Ads Scheduler ( and Any Scheduled playlist) Display of Duration as --:--, instead of actual Duration


New member
Good day

We play mostly in manual mode, unless there is no presenter in the studio.

The challenge is that Ads Scheduler playlists that are scheduled to run, display --:-- (Playlist) 1 Mon_06-00.m3u8 ,until it is actually played/clicked. (Image 1)

Is there a way to have the playlist files display the actual duration (image 2), without first playing the playlist?

I would like to see the duration when the files are loaded to be played, not only when they are played.

The purpose is time management of the presenter, with 4 x 2:00 ad blocks, there is a potential 8min/hour uncertainty.

Am i missing a feature/setting somewhere?

Kind Regards


  • Ads Scheduler Duration1.jpg
    Ads Scheduler Duration1.jpg
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  • Ads Scheduler Duration2.jpg
    Ads Scheduler Duration2.jpg
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The latest version calculates the duration of such playlists, what RadioBOSS version do you use?
Music plays, presenter talks, ads is imported, and time is updated to ensure the presenter stay on time for News.​

Different Test Scenarios when Run Now is used:

1. When Playlist is stopped (Talking by Presenter though external mixer) and the Schedule Runs, it ignores the current list items, and starts playing the ads right away.​

2. When a Stop is added (Multiple Event Options) in the Scheduled item, is shows --:-- 1 Mon 06 (Playlist) - as per image.​
3. When playlist is actively playing, and the schedule runs, it ads the files to the end and updates the Start time accordingly.(As expected)

The aim is getting file Start times displayed to ensure no issues before news. ( Every hour)
We are currently playing ads manually as a workaround.

Kind regards


  • RB Ads Scheduler Expected.jpg
    RB Ads Scheduler Expected.jpg
    144.1 KB · Views: 66
  • RB Scheduler 241113.jpg
    RB Scheduler 241113.jpg
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1. When Playlist is stopped (Talking by Presenter though external mixer) and the Schedule Runs, it ignores the current list items, and starts playing the ads right away.
This is the expected behavior, if the playlist is stopped, then a scheduled event is supposed to start it. There's an option "Do not run event when the playlist is stopped" - in this case, the event will not run at all (not even insert into the playlist).

2. When a Stop is added (Multiple Event Options) in the Scheduled item, is shows --:-- 1 Mon 06 (Playlist) - as per image.
Testing it here with RadioBOSS 7.0.8, event with multiple actions:
  • stop
  • playlist
Is correctly inserted, the playlist duration is calculated.

We are currently playing ads manually as a workaround.
Maybe this is the best solution for manual operation.