RadioBOSS 5.0 [beta]

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One more thing... how possible is it to make it so that even when the programme is in its default play back mode (in which the songs will flow into each other) one can decide to set the music to stop after a particular song further down the playlist, without having to insert an event for it to do so. What I have in mind is something along the lines of right clicking on a track within the playlist and being able to select the option to 'stop after this track'.
box26609 said:
How does one you do this? In my 'settings' 'view' window, under  'playback control buttons style'  I see a blank space. No style options to choose from.
Looks like a bug - will be fixed in the next update.

box26609 said:
one can decide to set the music to stop after a particular song further down the playlist, without having to insert an event for it to do so. What I have in mind is something along the lines of right clicking on a track within the playlist and being able to select the option to 'stop after this track'.
This is possible: seelct a track after which you want to stop playback, click Playlist->Add command and select "stop". The stop command will be inserted to the playlist.
can explain how to configure/worked Automatic fillers?

-The program does not write txt file with the name of the current track

-no of phase with at least 10 seconds between points fader set to "continue editor", and the mixture is actually played.

nelson c said:
no, it's excellent!. (whether the searches are faster in this latest version :) )
The query was if I can give some idea to do a search as fast on a remote control application for RB.
If you want it to be really fast, you'll need to create a custom XML parsing engine and also do the work in multiple threads to utilize all CPU cores.

nelson c said:
can explain how to configure/worked Automatic fillers?
In the Event properties window check the "Insert filler before event startup" option. Click Fillers and specify a folder where you have fillers. The more fillers (with different durations) the folder contains, the better.

The maximum time RB will try to "fill" before event startup is 2 minutes - maybe this will be changed in the future (or we'll add a setting to control it).

For example, there are 3 minutes left before event will start. Current track (which is being played now) has 2 minutes till the end. So RadioBOSS will look for a 1 minute filler and insert it after the current track.
This way, after current track ends, a filler will play, and event will go after that. No tracks are interrupted.

If there's no 1 minute filler in the folder, it will take closest possible filler which is at least 1 minute of duration.
nelson c said:
-The program does not write txt file with the name of the current track
Thank you for reporting this bug.

nelson c said:
-no of phase with at least 10 seconds between points fader set to "continue editor", and the mixture is actually played.
Can you please provide more information on this one?
rickylance said:
The track information panel doesn't read tags at times it only shows the album art with no information
Does it happen always for the same tracks or the issue is random?

It's random. And all the tracks are tagged... even the track tool won't show info.
Hi, I'm growing this program. It has nothing to evidiar to the largest.
One option that was scheduled (I think) and that I have not seen the ad has been progrmador and to launch add several tracks in rotation for a given block. This is very useful when a client asks you rotes multiple ads in the same campaign. I have seen that have been added, "if there are tracks on the list to add at the end of the list", but if I activate this option, advertising launch but when you finish all this ringing list. A good option would be to decide which block (time) want to do this.

For example I have this programming every hour.
Time - news - playlist

but I would like it to be so

Time - news - advertising - playlist

If I add the option "if no tracks in the playlist, add to end of playlist" is perfect for this scheme

Time - news - advertising - playlist

but then on the next block once you have created the playlist advertising is placed at the end of the list so that does not sound so advertising on time if not when the end of the playlist.

I'm watching the rest of improvement and I'm really surprised. But you are missing the translation into Spanish of the controller boards. I tradicido part of this but there are some terms that I can not tradicir, since I do not find in the translation file. It would be convenient to do so and I'm willing to do that if I provided....


Hola, me encanta cada vez m?s este programa. No tiene nada que evidiar a los m?s grandes.
Una de las opciones que estaba prevista (creo) y que por ahora no he visto en el progrmador de anuncios ha sido e poder lanzar a?adir varias pistas en rotaci?n para un bloque determinado. Esto es muy util cuando un cliente te pide que rotes varios anuncios en una misma campa?a publicitaria. He visto que han a?adido, "si hay pistas en la lista a?adir al final de la lista", pero si activo esta opci?n, la publicidad se lanzar? toda pero cuando finalice la lista que esta sonando. Una buena opci?n ser?a poder decidir que bloque (hora y minutos) queremos que haga esto.

Por ejemplo yo tengo esta programacion cada hora.
Horarias  - noticias -  playlist

pero me gustaria que fuera asi

Horarias  - noticias - publicidad - playlist

Si a?ado la opcion de "si hay pistas en el playlist, a?adir al final del playlist" es perfecto para hacer este esquema

Horarias - noticias  - publicidad  - playlist

pero claro en el siguiente bloque una vez que se ha creado el playlist la publicidad se coloca al final de la lista con lo que entonces la publicidad no suena a su hora si no cuando finalice el playlist. 

Estoy viendo el resto de mejoras y estoy realmente sorprendido. Pero se echa en falta la traduccion al espa?ol de el programador de anuncios. He tradicido parte de este pero hay algunos terminos que no puedo tradicir, puesto que no los encuentro en el archivo de traducci?n. Ser?a conveniente hacerlo y estoy dispuesto a ello si me lo facilitan.
Hello , I was doing a video with several program bug , error reporting also that gender RadioBOSS , some might be from previous versions .

About the API :
- Forgot the intro time application .
- Number of track that is in the air, in order to mark it in the list ( I think these two things might be included in the command " playbackinfo " ) .
- About the things that can be enabled / disabled from the api would be nice to get the state meet.
For example "Scheduler enabled " or " disabled Encoder " . Anyway I think that this is not urgent. But it would be good to add in the future.

The audio of the video is out of sync with the picture.

