RadioBOSS 4.7 [beta]

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Hi, I was thinking about a new interface for RB! I created an image with the paint. the most important thing is that jingles and commercials, are shown with a background color in the list and this greatly improves the visualization and organization of commercial jingles, etc.. Are saying about it? thanks
Skins 2.0.png
nelson c said:
Hi, I was thinking about a new interface for RB! I created an image with the paint. the most important thing is that jingles and commercials, are shown with a background color in the list and this greatly improves the visualization and organization of commercial jingles, etc.. Are saying about it? thanks
Skins 2.0.png
It looks like Megamix
By the Way!
We paid for Megamix. We have three license of Megamix. But when we find RB we give up Megamix. Now, I hope Line.IN will be fix soon, becouse the newest version didn't fixed it. In fact is more badly.
If I based interface Megamix. I also prefer RB, but i was testing a megamix demo and I liked the Interfas, especially how to identify the jingles and commercials, instead of changing the color of the text as RB, have a background color underneath and I think makes it much easier to read programming.
pety said:
By the Way!
We paid for Megamix. We have three license of Megamix. But when we find RB we give up Megamix. Now, I hope Line.IN will be fix soon, becouse the newest version didn't fixed it. In fact is more badly.
It seems that you're using "Windows Mixer Control" driver in the settings, am I right?
Please post a screenshot of Line.In settings you're using.
nelson c said:
If I based interface Megamix. I also prefer RB, but i was testing a megamix demo and I liked the Interfas, especially how to identify the jingles and commercials, instead of changing the color of the text as RB, have a background color underneath and I think makes it much easier to read programming.
Yes, that's a very good idea. Actually it was proposed several years ago by another user, but I completely forgot about it :( There will be an option to switch how to identify tracks by font or background color.
Another thing. The edit/play/delete buttons are not very good idea for me... You can accidentally delete or play a track by clicking those buttons. And I don't see how the "Edit" button can be useful.
I moved back to
The settings in attach.
It works. We don't use microphone with RB


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Control Panel for audio card.
It is how you recomanded: Realtek HD



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BTW!Is it possible to have one out for Main and another one for Preview?I tried last night but I couldn't.I decided that I need another soundcard.
If he is right, it is very practical but it is easy to accidentally tracks are removed.
Another thing I like about megamix is a software especially for comericales. Although RB has a great planner, I think that is very good for music programming, but not for commercial.
I think it should include other software where more parameters can be established own advertising, such as
* Set the times to be issued in the morning, afternoon and evening that commercial, hours of trading blocs.
we have different advertising plans, for example:
Plan "A" 2 out in the morning 5 in the afternoon and 3 at night
So far we do by using playlist with commercials that are run by the programmer.
but we would be helpful for advertising a specific software.

when do you think this version will come out? this beta has been on-going for a while now and now updates since january...
pety said:
BTW!Is it possible to have one out for Main and another one for Preview?I tried last night but I couldn't.I decided that I need another soundcard.
It's posible: in the Windows control panel you should set speaker configuration to 5.1 (or any other multi-speaker config). Then you select speaker pairs for Main/Prelisten.
Using another sound card is a better option. Sometimes integrated Realtek's doesn't work good with multi-speaker configurations.

pety said:
I moved back to
The settings in attach.
It works. We don't use microphone with RB
Settings are OK. The strangest thing is that Line.In wasn't changed, especially the "Windows mixer control" part wasn't changer for years. I don't understand why it suddenly stopped working...

nelson c - yes, the adverticement scheduler is planned for the future. I was sure it'll be ready in April, but I was wrong...

nyankee said:
when do you think this version will come out? this beta has been on-going for a while now and now updates since january...
Should be next week, it's almost ready.
djsoft said:
Unfortunately is almost the same bug.
Now is not crashing (I put two soundcard), but it doesn't take the time. Line.IN plays forever.
I tested at desktop from my home, so looks like a software problem for Windows XP. I think is a soft (RB) problem, becouse I used two good soundcard, windows original xp pro (licensed - so, a windows without bugs) and two different PC's.
Please, need fix for that situation.


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That's weird. What Windows XP are you using? I just checked it on Windows XP SP3 with all updates, and it works.
You checked it on 2 PC's and it doesn't work on both?
One is Home Edition (work) and another is Pro (at home).
All updates.
I can give you a teamviewer access to check yourself (but right now my wife play backgammon online)
Hardware is OK.
Sound out is ok, linein is ok. All plays great. The only one problem is that doesn't count the time/duration, as you seen in image. That's why I believe that is a software problem.

On my laptop, in Windows 7 is ok. Line.IN counts well duration and play next track well.
An update will be tomorrow, I think this problem will be fixed. It seems that I finally was able to reproduce it.
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