RadioBOSS 5.1 [beta]

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RadioBOSS 5.1 beta

New features and Improvements
User Accounts to enable/disable access to software features (RadioBOSS Advanced only!)
Highlight duplicate tracks in the playlist (Playlist->Extra->Show Duplicates)
Playlist state is now preserved after program restart
New feature: Notepad (can be added to additional zones)
ON AIR now shows actual server connection state
Outro is now displayed in the Nowplaying bar
MP3 and AAC encoding quality improved (additional encoder settings can be specified in the Player.ini file)
Full Screen display - F11 (View->Fullscreen)
Search in all libraries feature
Fade In setting for file type crossfades
Better indication for Scheduler and Silence detector state
Nowplaying: .txt can now be saved in UTF8 format
Improved multi-monitor support
HTTP notification: new %playlisttitle field to send current playlist title
"Set Active Playlist" right-click option to set the active playlist
Reset profile settings feature added
Prelisten and Delete icons added to the playlist for every track
Graphical display for Rating in the playlist
MIC button is now more visible when on
API: new command - getplaylist

Run Now button can now skip next scheduled launch
"download" command can now be used to trigges specific URL (without saving any file)
"makelibrary" command can now use libraries and playlists as track sources
Group color can be changed: add [#color] tag to the group name (color can be: red, green, or RGB code AABBCC)
Events can perform several actions
Events can be ended by DTMF signal
Scheduled event is not inserted between voice track and track
Fixed "wait in the queue" bug
"Repeat every ... minutes" feature: "No more times" is now optional
Event groups can be minimized
Enable/disable all events in a group (right-click on a group)
Ability to rename scheduler group

Playlist Generator Pro
Priority based track selection depending on Playcount, Date last played and Rating (tracks which were not played for a long time, tracks with high rating can be boosted in priority) - [detailed information below]
Presets can now be stored in groups
File name substitution macro can be used in source filenames (same as in the Scheduler)
Now it's possible to use multiple track sources for each category
Related artists support for no-repeat rules
Improved random tracks selection
Each category can now override global no-repeat rules
Fixed bug: for some file types the duration was incorrectly calculated
Categories can be moved in the list
Repeat album - an option added to repeat album of the same artist only
Fixed BPM filter bug
UI improvements

Segue Editor
Ability to edit current track crossfades
Time ruler added
Save for current session only - improved
Fixed a lot of bugs

Music Library
Import music library feature
Music Library: filename column display option

Advertisement Scheduler: several minor improvements and bugs fixed
Report Generator: bugs fixed
Track Tool: sometimes was unable to save the tag bug fixed
Fixed several bugs in the Track List feature
Fixed bug with "Treat file type as voice track" option
Fixed several Start Time calculation bugs
Lots of other improvements and bugs fixed

License key:
If you're a registered user, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please send an e-mail to (use "RadioBOSS 5.1 beta" subject). The free key expires August 30, 2014. no more free beta tester keys will be issued for this version.

RadioBOSS 5.1 beta: (5/5/2014, 24Mb)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount - starting from 30% and up to 100% when the final version is released.

Please contact regarding the discount.

Playlist Generator Pro - priorities explained
Priority based track selection depends on Playcount, Date last played and Rating. For instance, tracks which were not played for a long time and tracks with high rating can be boosted in priority, therefore they will appear more often in the generated lists.

Each track has a base priority of 50. Priority is calculated internally based on rules defined. Priority value of 50 means the track has an even chance to be included in the playlist.

Priority values range from 0 to 100. 0 means the track has very low chance to be in the playlist, while 100 means the track's chance is 3-4 times higher compared to priority of 50.

Priority rules are defined in Category properties, Priority tab.
When I click teh speaker by the mp3 file or song in play list I get an error here is the error.

Error playing file (code 37:"No Description") Please Check Priestien Device Settings.

ON AIR now shows actual server connection state: I don't see the status all i see is Default On Air like before hmmm but i can change the grey speaker image that's interesting.
Love the idea of Prelisten and Delete icons in the playlist.  Would it be pushing it too far to have a Segue Editor icon?  Thanks.
getting tag save message when i change a tag on a song that is not playing cant save my tags
There is no vertical navigation in Notepad.
I put a text for my Live Talk Show and I cannot navigate in it.

