RadioBOSS 5.3 [beta]

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RadioBOSS freezed two times playing LineIN.
By the way! When I say "RB Freeze" that means that a period between 3-6 seconds and sound is lopoing. And RB continue playing normal after freeze period...
The same annoying freeze when set a scheduler event.
In fact RB freeze almost anytime I make any settings...
Oh, so weather announcements are useless for non-english speakers :( I was hoping it would be done the same way as time so we could make our own files in our language.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
-There is no preset for compressor (let alone one that acts as a limiter on the microphone)
The presets are located at the bottom - see the picture attached.
There is nothing in the combobox from here.

nelson c said:
-Sidechain compressor for microphones:
It's like microphone turns off every "X" seconds and is activated when I start to speak. but at the moment that becomes active, the first word is heard cut (in the beginning). (use WASAPI with the given buffer)
You need to have microphone on all the time when this feature is used. Does it always cut the first word?
The microphone is always on, only to notice that RadioBOSS sets it to "mute". (always being the button mic on. I guess to eliminate background noise) but is activated automatically when I start talking. in that moment always cut the first word (is enabled half a second later when he began talking)
nelson c said:
-The Downland command disappeared from the programmer
As I recall, it wasn't removed from anywhere... Can you please give more details?
The command does not appear in the list of commands from the controller (I do not mean the Wizard).
Maybe if the command downloand type works as before. (I did not try that)

nelson c said:
-Option "Set default" in the programmer does not do anything
It saves current option set as default option set. The next time you create a new event, it'll have those options.
I understand, thank you.

nelson c said:
-TrackTool: using next, Prev track, sometimes the program is minimized
To clarify, is it minimized, or closed completely? When you use those buttons, it closes the Track Tool and then opens another one with the new track.
This minimized. in a moment that I was testing this feature, the window of TrackTool is hidden and then not be showed more (left back of the RadioBOSS main window), and I had to maximize it.

nelson c said:
-TrackTool: Problem with the zoom (see image atached)
What's wrong there? It allows zooming in wide range - it's by design. Or the problem is somewhere else?
Ah ok, I thought that it was a bug.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
-As well as be added the date field when he joined the library (for songs), I would like to a field with the date from the first time it is played
There was another similar request recently, I think RadioBOSS will keep a history of when a track was played (last 10 entries, I think). What is the "First time played" needed for?

To learn from the date it is playing a song. what you have in mind is really very useful. but I think that the ideal solution would be to see in that date be reproduced every time that came to the air (though in some way, perhaps already can with the report generator). but I understand that this is very complex or impossible mode is handled now (saving these data on each track). Maybe would be possible, if a database engine is deployed at some point.
Current Track not Highlighted


  • CurrentTrack-NotHighlighted.jpg
    97.5 KB · Views: 1,025
Maya Vu?kovi? said:
Oh, so weather announcements are useless for non-english speakers :( I was hoping it would be done the same way as time so we could make our own files in our language.
I think the same as you.
For users in another language, this is useless.

Not achieve well understand as you pass values to variables.

I think what we need most is the following boxes:
-Read a text file (which can be of a meteorological station) or obtain data from any service like Yahoo weather.
Then with that select an audio depending on the data file, for example

In addition to this, I would like to issue daily rain (whenever it is greater than 0.0mm, if not say nothing)
Hello, could give more information for:
- Remote Control API: insert after the scheduled events command

nelson c said:
To learn from the date it is playing a song. what you have in mind is really very useful. but I think that the ideal solution would be to see in that date be reproduced every time that came to the air (though in some way, perhaps already can with the report generator). but I understand that this is very complex or impossible mode is handled now (saving these data on each track). Maybe would be possible, if a database engine is deployed at some point.
If it saves each time a track was played, eventually it'll be a lot of information. Database engine is planned though, so I think it'll be possible in the future.

pety said:
Current Track not Highlighted
It's OK on the screenshot (the current track is bold). Or did you mean highlight the track under mouse cursor? If so, check in the setting what color is set for highlight.

nelson c said:
Hello, could give more information for:
- Remote Control API: insert after the scheduled events command
User manual is not updated yet... Use the &pos=-3 parameter to insert the track after scheduled tracks.
pety said:
I use 2 sound cards. That mean that I use DirectSound driver. Anytime I make settings in FX or in Playback or Input RadioBOSS freeze and sound is looping as long as RB is freezed.
OK, I'll take a deeper look into it, thanks for reporting. I'll let you know if more information is needed on this bug.

pety said:
By the way! I do need Windows Mixer for MIC anymore.
Did you mean that you do not need mixer anymore? :)

pety said:
The same annoying freeze when set a scheduler event.
In fact RB freeze almost anytime I make any settings...
That's odd. Do you mean it also freezes when you add/edit a scheduled event?

bobby said:
if i renew my radioboss license

will i get the vb audio cables program with it

Maya Vu?kovi? said:
Oh, so weather announcements are useless for non-english speakers :( I was hoping it would be done the same way as time so we could make our own files in our language.
It will be possible as well. The problem here is that phrases will be simpler that using text-to-speech engine. If you have any example set of files for temperature, can you send it to us ( - I'll see what can be done about it.

