Categories and sub-categories to organize music

djsoft said:
You'll see something like this in the future RadioBOSS releases. Although we'd like to avoid the path where each song has to be "imported" and where it's requires to set up lots of parameters...
I agree, making all these compulsory fields would be very cumbersome for many users.

For example, the echo of drag and play files easily is very useful and practical for all.
But the possibility of adding it to a category with a lot of fields to improve its rotation with Playlist Generator Pro, can make things very interesting. ;)

Another good idea:
Properties, something like this I thought to do with customizable fields, but it is very cumbersome to type each value per field.
Here is selected with a simple click!


  • 1.png
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Yes, something like this, but a bit different. One or maybe two fields, very similar to how the "comment" field filter now works, but with more convenient ways to assign values, like on the screenshots you've posted.

RadioBOSS has to stay "professional and easy to use" - where "easy" is more important :) Requiring song import and making it a hassle where you have to fill in a hundred of fields is not where I want this project to go...