Broadcast Stats Download ?


New member
Hello ,

in the statistics I see the listeners and the maximum simultaneous listeners by hour, day ... etc.
Can I download these statistics from somewhere in a file?

Also is there any setting that shows the daily total listeners? I know that I can't have the unique ones per day, hour...etc but how many come in and listen per day?

thanks , ευχαριστώ


    80.3 KB · Views: 150
Currently those stats can't be saved to a file - you can take a screenshot of the window, as a temporary solution. Internally it's stored in SQLite database, we can add an option to export data as .CSV.

It's not possible to get a more information, like unique users, this will require access to server logs, which streaming software doesn't have.

" we can add an option to export data as .CSV."

this would be a very good start so that we can have an idea with the listeners on our channels, if you manage to have more options in this it would be ideal.

Thank you again and I'm waiting