nelson c said:
There is nothing in the combobox from here.
It looks like the installed didn't copy the files as you updated your existing install... If you need, I can send you those presets, there are only two.

nelson c said:
The microphone is always on, only to notice that RadioBOSS sets it to "mute". (always being the button mic on. I guess to eliminate background noise) but is activated automatically when I start talking. in that moment always cut the first word (is enabled half a second later when he began talking)
OK, will be fixed in the next update.

nelson c said:
The command does not appear in the list of commands from the controller (I do not mean the Wizard).
Maybe if the command downloand type works as before. (I did not try that)
I'm not sure why it was removed. Will be back in the next update :)

nelson c said:
This minimized. in a moment that I was testing this feature, the window of TrackTool is hidden and then not be showed more (left back of the RadioBOSS main window), and I had to maximize it.
Can you please make a video of this bug?
database engine ? Soft will be involved with multi-gygabyte installs? It`s the only one that  not use these types of HUGE softwares for "shitting" the main soft. Don`t tell me it will be the Microsoft SQL installs or something like that ...
Please keep the soft simple and powerfull without external shit softs to be installed so it can work. I think it`s unnecessarily
Give some information on this ...
Maya Vu?kovi? said:
Oh, so weather announcements are useless for non-english speakers :( I was hoping it would be done the same way as time so we could make our own files in our language.
It will be possible as well. The problem here is that phrases will be simpler that using text-to-speech engine. If you have any example set of files for temperature, can you send it to us ( - I'll see what can be done about it.

I have locutions of temperature, but in Spanish.
If it's let me know and sent it by mail. (the nomenclature of the files is the same)

nelson c said:
There is nothing in the combobox from here.
It looks like the installed didn't copy the files as you updated your existing install... If you need, I can send you those presets, there are only two.
It is not necessary, it will wait for the next update. :)

nelson c said:
This minimized. in a moment that I was testing this feature, the window of TrackTool is hidden and then not be showed more (left back of the RadioBOSS main window), and I had to maximize it.
Can you please make a video of this bug?
Ok, I'll do it soon
I have the following idea that can be very practical.
To move songs from one list to another instead of adding this option the PopUp menu is could drag flap tracks to the playlist (see image)


  • Arrastrar.png
    359.2 KB · Views: 1,036
klinsoft said:
database engine ? Soft will be involved with multi-gygabyte installs? It`s the only one that  not use these types of HUGE softwares for "shitting" the main soft. Don`t tell me it will be the Microsoft SQL installs or something like that ...
Please keep the soft simple and powerfull without external shit softs to be installed so it can work. I think it`s unnecessarily
Give some information on this ...
The database engine will be a separate download for those who need it. Of course there's no intention to include it in the distribution.

nelson c said:
I have locutions of temperature, but in Spanish.
If it's let me know and sent it by mail. (the nomenclature of the files is the same)
Spanish should do - please send them.

nelson c said:
I have the following idea that can be very practical.
To move songs from one list to another instead of adding this option the PopUp menu is could drag flap tracks to the playlist (see image)
It's possible already: drag a track by its icon on another playlist tab.
klinsoft said:
database engine ? Soft will be involved with multi-gygabyte installs? It`s the only one that  not use these types of HUGE softwares for "shitting" the main soft. Don`t tell me it will be the Microsoft SQL installs or something like that ...
Please keep the soft simple and powerfull without external shit softs to be installed so it can work. I think it`s unnecessarily
Give some information on this ...
Some time ago I thought like you.
Then when I learned to use SQL and query, I realized the amount of information that can be stored and of course then do very complex queries, as for example the date of every time that a song is played. Use alternative methods to save this information makes things very complicated.
Anyway this great idea to choose whether to work or not with SQL. the person that needs something "easy" you can do it well as requiring SQL you can use it.
remember what the automated sweeper in music , that's what's missing , sweeper amid cansiones , and is automatic for not having to always precionandolos that we want.
It is a very important obsion to the middle of songs, the program remember my frequency or station.
and my idea is that you always inserted automatically
because the function that exists now requires me to be present to put pisadores.
it is in all playlists. I translated it with google , sorry for any errors
djok said:
remember what the automated sweeper in music , that's what's missing , sweeper amid cansiones , and is automatic for not having to always precionandolos that we want.
It is a very important obsion to the middle of songs, the program remember my frequency or station.
and my idea is that you always inserted automatically
because the function that exists now requires me to be present to put pisadores.
it is in all playlists. I translated it with google , sorry for any errors
I also need this feature for a long time. but at some point should, as is on the list of development. :)
nelson c said:
I have the following idea that can be very practical.
To move songs from one list to another instead of adding this option the PopUp menu is could drag flap tracks to the playlist (see image)
It's possible already: drag a track by its icon on another playlist tab.
I did not know that this was implemented :), great!
(It was tested on 5.2)
djok said:
remember what the automated sweeper in music , that's what's missing , sweeper amid cansiones , and is automatic for not having to always precionandolos that we want.
It is a very important obsion to the middle of songs, the program remember my frequency or station.
and my idea is that you always inserted automatically
because the function that exists now requires me to be present to put pisadores.
it is in all playlists. I translated it with google , sorry for any errors
I'm, afraid I didn't understand this request... Looks like Google Translate didn't do its job good this time.
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