RadioBOSS 4.8 beta
What's New:
License key:
To request free beta tester license key, please send an e-mail to (use "RadioBOSS 4.8 beta" subject).
The free key expires March 30, 2013.
If you're a registered user, please use the key you have.
Beta testing is over, no more keys for RadioBOSS 4.8 beta are issued.
RadioBOSS 4.8 beta: (12/19/2012, 19Mb)
Please post any bugs or requests in this topic. Anyone who contributed would get a significant discount - starting from 30% and up to 100% when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Utility to detect DTMF in files:
How to use: press a button and select a file (mp3, wav, ogg), program will start its playback and show found DTMF's and postitions in the log.
Playlist Generator Pro command-line parameters
Usage: PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=PRESET -out=PLAYLIST
-preset= specifies preset name
-out= specifies file name where generated playlist will be saved (should be full path with .m3u8 extension)
PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=MyPreset -out=C:\playlist.m3u8
Text To Speech feature can be used to say any text. While it's not for professional radio stations, there are many situations when it can be useful, eg parties, fun radio stations, etc
It can also say current time and day.
Syntax: TTS=+N;text
+N (or -N) is talk speed, can be from -9 to +9. Zero must have a sign too (either + or -).
text - a text you want program to speak. Can contain XML tags as described here: and hour/minute/day macro:
%h - hour
%m - minute
%s - second
%D - day
%M - month
%dw - week day
TTS=+1;<EMPH>it's %dw %Dth of %M the time is %h hours and %m minutes thank you for listening our cool radio</EMPH>
(this command can be inserted to the scheduler event's Filename field).
Time files naming for automatic time announcement
* hour files should have "h" in their name and number (2 digits) - hr_05.mp3 is a file for "it's 5" (you can also name it h05.mp3 - it will work too). Hour files which have "o" in name are used for exact hour: hr_05o.mp3 should say "it's 5 o'clock", minutes are not said in this case.
* minute files should have "m" in their name and number (2 digits) - m_56.mp3 for "56".
* files should be in the folder itself, no subfolders
What's New:
- Events can be started by DTMF signal. The signal is checked on the line input (configured vis Settings->Microphone/Line.In->LINE.IN).
In the event properties check "DTMF" and set the sequence, eg. "764C". - Automatic time announcements
- Added second work zone which can contain Search, File expolorer, Cart wall or Web browser. It can be shown/hidden via menu: View->Work Zones->1 or 2 or using hot keys Ctrl+1/Ctrl+2
- Search feature extended: now it can search in different music libraries
- Added button to check for updates: Help->Check for Updates * it's not supposed to work with beta version
- Added a setting to change font used in Player window (Settings->View->Window font) and font setting used to display countdown timers under the On Air box
- Added ability to move tabs in work zones
- Added new commands: "streamarchive on" and "streamarchive off" to turn on and off stream recording
- Playlist Generator Pro can be launched from command line (details below)
- Mouse drag-n-drop for categories and playlist structure in Playlist Generator Pro
- Added Text-To-Speech feature (details below)
- Improved network streams playback (now program reconnects in case of error)
- Improvements in Adverticement Scheduler module
- Improved "Add command..." feature (Playlist menu)
- Improved "Restart program if it crashes or hangs" feature
- Fixed performance issue in Music Library when loading large libraries (100k+ tracks)
- Fixed performance issue in Playlist Generator Pro when generating with "Read additional info" option
- Fixed an error when program failed to start on some systems
- Fixed large number of bugs + numerous overall improvements
License key:
The free key expires March 30, 2013.
If you're a registered user, please use the key you have.
Beta testing is over, no more keys for RadioBOSS 4.8 beta are issued.
RadioBOSS 4.8 beta: (12/19/2012, 19Mb)
Please post any bugs or requests in this topic. Anyone who contributed would get a significant discount - starting from 30% and up to 100% when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Utility to detect DTMF in files:
How to use: press a button and select a file (mp3, wav, ogg), program will start its playback and show found DTMF's and postitions in the log.
Playlist Generator Pro command-line parameters
Usage: PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=PRESET -out=PLAYLIST
-preset= specifies preset name
-out= specifies file name where generated playlist will be saved (should be full path with .m3u8 extension)
PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=MyPreset -out=C:\playlist.m3u8
Text To Speech feature can be used to say any text. While it's not for professional radio stations, there are many situations when it can be useful, eg parties, fun radio stations, etc

Syntax: TTS=+N;text
+N (or -N) is talk speed, can be from -9 to +9. Zero must have a sign too (either + or -).
text - a text you want program to speak. Can contain XML tags as described here: and hour/minute/day macro:
%h - hour
%m - minute
%s - second
%D - day
%M - month
%dw - week day
TTS=+1;<EMPH>it's %dw %Dth of %M the time is %h hours and %m minutes thank you for listening our cool radio</EMPH>
(this command can be inserted to the scheduler event's Filename field).
Time files naming for automatic time announcement
* hour files should have "h" in their name and number (2 digits) - hr_05.mp3 is a file for "it's 5" (you can also name it h05.mp3 - it will work too). Hour files which have "o" in name are used for exact hour: hr_05o.mp3 should say "it's 5 o'clock", minutes are not said in this case.
* minute files should have "m" in their name and number (2 digits) - m_56.mp3 for "56".
* files should be in the folder itself, no subfolders