RadioBOSS 4.9 [beta]

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Hi Dmitry,

  Better than snapshots, here is a video showing the issue.
The first time I start the task it is working as expected. The 2nd and 3rd time the file is inserted but disapear from playlist almost immediately. But it is played and it is mixed with the stream.

Hope it helps.
Hi Christian,

Thank you for the video. I suppose you have "Trigger mix at" option enabled in the Crossfades. Is it possible that advertisement tracks are low level and therefore MIX triggered at their beginning?
Try turning off "Trigger mix at" feature and see if the issue still exists.
Here is one file. All of them are edited the same way. Same average audio level, same Mix point at about 2.5 sec from end of file.
Same files where working fine on RB 4.8.3 with same RB settings.



  • rb.jpg
    227.8 KB · Views: 619
Christian said:
Here is one file. All of them are edited the same way. Same average audio level, same Mix point at about 2.5 sec from end of file.
Same files where working fine on RB 4.8.3 with same RB settings.
Christian, have you tried it on the latest version? I just tested a setup similar to yours and it works fine...

dave-t said:
The backup schedule now seems to be fixed - all other schedules worked fine - thank you  :)
Very good :)

    Just tried and still exact same issue. Sometime it's working as expected, sometime the file is skipped but played and mixed with the stream.

Christian said:
    Just tried and still exact same issue. Sometime it's working as expected, sometime the file is skipped but played and mixed with the stream.
If possible, please send "Comblage Radionomy" folder contents to - this is needed to reproduce the problem.
It's based on a random selection among the files bellow.

Hello, today by the afternoon was listening my radio and note THE FOLLOWING in a list generated by PLGen pro:
In 4 tracks, 3 corresponded to the same artist.
Then look at the record and note that songs on their label containing "Belinda Ft Pitbull" are considered different from "Belinda" (at least 85% matches), what value is recommended?, Is there any plan to improve this?.

I think the log image best describes what story.

Thank you!.

Post Data: sorry if this does not correspond to the subject.


  • repet.png
    19.8 KB · Views: 617
Hi Dmitry

I have been busy on a project, and have just now found a moment to catch up on version 4.9 development.

I was so pleased to see the improvements to the voice track recorder. Thank you so much for all your work with this. It is much easier to use than before, and it is now possible to record many voice tracks quickly.

Thanks again.  :)

Hello Dmitry, here I found new problems:
1 - When playing a streaming, metadata not updated, (perhaps this is to expand the buffer size), I mention this because it had implemented a compensation buffer to synchronize the metadata with the music.
Not sure if this error appeared in this beta or 4.8 RadioBOSS, what wilderness is that when implemented in RadioBOSS 4.7.x, worked perfect.
2 - On display covers, to enlarge the image, on several occasions I found files that contained large caratulas not even completely could show around the monitor, maybe it would be good in those cases Zoom out to be can visualize well.


I just realized that the problem is with icecast servers.
Previously worked well because it used shoutcast, icecast then migrate to, so maybe it never worked.

This is very important for us since we use a PC connected to the Internet with RadioBOSS studies to link the transmitter site, and metadata are seen by rds on the tuners.

also attached a link to the file that has the problem of cover that comment above
Christian said:
It's based on a random selection among the files bellow.
Thanks for files - but it works fine here. Are there any other settings you changed in RadioBOSS eg. those files belong to some file type? Please create settings backup (in the Settings menu) and send it to - this will help to recreate your setup and I think we'll be able to locate the problem.

nelson c said:
Then look at the record and note that songs on their label containing "Belinda Ft Pitbull" are considered different from "Belinda" (at least 85% matches), what value is recommended?, Is there any plan to improve this?.
I think you should lower the percentage to something like 50%. The next version of Playlist Generator Pro will have a TEST button to test-drive the setting.

James Totton said:
I was so pleased to see the improvements to the voice track recorder. Thank you so much for all your work with this. It is much easier to use than before, and it is now possible to record many voice tracks quickly.
Thanks :)

nelson c said:
I just realized that the problem is with icecast servers.
Previously worked well because it used shoutcast, icecast then migrate to, so maybe it never worked.
Please tell more about your setup - what is the source for Icecast and what format is used (mp3, ogg, ...).
If you play this Icecast stream in another player like Winamp - does it show the stream title?

nelson c said:
2 - On display covers, to enlarge the image, on several occasions I found files that contained large caratulas not even completely could show around the monitor, maybe it would be good in those cases Zoom out to be can visualize well.
OK, it will resize the artwork to fit in the screen.
nelson c said:
I just realized that the problem is with icecast servers.
Previously worked well because it used shoutcast, icecast then migrate to, so maybe it never worked.
Please tell more about your setup - what is the source for Icecast and what format is used (mp3, ogg, ...).
If you play this Icecast stream in another player like Winamp - does it show the stream title?
is an ogg stream. winamp works fine.

nelson c said:
2 - On display covers, to enlarge the image, on several occasions I found files that contained large caratulas not even completely could show around the monitor, maybe it would be good in those cases Zoom out to be can visualize well.
OK, it will resize the artwork to fit in the screen.
ok, thank you!
Thanks for files - but it works fine here. Are there any other settings you changed in RadioBOSS eg. those files belong to some file type? Please create settings backup (in the Settings menu) and send it to - this will help to recreate your setup and I think we'll be able to locate the problem.
Just sent the setings.
I also notice another issue, when switching back to the stream most of the time it retreaves and sent the stream URL instead of Artist & Title. At next track change then the stream URL is replaced and Artist & Title are now sent.

nelson c
Does this stream available on network? It will help for testing. OGG streams in Icecast seem to work fine here - titles are displayed correctly. Probably it's something specific to your stream - if possible, please send stream address to
Thanks for settings archive.
For the stream problem - is it Icecast or Shoutcast stream?
Actually it's an Icecast running as a Windows service on the local server.
It's the only way I found to be able to send Artist&Title information from the main RB to the RB used as an Ad server. The RB integrated streaming server does not support data and going through soundcard obviously not.
The main RB server connects to the local Icecast (aac+ 320kb/s). Every RB Ad server instances (running on  separate Windows instances) play the stream to a separate virtual audio card and detects DTMF from that virtual audio source. When DTMF is detected depending on Ad schedule the audio is replaced by the Ad Playlist. For Radionomy ad replacement every DTMF is replaced by a file from a random selection.

djsoft said:
nelson c
Does this stream available on network? It will help for testing. OGG streams in Icecast seem to work fine here - titles are displayed correctly. Probably it's something specific to your stream - if possible, please send stream address to

I send you the email address icecast.

I remember the problem is as follows:
The titles are displayed when you start playback, but not updated during playback, there is always showing the song that was playing when playback was started.
- bugs fixed

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