/12/2025, 7MB)
RadioBOSS Ultimate
Upgrade to RadioBOSS Ultimate from your current edition at half the price during the beta, click the appropriate link:
RadioBOSS Express to Ultimate
RadioBOSS Standard to Ultimate
RadioBOSS Advanced to Ultimate
Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.
Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact sales@djsoft.net regarding the discount.
- Introduced new RadioBOSS Ultimate edition. RadioBOSS Express edition is deprecated.
- RTMP streaming support
- Remote Voice Tracking module (Ultimate edition only)
- Time Stretch feature: change playback speed of the tracks to make end at hour end (Ultimate edition only)
- Remote control API: possibility to create users with limited rights
- Style option: scale the secondary windows by set percentage
- Nowplaying bar size option: Large (menu View->Top panel->Large)
- Track List presets for repeat protection rules (Track List entries can now have different repeat protection rules)
- Global hot keys added (menu: Settings->Hot Keys)
- New tab type: Log
- Containers in the playlist can be named
- UAC: certain cart walls can be unlocked to
- File type identifier for containers (container=)
- File types: default artwork option
- Logs: add track titles to the log when a network stream is playing
- Sweepers: option to combine multiple sweepers
- Sweepers: specify minimum duration to sweep
- Scheduler: override artwork for streaming and export for scheduled items
- Scheduler: added a command to render playlist to a file (renderplaylist)
- Auto Intro: added "Cooldown" option for the rules to prevent a rule from being used too often
- Auto Intro: added separate fading settings for Auto Intro (previously used settings for voice tracks)
- Auto Intro rules based on file path
- Track List: a music library can be used as a source
- New playlist columns: Event name, Event waiting, Segue Editor, Track Tool, Voiceover, Mix
- Waveform drawing improved (better precision) for Track List and Segue Editor
- getfile command: added option to select files in order (alphabetically sorted)
- Scheduler: added "Expires" column in the scheduled events list
- Log: filter entries by file type
- Search: added Language field
- Text to Speech: %hp variable for 12-hour clock
- Voice Tracking: separate fade in/fade out settings for the underlying music
- Voice Tracking: default Intro and Outro values for tracks with no intro/outro set
- Voice Tracking: recordings are now saved in FLAC format instead of WAV
- Broadcasting title can be added for Teaser items
- %filetype variable for HTTP requests
- Advanced option: prevent clipping when using EBUR128 normalization
- Advanced options: Fade In and Fade Out for voice track bed
- Logarithmic/linear volume option now also applied for the AUX players
- Removed ANSI encoding from HTTP notification settings
- Reduced rate of error notifications when there are too many errors
- Added "songrequestclear [age]" scheduler command
- Bulk edit ads in the list
- Added new options for the generated scheduled events (name container, start event earlier)
- Added warning: when a number of ads in a block exceeds certain value
- Export process is logged to a file
- Constraints: specify rules, which tracks can follow which tracks
- Repeat protection rules based on Tags
- Option to detect track remixes for repeat protection
- Command line option to specify the number of playlists to create for each preset
- When updating the library automatically, it can assign specified Tags for the newly added tracks (makelibrary command also extended to add tags)
- Added Cue In/Cue Out/Mix columns
- Improved precision for defined track and mixing positions
- Fixed: rendering playlist to a file didn't work properly with voice tracks
- Fixed: repeat protection rules were not checked when rendering playlist to a file
- Fixed: grid preset list was not updated sometimes in the Ads Scheduler
- Fixed: streaming title was not sent from the Overlay players sometimes
- Fixed Playback Queue bug when one track was added to the queue multiple times
- Fixed: processed tracks counted in the Music Library sometimes was incorrect
- Fixed TTS macro processing for overlay playback
- Fixed: Playlist Generator sometimes did not take into account clock adjust option in RadioBOSS
- Other minor fixes and improvements
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.
To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form: https://www.djsoft.net/enu/beta.htm
The free key expires May 15, 2025.
RadioBOSS 7.1 beta
x86 https://dl.djsoft.net/beta/radioboss_setup_7.1.0.5.exe (3/11/2025, 34MB)
x64 https://dl.djsoft.net/beta/radioboss_setup_7.1.0.5_x64.exe (3/11/2025, 38MB)
Remote Voice Tracking
Utility to remotely add voice tracks and edit playlist
https://dl.djsoft.net/beta/RemoteVT_setup_1.0.0.3.exe (3/12/2025, 7MB)
RadioBOSS Ultimate
Upgrade to RadioBOSS Ultimate from your current edition at half the price during the beta, click the appropriate link:
RadioBOSS Express to Ultimate
RadioBOSS Standard to Ultimate
RadioBOSS Advanced to Ultimate
Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.
Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact sales@djsoft.net regarding the discount.
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