RadioBOSS 5.7 [beta]

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celso said:
Hi, I believe that in the separators, you could have the option to choose how many will be inserted inside the block, type each 1, 2, 3 ... commercial one separator. Another thing I think is very useful is that the separators accept lists, so we avoid creating another folder just for separators and duplicating copies of the same file unnecessarily. So the separators accepting lists with repeating protection like Track List works. We could also from this idea insert in this list commands like for example certain temperature and other things.

The idea of ??accepting lists is also valid for Auto Intro
celso said:
I mean to be able to choose how many separators to enter between the commercials, for example, if I have 6 commercials in a block, for 1 separator in the interval of every 2 or 3 commercials and not between all like now
The similar request was proposed here:,5029.msg25153.html#msg25153 - I think we'll add "Probability" config option for separators.

nelson c said:
Could you select all non-existent files when activating this option? It would be much easier to remove them from the playlist.
Currently it only marks them with red color. It's supposed to be rare case when the playlist contains non-existent files. Do you have many non-existent files in your playlists?

celso said:
The idea of ??accepting lists is also valid for Auto Intro
Playlist sources will be added for separators and auto intro features. Thank you for the idea!
djsoft said:
Currently it only marks them with red color. It's supposed to be rare case when the playlist contains non-existent files. Do you have many non-existent files in your playlists?
Usually are few files. (that a file does not exist generally corresponds to an error, or that it has been replaced by another of better sound quality and the new file has already added in the list)
The problem here is not the amount of files deleted, but to locate them in playlist of 20000 songs.
nelson c said:
The problem here is not the amount of files deleted, but to locate them in playlist of 20000 songs.
The purpose of the "Show nonexistent files" feature is to show problem tracks for live broadcasters. For fully-featured playlist/library checks, I suggest using Music Library: you can import your playlist (menu Add->Import from playlist), and then use the Tools->Remove entries for non-existent files menu command.
Credit where credit is due Dmitry!  You have done a great job on the latest Beta and the rate at which this software is developing is certainly worth the investment.  You never fail to impress!  Happy Christmas!
Michael G said:
Credit where credit is due Dmitry!  You have done a great job on the latest Beta and the rate at which this software is developing is certainly worth the investment.  You never fail to impress!  Happy Christmas!
Thanks a lot! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for fixing the 'stop' issue where it now disappears out of the playlist once it has been 'played'.

Edit: I noticed you've put an option for this in 'settings > general'. At the moment, the stops are removed from the playlist whether the checkbox is ticked or not. (I am okay with the stops being removed for my purpose, but thought I'd let you know)
Bug: When adding a scheduled command into the cart wall (for example http://localhost:9000?pass=abc&cmd=play) the command will run a few times after a few seconds, and then continue
se-schwarz said:
So please add them asap. So that I can translate them all in one
The problem here is that some features are not added to the software. Like, Auto Intro will have new filter fields and rules, and there are some other options that are going to be added in the coming RadioBOSS 5.7.0.x updates. The final language files will be ready in about RadioBOSS .6).

southernfm said:
Edit: I noticed you've put an option for this in 'settings > general'. At the moment, the stops are removed from the playlist whether the checkbox is ticked or not. (I am okay with the stops being removed for my purpose, but thought I'd let you know)
Stops are always removed if you use the "Queue Mode" for the playlist - so that it removes everything that was "played". The option, when checked, allows to also remove "stops" when Queue Mode for the playlist is disabled.

southernfm said:
When adding a scheduled command into the cart wall (for example http://localhost:9000?pass=abc&cmd=play)
You shouldn't add it the API way - instead of "http://localhost:9000?pass=abc&cmd=play" try entering only play.
RadioBOSS beta

- Fixed left panel resizing after minimize
- Fixed a bug in enablegroup/disablegroup scheduler commands
- Auto Intro: added support for playlist source; new filter rules and fields
- Auto Intro: ability to disable all rules manually in Auto Intro window, and using scheduler command set autointro on|off
- Minor bugs fixed

djsoft said:
RadioBOSS beta

- Fixed left panel resizing after minimize

The log panel is returning to the previous position since minimizing Radioboss, is this normal? Would it be good for him to obey the will of the user and to keep it in the established position, would that be possible? Or have another way to disable it.

RadioBOSS beta


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djsoft said:
This does not seem to happen here - does it happen always, or only sometimes?

I noticed that this happened with more intensity in the dark theme, in the theme of windows 10 it had a small modification, see in print.


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djsoft said:
- Auto Intro: ability to disable all rules manually in Auto Intro window, and using scheduler command set autointro on|off

Good morning, the option to turn off works perfectly, I would like to give one more suggestion in this case, since we will not always use auto intro in all the rules that we configure. The possibility to individually activate and deactivate each one of them and by the enable disable all command as it is working now. It would do the same way the transmission works as pictured below. Consider also the possibility of saving profiles as was done in teasers



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    Sem t?tulo.jpg
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Wheslley said:
I noticed that this happened with more intensity in the dark theme, in the theme of windows 10 it had a small modification, see in print.
Thank you for the information, we'll address this bug in the next update.

celso said:
I would like to give one more suggestion in this case, since we will not always use auto intro in all the rules that we configure. The possibility to individually activate and deactivate each one of them
Thank you for the suggestion! Noted for the future versions.
It  would be great if we could insert starting and due dates to  each alternate track . So that ir would rondomly choose from The real active tracks
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