RadioBOSS 4.7 [beta]

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nelson c said:
will be possible to customize the names of the jingles? that's not right to send the air above the name of the topic
There's an option "do not send title to server" for a file type. If you check it - it won't send jingle title to the server. Listeners will see the last song name instead.

nelson c said:
On the other hand I have a request that can be sent to air the name of an event instead of the songs played.
I use an event to generate a list of playlist generator towards electronic music, and would be great to send the air "are listening to electronic music" and not the name of the song is playing.
This request is on the list already, the feature will be added in one of the future versions.
This happened under my eyes (ear too).

Silence detector activated with no reason. Everything was fine, no silence at all. After the track what I was listening, silence detector activated and played my auxiliary playlisyt. You can to convince yourself from uploaded image


  • Bug_silence_detector.jpg
    610.9 KB · Views: 567
Silence detector works based on a sound level. Your file can bee too quiet, so that's why Silence Detector performed an action.
If you play this file again, and silence detector works, please send this file to for analysis.
Told you, no silence. Immediatly after track what was runinng, silence detector activated aux. That's why I send an image with wave (from track tool). I checked the next track... no silence start... the wave is good. When I started it, immediately played. It is something strange. Hope that the version 4.7 will not be so bugy.
Sory, I don't want to be bothersoma.
Another crash. I remember that you said that fixed that type of error in v.992


  • again.jpg
    544.3 KB · Views: 578
pety said:
Sory, I don't want to be bothersoma.
Another crash. I remember that you said that fixed that type of error in v.992
It's another error. The fix was for the "Access Violation", but now you've got the "Out of memory" error. That's very strange. How much RAM does your computer have? Did you perform a virus check, as "Out of memory" errors often happen because of viruses.
And when the error box appears, please click "Send bug report" button - it will help much to get error fixed fast.

pety said:
Told you, no silence. Immediatly after track what was runinng, silence detector activated aux. That's why I send an image with wave (from track tool). I checked the next track... no silence start... the wave is good. When I started it, immediately played. It is something strange. Hope that the version 4.7 will not be so bugy.
So if you start the same track again, silence detector is always activated? Or it was a one time error?
pety said:
I have 4GB RAM. Lot of memory resources.
So that's not a memory issue. I'd still suggest you to perform a virus check, as you get very strange error messages...
Hi, I got the following error when I was dragging an item in the list and end the issue was in the air.
00:15:24;error;"Exception: Access violation at address 773D2BF8 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000004 Func: PlayNextTrack";
and another error is that the new function "do not crossfade short track" one off transition point. but both the increase and the decrease still activated. I checked with a file that lasts a second. these cut out, but when I disable the option point increment and decrement perfect breed.
Leandrofiorenza said:
Hi, I got the following error when I was dragging an item in the list and end the issue was in the air.
00:15:24;error;"Exception: Access violation at address 773D2BF8 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000004 Func: PlayNextTrack";
This error was fixed in the latest update, please see the first post.

Leandrofiorenza said:
and another error is that the new function "do not crossfade short track" one off transition point. but both the increase and the decrease still activated. I checked with a file that lasts a second. these cut out, but when I disable the option point increment and decrement perfect breed.
It disables the Fadeout and Mix points for tracks 45 seconds or less. Please confirm that big still exists in the latest version.
why a vst DLL plugin stereo tool last version cant be loaded in rb tried many times also put it in the plugin folder same result :( any idea
radium98 said:
why a vst DLL plugin stereo tool last version cant be loaded in rb tried many times also put it in the plugin folder same result :( any idea
It works here...
Check the Settings->Plugins and FX->VST plugin folder. Copy the vst_stereo_tool.dll to that folder.
In RadioBOSS, uncheck and check the "VST plugins option" (to update plugin list).
StereoTool should appear there.
djsoft said:
radium98 said:
why a vst DLL plugin stereo tool last version cant be loaded in rb tried many times also put it in the plugin folder same result :( any idea
It works here...
Check the Settings->Plugins and FX->VST plugin folder. Copy the vst_stereo_tool.dll to that folder.
In RadioBOSS, uncheck and check the "VST plugins option" (to update plugin list).
StereoTool should appear there.
i tried what u suggest before posting on xp
djsoft said:
pety said:
I have 4GB RAM. Lot of memory resources.
So that's not a memory issue. I'd still suggest you to perform a virus check, as you get very strange error messages...
Avira IS and Comodo CLeaner reported: No virus!
Anyway, if problem appear I'll send "Bug report".
For your team is not a bug. BUT, for us it is.
When I search a music named "Te-am gasit" (translation: "I found You") the searcher doesn't know what to do. Why? Becouse for itself the character "-" is a special character. It shouldn't be in this way.

Can be that solved? Thanks!

For attach track to playlist maybe we can use a combination like:
Ctrl + -
Ctrl + +
This will be changed in the next update (within couple of hours :) ): only "-" and "+" located on a numeric keypad will be treated as a special characters.
Update: RadioBOSS

- VST plugin parameters are now saved
- several bugs fixed

Hi I have several errors djsoft to communicate.
1 - some mistakes, coo maximum time on the list and keys in the browser, the show in the following video.
2 - does not add the songs dragged from the desktop to the list of air
3 - in the air panel, when the title of a song is too long cut out, as in the image, center it is solved.(see screenshot)
4 - this is a mistake least that hardly anyone notices, but the numbers of the countdown to finalize a topic out half cut, especially eel the thousandth 6 and 8.(see screenshot)
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