Video 1:

1 - Another problem with the length of a song shown in the API :
It does not consider whether a point is established "End" in the Track Tool

2 - From the API , the command " enable / disable " logger and encoder, not function.
But however the command writes " Ok "

3 - Recording the video I noticed something strange appears below the remaining time of the current track when you change the volume.

4- Error loses record size, this problem has been present for several versions and I have tired, I do not think that has to do with my pc .
I reinstalled Windows several times and the problem always continuous .

Video 2 :

1 - When you change the size of the program, it generates an error. The report should be the last of which is attached to the folder bugs, the rar .

2 - As previously report , the output "Aux" main output also output by the selected sound card .

3 - There are some problems with pressing keys and Play Next of auxiliary players .

4 - Here's an example of how still uses Wikia set points , and the mixture played in the main player , starts earlier . It's a bit hard to see because the audio is in sync.
If no record is played again .

5 - There are some problems when writing the record. Some strange characters are written , and then when you reopen the program , part of the journal is not read. Deputy registration today.

6 - Here you can see how the new " Do not mix for this type of file" , SHORT playback of the previous track fader point , and produces a very ugly .
Ideally, disable the crossfader on a track above these types of files, and once you start ends with the following . And so there would be no overlap , and not " cut " the end of the song.

Video 3:

Using the command " setnexttrack " panel does not update the next track , and this then causes the command " playbackinfo " improperly announce what the next song.

djsoft said:
The maximum time RB will try to "fill" before event startup is 2 minutes - maybe this will be changed in the future (or we'll add a setting to control it).

For example, there are 3 minutes left before event will start. Current track (which is being played now) has 2 minutes till the end. So RadioBOSS will look for a 1 minute filler and insert it after the current track.
This way, after current track ends, a filler will play, and event will go after that. No tracks are interrupted.

If there's no 1 minute filler in the folder, it will take closest possible filler which is at least 1 minute of duration.
I tried what you described but not insert anything (attached capture the event)

Link :
Thanks, Nelson.


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jopara said:
For example I have this programming every hour.
Time - news - playlist

but I would like it to be so

Time - news - advertising - playlist

If I add the option "if no tracks in the playlist, add to end of playlist" is perfect for this scheme
Do you mean the "playlist" or advertising is inserted in the wrong place? I think a couple of screenshots describing the situation would be helpful.

jopara said:
I'm watching the rest of improvement and I'm really surprised. But you are missing the translation into Spanish of the controller boards.
The language files have not been updated yet. It's planned for the later stages of beta testing.
johngrant said:
New server seems to be struggling.  Went down early am (PST) and again tonight.  Everything OK?
The new monitoring system we've put (to control the server) has incorrectly detected the server state and performed a restart several times. The problem will be resolved shortly.
Have selected for AUX1 und AUX2 an seperat channel from my soundcards, but if i play a track in the AUX1 or AUX2 i hear alwas the track from AUX and the sime time the main Channel.
Sound not good :)
Play tracks of the series after RB reboot works great now in RB 5.0 :)
I waited a long time that this scheduler function work, THANKS :)
If i stream with RB and an external mixer, have RB 5.x a VU for display the loudness from the stream?
Found thi function not, but think is a must have to stream with external mixer.
Only a new ON AIR icon is to little?
lukass2000 said:
Have selected for AUX1 und AUX2 an seperat channel from my soundcards, but if i play a track in the AUX1 or AUX2 i hear alwas the track from AUX and the sime time the main Channel.
Sound not good :)
Do you mean sound card channel assignment doesn't work? What settings do you use for Main and AUX cards?

lukass2000 said:
Play tracks of the series after RB reboot works great now in RB 5.0 :)
I waited a long time that this scheduler function work, THANKS :)
Yes, finally it was implemented :)

lukass2000 said:
If i stream with RB and an external mixer, have RB 5.x a VU for display the loudness from the stream?
Found thi function not, but think is a must have to stream with external mixer.
Only a new ON AIR icon is to little?
I wouldn't say the new ON AIR it tool little, it's read and easy to notice. But feel free to post a screenshot on how do you like it to look - we're open for suggestions.
Regarding the VU display, there's one located on the FX tab (on the left).

lukass2000 said:
The broadcasting statistic should also finally be inserted into the main program.
Maybe we'll create a separate module for it. What statistics would you like to see?
I ran into a few glitches today when I was testing out RadioBoss 5.0.

1. I opened up RadioBoss to perform more testing and when I began to play the tracks in the playlist, the audio was all distorted. I restarted RadioBoss and then it was fine.

2. The AutoAmp settings are not set to default when opened. All the sliders are set to the left.

3. When I try to view the settings for the Aux Player, I get an access violation error. See picture below.


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NounosSon said:
1. I opened up RadioBoss to perform more testing and when I began to play the tracks in the playlist, the audio was all distorted. I restarted RadioBoss and then it was fine.
Was it a one-time issue or it happened several times?

NounosSon said:
2. The AutoAmp settings are not set to default when opened. All the sliders are set to the left.
Looks like a bug - thank you for reporting.

NounosSon said:
3. When I try to view the settings for the Aux Player, I get an access violation error. See picture below.
When such an error box appears, please click Details and then Send Bug Report. It will send the information which is required to locate and fix the issue.
3. When I try to view the settings for the Aux Player, I get an access violation error. See picture below.
Have the same error at beginning, but i have must select a soundcard channel in the settings for the AUX player, then it work :)

If i stream with RB and an external mixer, have RB 5.x a VU for display the loudness from the stream?
Found thi function not, but think is a must have to stream with external mixer.
Only a new ON AIR icon is to little?
I wouldn't say the new ON AIR it tool little, it's read and easy to notice. But feel free to post a screenshot on how do you like it to look - we're open for suggestions.
Regarding the VU display, there's one located on the FX tab (on the left).
much like in the notes


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