There are not alocated all keyboard shortcuts for RTF Editor:
CTRL+A etc., etc. I cannot save my text in my personal Folders.
This is not what I asked for...  :-X

I do not need a Note for track....


  • _1_NOTE.jpg
    291.4 KB · Views: 1,697
I think Prelisten is a bit buggy I get an error with it also I have the tag issue even when I stop my songs also in this version?
Other problems:

can not enter numbers in the Notepad. only works 0
font size and font either

an old bug but I never reported.
Moving the cue player:
Change the position of the cue player, then change song from the list, and
the form reappears a second position (in the first case of default)
It is very important to have expandinng bullets for GROUPS in PGPRO PRESETS.
Like in image attached:


    206.5 KB · Views: 1,735
There is no Library in Search from WZ's


  • _1_NO_Library.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 1,722
Scan tracks and remove silance... doesn't work in Music Library when I use search filter
Nice features! Especially for the PlGen pro. I will also test the encoding emprovement.

I have a question: I am looking for a command line tool to edit APEv2 tags.
I need to edit on a linux server the "rating" information of the pm3 files. Does anyone has an idea? Alternatively a windows command line tool could do the job if wine compatible.
Another option would be a RadioBoss (or TrackTool) command line option to modify taging :)

Christian said:
Nice features! Especially for the PlGen pro. I will also test the encoding emprovement.

I have a question: I am looking for a command line tool to edit APEv2 tags.
I need to edit on a linux server the "rating" information of the pm3 files. Does anyone has an idea? Alternatively a windows command line tool could do the job if wine compatible.
Another option would be a RadioBoss (or TrackTool) command line option to modify taging :)


Editing tags is a bit buggy IMHO it won't save our edits. DSP effects disabled every time I use my mic and I have to enable them all over again kind of annoying and VST effects not working at all I tried a stereo effect by flux and not working.
WBGS-Founder said:
When I click teh speaker by the mp3 file or song in play list I get an error here is the error.

Error playing file (code 37:"No Description") Please Check Priestien Device Settings.
This means that Prelisted device is not configured properly. Click Settings->Options, open Playback and click
'Change...' button for the Preview device.

WBGS-Founder said:
ON AIR now shows actual server connection state: I don't see the status all i see is Default On Air like before hmmm but i can change the grey speaker image that's interesting.
It will be darken out if no encoder is connected to a server, and it will be lit up when there's at least one connection.

dashford said:
Love the idea of Prelisten and Delete icons in the playlist.  Would it be pushing it too far to have a Segue Editor icon?  Thanks.
Maybe this will also be added. I think if we add Segue, then Track Tool icons also has to be added...
riley said:
getting tag save message when i change a tag on a song that is not playing cant save my tags
What file format it is?

pety said:
There is no vertical navigation in Notepad.
I put a text for my Live Talk Show and I cannot navigate in it.

There are not alocated all keyboard shortcuts for RTF Editor:
CTRL+A etc., etc. I cannot save my text in my personal Folders.
This is not what I asked for...  :-X

I do not need a Note for track....
Thanks for reporting those bugs!

WBGS-Founder said:
I think Prelisten is a bit buggy I get an error with it also I have the tag issue even when I stop my songs also in this version?
You need to configure sound card for Prelisten, otherwise it won't work (usually second sound card is used for Prelisten).
What about tag issue - can you please give more information?
nelson c said:
need some information on how the rating values ??(-40 / +40) operating in playlist generator pro.
First post will be updated soon to explain this.

pety said:
Scan tracks and remove silance... doesn't work in Music Library when I use search filter
Thanks - I've added it to a list of bugs.

Christian said:
I have a question: I am looking for a command line tool to edit APEv2 tags.
I need to edit on a linux server the "rating" information of the pm3 files. Does anyone has an idea? Alternatively a windows command line tool could do the job if wine compatible.
Another option would be a RadioBoss (or TrackTool) command line option to modify taging :)
You can bulk-edit tags in the Music Library - can you please specify why command line tool is preferred? I think we can build such a tool.
As for the tag issues all I can say is it tells me to stop my songs to change tag I try to stop my music is won't change same error even when stopped that's all I can say and that's all the error I get.
WBGS-Founder said:
As for the tag issues all I can say is it tells me to stop my songs to change tag I try to stop my music is won't change same error even when stopped that's all I can say and that's all the error I get.
What file format it is? Mp3, WMA, ...?
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